Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 103 The King's Disqualification (12)

Flying in the air, one thing how many people yearn for.

Overcoming the shackles of gravity, the embrace of Mother Earth, who broke free, soared in the sky and the earth under the witness of the stars and Elune--this is the feeling of flying, this is the feeling of freedom.

Relying on Xuan's strong power, Carlos finally arrived at Guy Eldalon late at night the next day after taking a short break twice in the middle.

"My friend, don't you want to prepare a pair of flying glasses too much?" With his messy hairstyle, Carlos stood on the ground again, tears in his eyes.

One half is excited, and the other half is dry eyes and blown by the wind.

"I'm sorry." Kurdran scratched his head innocently, shrugged his shoulders, and finally spread his hands.

Carlos resisted my impulse to choose death, and took out a letter to Kurdran.

"My friend, you have helped me a lot, but I still need you to do me a favor." Carlos said.

"Although I don't understand what you want to do, I believe you. To whom?" Kurdran took the letter from Carlos.

Carlos knelt down and whispered in Kurdran's ear.

"Oh, oh. Oh! That's really bad." Kurdran couldn't help shaking his head after listening.

"So I can only rely on you, my friend." Carlos said.

"Now Falstad is the boss, I will talk to him. In addition, I will deliver your letter on time. I promise with my beard in the name of Xuenu!" Kurdran swears so, and the one next to him is resting. The white griffin looked at his dwarf buddy innocently.

"Carlos, goodbye. That fairy, I'm leaving!" After bidding farewell to his friends, Kurdran re-climbed Xuen's back, the griffon flapped its wings and quickly disappeared from the sight of Carlos and Dandema. Within range.

"Dandema, you seem to be very comfortable with flying?" Carlos, who had adjusted for a long time, still felt that his pace was a little vacant, and found that Dandema was like a okay person, so he couldn't help but ask.

"I used to be obsessed with Hippogryph racing, and I went to the flight driver's license test. I passed the fourth level and not the sixth level. If you feel that the pace is light and the sense of coordination is not enough, stom the foot vigorously and push your heels hard." Dan Dema Yi Said his face with aftertaste.

Carlos did what he said and found it worked.

After another while, after adjusting, the two began to move forward.

"I lived here all year round when I was young, and I still don't have any feelings. The scenery along the shore of Lake Dalongmir is really beautiful."

Guy Erdalon was strolling in the late autumn. Not far away is Lake Dalungmir. The stars are dotted on the lake. The breeze rustles the leaves. Carlos, who has not been home for nearly two years, can’t help but open his hands. Take a deep breath of hometown air.

"No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it is only the embellishment of memory. The ultimate concern is the mountains and waters of the hometown, family and affection." Dan Dema has lived for too long, and there are too many similar touches. Carlos pointed to the nail on the nail. Hypocritical.

Talking along the way, in the second half of the night, the two came to the bridge across the lake, and they could already see Guy Erdalon Lake Heart Fort in the night from a distance.

"Stop... Young Master? It's Young Master!" The guards at the bridge spotted a figure appearing at the top of the bridge, so they stood on alert, and when they found that the person was Carlos, they immediately stepped forward to show their courtesy.

"Oh, it turned out to be Old Barto. Good luck. Give me two hoods and control the personnel. I don't want too many people to know that I'm back." Carlos discovered that the captain of the bridge guard used to put it when he was young. The old acquaintance who went out to play by himself immediately gave the order.

"Yes, the loyal servants of the Barovs will serve you." Old Barto immediately went to prepare Carlos's request.

There is no absolute secret in this world. Carlos took Dandema all the way into the castle of the Barov family, contacted Todd, and successfully met his mother.

"Mother, what is going on?" Carlos asked.

"Alex is now in Alterac, but I haven't received a letter for a long time. I don't feel right." Jannis hugged his eldest son, and said worriedly.

"When did the father leave Guy Eldalon?" Carlos continued to ask.

"Two months ago. There was only one letter informing me of his safe arrival in Alterac, and then there was no news." Janis replied.

"Then the most important question, Mother, have you heard about the King, His Majesty Aiden?" Carlos carefully asked for confirmation, then took out the secret letter Alex wrote to himself and pointed it to his mother. Decrypt the content.

"Opportunity! Maybe it's a trap..." Janis' eyes lit up first, and then couldn't help worrying.

"If the intelligence is true, then with Alex's operation, Alterac should believe that Lothar will welcome their new king. In the current situation, the possibility of traps is too great, even if my wife's family is Smell a strong scent of conspiracy. But I don’t know where the trap is, my son. Your power is not enough, even if Alex is in Alterac, it’s not enough. Aiden still has at least 4,000 troops in his hands. And the family’s support for the Alliance is too strong, and Guy Erdalon has only a guard with less than a thousand people left. My boy, you should lead your army back."

The first time he saw such a politically conscious mother, Carlos was shocked, and completely subverted Giannis's image of a lady and an archmage in his heart.

"Mother, I am Rear Admiral of the Alliance. The army belonging to the Alliance cannot be mobilized without Anduin Lothar's orders. This is a question of political correctness. At the same time, I never think that the enemy of the family is us. Your Majesty Aiden."

Carlos gave Giannis time to think, and then went on.

"Mother, I took the risk to come back. I took a lot of danger. The crisis in front of me may seem dangerous, but it is just a trivial injury. The real danger is hidden behind the incident."

"What exactly are you referring to?" Janis asked.

"I suspect that His Majesty Aiden has colluded with the orc tribe." Carlos hesitated again and again, and he said it.

"Elune is here, it's impossible!" Janis was taken aback by his son's guess.

If it is true, isn't Alex in a huge crisis.

Janis fell into anxiety about her husband's comfort for a while, and lost his square inch.

"Mother, I need your full support." Carlos slowly said his thoughts.

At almost the same time, among the Horde's orc army, Orgrim did not have the slightest worry or trouble because of being surrounded by the Alliance.

"Master Chief, our troll allies are ready." Orgrim's henchmen brought important news to the Chief.

"Really, then prepare to act. We have stayed here long enough, and it's time to move around." Orgrim laughed.

"Great Doomhammer, the promise that the king of mankind gave us?" asked the Clefthoof Slayer.

"Regardless of whether he is willing to fulfill the agreement, we will help him make a decision. Tell Gul'dan and let him come to see me. Concentrate all the wolf cavalry, and we will move early tomorrow morning." Orgrim cried deeply. With a sigh of relief, he has found the key to breaking the game.

As for Alterant City, Aiden, who was unable to find out what Alex tried to find out, held Lothar's reply in his hand, and his heart was cold.

"Can't come? Can't come? I've done so many things, you tell me I can't come?"

Aiden laughed frantically.

"This is what you forced me!"

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