Anomalous Collector

Chapter 300: Quiet dissection room

Why are you working overtime suddenly?

Li Fan frowned.

If the anatomy of Xia Guo's Southwestern Anomaly Bureau looks loose in normal times, everyone can stand up to it at critical moments, and there is definitely a sense of responsibility for the people.

So although this anatomy office of the Royal Siam Exorcism Bureau usually goes to work on time, it definitely leaves work on time and never works overtime.

It can be said that although the Anatomy Department is a marginal department in the Royal Exorcism Bureau, the officers in the Anatomy Department do not treat themselves as marginal officers at all.

On the contrary, he has a high self-esteem, and has always felt that his work is a kind of selfless risk, a gift to ordinary people and the civilian class.

work overtime?


It is already a kind of nature to not directly go to the society to show off the privileges.

When they got off work tonight, this group of people had obviously made an appointment to go out to play, and suddenly came back to work overtime. It is estimated that something big went wrong.

Is there any serious abnormal infection in Manchester City?

In this case, as a special adviser to the Anatomy Department of the Royal Exorcism Bureau, he really has to go over and take a look.

Li Fan put on his clothes, threw all the bear dolls into his backpack, then put on the backpack, walked out of the room, and headed towards the anatomy.

At this time, apart from the maids, he was the only one in the entire villa, and Gou Daoren and the other investigators had not yet returned.

Obviously accepted invitations from different departments to enjoy the nightlife.

Li Fan tweeted. Although he wanted to go out to play, he still went out as little as possible in this case.

After so many large-scale abnormal infection incidents, he has vaguely felt like he is Conan's physique. Wherever he goes, there will be abnormalities, and there will be a chance to perform meritorious service.

This is absolutely impossible.

As he thought about it, he was carrying a backpack in the garden-like courtyard of the Royal Exorcist.

The mental power has been withdrawn from the bear dolls, turning them into unconscious heads again, falling into silence.

One way to do this is to prevent them from making unnecessary noises, and the other is to save their mental energy.

Now Li Fan is still not sure how long he can use these to shrink people's heads. If the mental power is not enough during the battle, it will be embarrassing.

In the past few days, class has already been familiar with the road, and Li Fan quickly came to the building where the anatomy office was located.

However, unlike what was expected, the building of the anatomy department was dim at this time, and the lights were not on.

It's just a little light in the duty room.

what's the situation?

Are they all working overtime?

At this time, when viewed from the outside, the entire anatomical building looked very dim, and it didn't look like someone was working at all.

Overtime is over?

Li Fan thought, ready to turn around and leave.

At this moment, his mobile phone rang again, and Li Fan picked it up to see that it was an unfamiliar number.

Press the answer button and listen to Sucha’s voice coming from the phone:

"Ms. Li, have you not arrived yet? Min Dong and I have been waiting for a long time. Now we need your help. Please come in quickly. We are in the large autopsy room."

Before Li Fan could answer, Su Cha had hung up the phone.

Li Fan's expression instantly became somber, he put his phone in his pocket, took out the bear doll with Bassoon's head from his backpack, carried it in his hand, and walked to the Anatomy Department building in front of him.

When I just wanted to try the knife, someone came to the door.

After entering the foyer, there is a duty room next to it.

At this time, the duty room where there should have been three police officers on duty was empty, with only one lamp on.

Those monitoring screens that were supposed to show the various rooms of the anatomy were all snowflakes, squeaking.

Only the TV in the duty room was still playing TV commercials at this time, and the sound was very loud.

Look at the cigarette butts in the ashtray. They are still burning at this time. Valley

The coffee cup was still warm, and apparently it didn't take long for the police officer on duty to leave.

Li Fan took a flashlight from the desk in the duty room and walked towards the large autopsy room.

The large dissecting room of the Royal Exorcism Office is located on the west side of the first floor, and you have to walk through a long corridor to reach it.

Li Fan walked to the corridor and stomped his feet. The voice-activated light did not respond at all, and it seemed to be broken.

Turning on the flashlight at the moment, carrying a backpack, carrying Bassong's bear doll in one hand, walked towards the large autopsy room.

Passing by the temporary morgue and anomalous object storage room along the way, Li Fan took a picture with a flashlight and immediately found some weird places.

The doors of the storage cabinets of the original anomalous item storage room should be closed tightly, but at this time they were all opened.

The drawers inside were all pulled out, various containment boxes were also opened, and the anomalous items inside were thrown all over the floor.

The abnormal radiation detector on the door was humming at this time, and the reading had reached more than three hundred.

At the same time, all the cryogenic morgues in the temporary morgue were opened.

Li Fan took a flashlight and saw that the corpses inside were lying in those transparent morgues, but they all had no heads!

Well, there are more people who like to play with Ertou recently...

It seems that Siam is fashionable here...

While complaining in his heart, Li Fan came to the door of the large dissection room.

The door was open, but it was dark inside.

Li Fan took a photo with a flashlight, and saw that there were seven or eight people in front of a large anatomy bed at this time, all with their backs to him.

Looking at the outfit and hairstyle, it was Min Dong and Sucha, as well as several other police officers in the anatomy department.

With their backs to the door at this time, there was a faint sound of tearing something.

Li Fan casually pressed the light button by the door, but found that it had no effect at all.

It seems that someone has cut the wire.

Shining the beam of the flashlight over, the silhouettes of several people were immediately stretched and reflected on the opposite wall, looking very strange with their teeth and claws.

Li Fan carried Ba Song's little bear doll with a flashlight and walked over slowly, UU reading www. said:

"Min Dong, Su Cha, what are you doing here?"

Hearing his voice, Min Dong, Su Cha and others did not respond, and still did not stop their movements.

These people have problems, and they may have been abnormally infected!

Li Fan continued to walk over, and soon came behind a few people, stabbed Sucha's shoulder with the flashlight in his hand, and said:

"What are you doing?"

As soon as the voice fell, several people turned around and looked over at the same time, their eyes dull and dull.

Under the shining light of the flashlight, Li Fan immediately saw that all of these people were holding a head in their hands. It was the heads of those abnormally infected bodies in the temporary morgue!

At this time, their mouths were bloody, and the heads in their hands were mutilated, and there were many tooth marks on them.

They are actually eating the heads of these abnormally infected bodies here!

The moment they saw Li Fan, several people held up the broken heads in their hands at the same time. These broken heads opened their mouths at the same time and bit them towards Li Fan!

Rao was already mentally prepared for a long time, Li Fan still had a sudden heart when he saw this scene, and instantly pulled the bear doll in his hand, and at the same time released his mental power, activating Bassoon's head.

In the bear doll's head, Bassoon's head instantly awakened. Before he could figure out the situation, he immediately saw the oncoming broken head and big mouth of blood.

This terrifying scene scared him and screamed:


A spiritual ripple suddenly released from his head, penetrating the heads of those abnormally infected bodies.

In the next instant, these terrifying heads disintegrated and shattered in an instant, turning them into masses of bones and flesh!


(Adding updates is complete for the leader, good night everyone~~)

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