Anomalous Collector

Chapter 370: Eastern Pastoral Membership Welfare Plan

Li Fan proposed a very detailed welfare plan for members of the Association to the five members of the Cleaning Association on the spot. Including but not limited to:

Full-time members can work for the association no more than six hours a day, and part-time members can work for the association no more than one hour a day. If they decide to work at night, they can apply for overtime allowance, which is three times the daily hourly wage.

At the same time, if there is a large-scale battle, abnormal handling, scientific research, etc. in the association during the holidays, those who need to work overtime can apply for an overtime subsidy after the event, which is five times the daily hourly wage.

If the family members of the association members are seriously ill, they can apply for a 50-year interest-free loan, or the pastor of the pastoral area will provide assistance according to the performance of the association members.

If a young association member who has just stepped into the society does not want to work for the association full-time, but is going to find a full-time job to do it, and by the way, the association can be responsible for mobilizing relevant forces to arrange for entry into some of the association's subordinate enterprise units. Salary shall not be less than 50% of the internal income of the association.

Young members of the association who want to get married can apply for a marriage subsidy. At the same time, if necessary, they can apply for it, and some corporate executives and unit leaders of the association will go to the wedding site to support the scene.

For members of the association who have worked for more than one year, if there is a problem with the purchase of a house in the school district or the inconvenience of the elderly at home to bring their children to school or childcare, they can apply to the East Pastoral District for a special support fund of 200,000 CNY per child per year. Each member of the association, whether full-time or part-time, takes one month's paid vacation every year, such as traveling abroad, and can be reimbursed by the Oriental Pastoral Area for round-trip air tickets and accommodation.

In addition to these, there are various welfare provisions.

In all aspects, there are no details, even two barrels of non-GMO edible oil, a bag of rice, a bag of noodles, half a fan of pork, and so on.

Humanistic care is detailed to the extreme.

Then there are the provisions of the work index kpi, which is directly cut in half from the existing kpi index, and the punishment measures that cannot be completed by the kpi index are cancelled, and replaced by psychological counseling and language incentives.

At the same time, from now on, within a three-year period, all kpi indicators will be gradually cancelled, and the happy work system will be implemented in the entire eastern pastoral area.

Happy work, easy cleaning.

The last is the transformation of the organizational structure and system of the entire eastern pastoral area, from a secret society organization to a modern corporate organization.

First, take the Sangguo Pastoral Area as a pilot area, and within the next two years, the company system will be implemented in the entire Eastern Pastoral Area.

The positions of pastor and patriarch will continue to be retained, but concurrently serve as general manager and president of the pastoral area. The original cleaner system is preserved, and the system of pastoral area manager and department manager is paralleled.

While Li Fan was dictating, Aunt Zhang quickly recorded by the side. When they heard the words of the collector and wrote down the innovative measures of the entire Dongfang pastoral area, the five people were already stunned.

Aunt Zhang said quickly:

"My lord, if this system is implemented, the amount of funds required is absolutely astronomical. Our Eastern Pastoral Area really has some..."

Although the entire Eastern Pastoral Area has a lot of money, it can't stand it. Isn't this pig farming?

It's too easy!

Investigators from the Anomaly Bureau heard about it, and they all had to come in and mess around.

Anyway, there are no mission indicators, no KPIs, and all kinds of benefits, so why not go on like this, the Cleaning Association East Pastoral Area has become a charity organization!

Li Fan said with an expressionless face:

"The income from the Awakened Stimulus Project is all included in the finances of the Eastern Pastoral Area for member welfare policies."

In the future, Gluttony will be responsible for this project, and there will be absolutely no money to be made. There is no money to fill this hole.

Seeing that the collectors have made up their minds, the five members of the Cleaning Association are not ready to say anything.

Although several people understood that this would consume a huge amount of money, from the perspective of members of the cleaning association, they were also deeply moved by the collectors.

The lord deserves to be the man closest to the Lord of the Abyss. What kind of fame and fortune is not important in the eyes of the lord. This welfare policy is obviously intended to attract more people to join the cleaning association.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

It's just that adults may not understand the despicable and sinister nature of human nature. If they really do this, it is very likely that many people will become salary thieves and work foreign workers every day. If things go on like this, the entire Eastern Pastoral Area will collapse.

Mother and Aunt Zhang looked at each other and sighed. Take it one step at a time.

Fortunately, there are not many people in the East Pastoral Area as a whole, only a few hundred thousand people, and the current amount of funds is still sufficient.

It is estimated that when it is really implemented, the collectors will also notice the inappropriateness of this plan and stop the loss in time.

Naturally, Li Fan also saw the reaction of the five members of the Cleaning Association. The more the other party reacts like this, the more it shows that his plan is really good and must be vigorously implemented.

The funds in the East Pastoral Area are not enough, and there is also the headquarters of the Cleaning Association. When the time comes, I will ask the headquarters for money, and strive to collapse the finances of the Cleaning Association as soon as possible. Everyone is happy.

When the cleaning association collapsed, let alone the patriarch of the Eastern Pastoral Area, even if he became the chief patriarch or the president, that would be the case.

Still have the authority to fart?

He said quietly at the moment:


He got up and walked out of the room, and just left.

The plan has been announced, and the next step is to implement it according to the charter.

He even had some expectations. After the implementation of the new policy, the entire Eastern Pastoral Area would collapse.

