Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 109 The King's Disqualification (18X)

(Speaking of double change, double change, 4000+ chapters, make up yesterday’s second change and today’s first change. 110 chapters and 18X are a perfect match!)

Dan Dema took the indestructible power of the hammer from Carlos, weighed the weight, and felt that it was still in hand, and took the initiative to walk towards the red-skinned fireblade clan orc sword saint Spartacus using the obsidian giant blade.

"His Excellency Carlos, are you going to fight one against two? This is not a good idea. Evelina and I are rare out of the Juggernauts who specialize in dual wielding weapons. You use such an iron-handled spear to fight us. Hit, is it too big?" Feeling that everything is still in the Master, Guosenstanda unexpectedly reminded Carlos.

"Guards follow the order, if I lose, you will protect His Majesty the King from the orcs even if you do your best, understand?" Carlos asked loudly.



The guards gave a positive answer.

Although Guosen Statham is familiar with human language, he is still a little rusty with human language art, and he did not immediately reflect what Carlos said.

Only when I saw the guards around Carlos staring at Alterac King Aiden Pirynold behind him, he realized that it was such a "protection" method, really hypocritical and cunning human!

GuosenStanda suddenly discovered that just because of Carlos's words, the opponent had smoothed out the quantitative disadvantage of high-end combat power.

Because I, the orc "injurer", must protect Aiden, the human being that Carlos hopes to "protect", all for the tribe!

After thinking for a moment, Guosenstanda stepped back, blocking Aiden on the Iron Throne, and motioned to the female orc next to him to come forward and fight Carlos.

While Carlos was still opposing the female orc, the battle between Dandema and Spartacus had entered a fever pitch.

The guards and aristocratic officials had already made room for the two great warriors, but the skin of the people around them was still tingling with the sword energy and hammer wind.

Dan Dema did not understand orc language, and Spartacus did not understand Elvish language. Two equally powerful warriors fought silently and could only use body language to interpret each other's actions.

Both the warhammer and the epee are weapons of mass destruction with one-shot lethality, and the user must maintain a kind of Haki and you are dead in the process of using them.

To put it simply, it is a heavy-weapon battle, and whoever will lose half.

On one side is the strongest warrior among the Draenor orcs, the singled mad demon Spartacus with the title of Sword Saint,

One side is the martial arts expert in the night elves who has held the position of martial arts chief, who offended Dandema Lanyu, who had not been killed by countless colleagues.

Both sides are experts, and they naturally know the knack of fighting the enemy. In the big ups and downs, they are the key to attacking the enemy. So the clash of swords and hammers suddenly overwhelmed the sound of smashing against the gate outside the assembly hall.

In a short period of time, the two people who have played against each other have had a preliminary understanding of the opponent's strength.

In terms of skills, the two sides are in the middle; in terms of strength, it is unexpected that Dandema Lanyu has the upper hand; in terms of dexterity, the armored Dandema is inferior to the almost naked Spartacus.

If judged by human standards, the epee versus the warhammer should be more dominant than the warhammer. Because the warhammer can adapt to changes in the center of gravity by adjusting the position of the grip, it has better mobility in the game. The epee cannot be held for a long time. In many cases, it drags the ground against the blade and kills the enemy with a single blow.

However, for two out-of-spec fighters who can wield a two-handed weapon, human common sense is no longer suitable for this battle.

Dan Dema used a close opportunity to hit Spartacus with his thorny shoulder armor. Although the Orc Swordmaster escaped, his balance was broken. What followed was the former night elves martial arts master smashed the ground three times without magic basis and turned back to the windmill with a 1080-degree heavy hammer rotation. After Spartacus managed to take over a whole set of combos from his opponent, his vigor was aging, and his new energy was not yet born. However, the advantage that the epee can be used as a shield is revealed. The defender's Orc Swordmaster is obviously faster than Dan Dema's recovery. Some human guards who know how to use the epee can't bear to test their heads, as if the night elves have already lost. NS.

"Suddenly all over the audience, with a single blow, a flashy martial arts." Seeing that his own situation prevailed, Guo Senstanda was still in the mood to comment on the situation for Aiden.On Carlos's side, the iron spear and the double knives, although not as powerful as the two warriors with heavy weapons, are more dangerous than they are.

One inch is long, one inch is strong, one inch is short, and one inch is dangerous.

Many people have misunderstood this sentence, thinking that the longer the weapon, the stronger, and the shorter the weapon, the weaker it becomes. This is wrong.

This sentence should be read separately.

One inch long and one inch strong means that long weapons take the initiative in the attack. The longer your weapons, the stronger your initiative to control the battlefield. Long weapons, such as spears and halberds, are actually at an overwhelming disadvantage when encountering a combination of swords and shields, or short weapons that integrate offense and defense, such as hooks and crutches.