By that time, the fire of luck on his head will probably shrink directly.

Just thinking about it makes me happy.

A few people behind them hurriedly bowed their heads and did not dare to say anything.

After the collector had completely left, the five members of the Cleaning Association took a deep breath and relaxed.

The five looked at each other, all feeling relieved.

Lao Sun said to Lao Chen on the spot:

"Old Chen, tsk tsk, it has to be you! Congrats, it will be Pastor Chen in the future! This is a pastoral area started by adults, and it is the most powerful pastoral area we have now. You have to work hard."

Aunt Zhang on the side also covered her mouth and smiled:

"I didn't expect that it was Lao Chen who became the pastor first, tsk tsk, let's talk about it, how did you get the collectors to appreciate you so much? I thought You Ming was going to become a pastor..."

Old Chen waved his hands again and again, his face blossomed with a smile, and he said humbly:

"Where, where, I don't know anything, I just do things for the adults. As long as the adults explain things, I will be very careful, and I will try to do better than the adults ask. When writing a letter to the Anomaly Bureau..."

Lao Chen was in a good mood at this time, and immediately opened the chat box and began to tell the details of his "being able to do things".

Including but not limited to, helping the collector to rewrite the night watchman's letter, getting a cup of milk tea for every rescued person in the autopsy department during the underground palace incident, and leaving the adult's name, and taking the camera on the spot when reporting to Deshan Temple today. Take pictures of the heroic appearance of adults, and so on.

In Lao Chen's view, although he can do things, the colleagues around him are still a little short.

This kind of lower-level study of office politics and serving leaders, without his old Chen's guidance, these colleagues would never think of that point.

Since I was the first to become a pastor, it is necessary to pass on my experience and carry it forward, so that everyone can be promoted to important positions as soon as possible.

When everyone is an official, it is the real official.

It's all your own network.

Hearing Lao Chen's remarks, the five members of the Cleaning Association tutted their tongues at this moment, and only then did they understand why Lao Chen was the first to become a pastor.

It turns out that kung fu is always normal!

The old grandson swore his teeth and praised:

"Rape, Lao Chen, you're too bad!"

Old Chen scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and the face of the new Indochina shepherd was a little blushing.

Then he raised his head and asked the old grandson:

"By the way, Old Sun, what does your lord mean by asking you to plant trees in the western part of Zhongzhou? Why didn't I understand?"

At this time, the old sun also said with joy:

"This matter really went to my heart, you don't know, after entering that ghost emperor's cave and being possessed by the giant in the abyss, my abilities were awakened, especially in cultivating plants. The lord should have guessed it, and I will report to the lord after I have finished building the forest."

The mother and Aunt Zhang on the side looked at each other with a smile at the same time.

The mother asked with a smile:

"Your Excellency let us take charge of the court, then we will stare and share our worries for Your Excellency..."

Aunt Zhang nodded again and again:

"Yes, yes, I remember that there was a Jessica in Beixin Lu pastoral district who satirized us in person that time, very much like a spy!"

Mother nodded:

"Yes, Jessica is probably infiltrated by the Xinlu Soul Requisition Bureau, and she has a tendency to be a traitor. You must check it carefully. If you resist, you will be a traitor... By the way, there is another office in Sangguo. Kazuko, who secretly chewed our tongues behind our backs, was passed on to my ears..."

Aunt Zhang's eyes narrowed, and she instantly took on a chilling air, and said:

"This must also be a traitor. This is chasing the wind and deliberately destroying the unity of the cleaning association. It must be a good referee..."

"And there's a guy named David at the headquarters, who always looks at me with squinting eyes. It must be a traitor who has been infiltrated. Go back and dig out his eyes and torture him."

"I remember last time someone secretly went to the headquarters to report our embezzlement of funds, and they were all told by the sisters at the headquarters. It seemed that it was the accountant named Mei Na. I think she was also bewitched by a hostile organization."

"Alas, since I was bewitched, I have to referee..."

Having said that, UU reading www.uukanshu. com The two women looked at each other and smiled, and laughed out loud.

The three men next to him were horrified and shivered.

At this time, Lao Sun turned his head to look at Gluttony, and said worriedly:

"Gluttony, my lord is ready to activate you again... Can you hold back this time?"

Several people around also stopped chatting at this time, and turned their attention to gluttony.

Since just now, Gluttony has been sitting silently on the sofa beside him, frowning tightly, thinking about something.

At this time, hearing Lao Sun's words, Gluttony's frowning frowned stretched out and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, during the battle at Baodeshan Temple, my ability has also been greatly improved, and I will never eat the test subjects because I can't restrain my bloodthirsty impulse like before."

Old Sun Chang breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"That's great. Originally, you should be in charge of the scientific research projects of our group. I have always been a half-assed person, and I can only force myself to do these things. In the future, if you have a doctor of life sciences to regroup, then our research should be It will be smoother.”

Gluttony nodded:

"I understand that since the Lord has given me a second chance, I will definitely take it well and will not let down the trust of the Lord. The Awakener project can at least be optimized by more than 30%."

While speaking, Gluttony had already taken out a pair of long-lost gold wire glasses from his pocket and put them lightly on his eyes, and his whole person instantly became elegant and extraordinary.

The leading expert in life sciences, codenamed Dr. Gluttony, is online again.


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