One inch is short and one inch is risky. This sentence also implies two meanings. On the one hand, the shorter the weapon, the shorter the effective attack range, and it is easy to succumb to death when encountering a long weapon; on the other hand, the closer the distance, the higher the threat. After all, the long weapon is inconvenient to use in close proximity, and the distance between you and the enemy For every inch short, the danger of short weapons increases by one point.

Therefore, the competition between Carlos and the female sword saint started with the stormy attack of the Paladin.

With relentless thrusts and heavy sweeps, Carlos played completely desperately.

Although not reconciled, Carlos had to admit that he was inferior to this female orc in martial arts.

However, when the female sword master smiled at the corners of Carlos’s tricks, when the double swords were inserted into Carlos’ abdomen relentlessly from diagonally below...


Evelina easily broke Carlos's armor, but she couldn't keep her edge.

Laozi has been focusing on Divine Shield for thirty years, you are teasing me!

Carlos kicked the Female Swordsman, re-positioned, and his mood was instantly refreshed.

Evelina adjusted her posture in mid-air, landed gracefully, and then patted the shoe prints on her six-pack abs, which seemed to be fine.

"Paladin? Really a difficult opponent." Guosenstanda continued to sigh.

The fierce attack made Carlos's breath heavier, but he used the iron spear to play a defensive counterattack. Regardless of whether Carlos and Evelina seem to be heroes and cherish heroes, each poses, in the final analysis, they are forcibly acting and adjusting their status.

Carlos picked his chin, the other side nodded, and a new round of confrontation began again.

And just as Carlos and the Female Swordmaster were in full swing, the battle between Dandema and Spartacus had reached a critical moment of life and death.

Spartacus, who was the first to recover his breath, made a jump, and was rolled away by Dan Dema's very inexperienced donkey. The Fire Blade Sword Saint's heavy sword crossed, the arm muscles bulged, and the feet exerted force. Without any warning or preparation, the whole person began to spin.

Blade storm!

The audience in the audience exclaimed, what kind of trick is this, and what is going on with this trick that transcends the limits of humans?

However, Dan Dema didn't panic at all, didn't persevere at all, and rushed up to meet the sword shadow, perfectly parrying every attack of the rotating blade.

Fight back against the storm!

In the confrontation between the storm and the storm, the collision between the heavy hammer and the big sword, at the climax of the contest, Spartacus suddenly disappeared from Dan Dema's vision.

A chill from the soul almost froze Dan Dema, that was the feeling that Shinigami was paying attention to. During the Ten Thousand Years, Dan Dema felt this way several times, each time saving his life.

rear! This is the judgment of the night elf martial arts chief, this is the intuition of the veterans who participated in the Battle of Eternal Well.

Spartacus forcibly terminated the remaining force of the blade storm and used the wind stance, which has caused internal injuries. But the overflowing blood at the corner of his mouth couldn't stop the sword master's high fighting spirit, and the desperate blow from the back was smashed.


Spartacus's different hairstyles have disappeared!

However, the body leaping up in the air couldn't take advantage of it. When it landed, Dan Dema's attacks followed one after another.

The invincible force hit Spartacus's back heavily, smashed him out, and fell to the ground.

Everything happened between the electric light and flint, and the onlookers were still lamenting that Dandema was about to die, that the night elves had actually completed the reversal.

Dan Dema was a little regretful, but he was always not strong enough with the hammer in one hand. He was sure that his opponent hadn't died yet.

Putting away a simple dagger, the former martial artist looked at the battlefield on Carlos's side.

[Dandema's escape dagger: No one knows that this bleak dagger, which is usually used by Dandema Lanyu to cut fruits and cut barbecues, is a watchman training won from Jarod Movie singers during card games. Student training dagger. The wearer can use flashing once a day. 】

In order to deal with the threat of Dan Dema, Gothen Standa moved to block Dan Dema's sight of Aiden, and while facing away with the night elves, he was ready to intervene in the battle between Carlos and Evelina at any time.

The defeat of Spartacus completely disrupted GosenStanda's plan. Now, the envoy of the orcs is like the King Aiden of Alterant, and only hopes that the reinforcements will break the door as soon as possible.

Carlos's continuous attack was blocked by the female sword saint Evelina. In the sound of heavy breathing, Carlos's hand began to tremble involuntarily.

After three consecutive backflips, Evelina got out of Carlos' attack range.

The female sword master couldn't help showing a smile wishing victory.

The bottom of the body, the double swords crossed in an X shape, Evelina was ready to make her strongest blow, and ended his life with Carlos's brave moves.

"It's coming, it's really a dazzling trick." Guosenstanda couldn't help laughing when he saw his companion's posture.

With an electric light and flint blow, the sword saint who is above the wind step and the sword storm is the strongest secret!


"A bit of cold light comes first, and then the gun is shot like a dragon."

Carlos, who moved on the spot, looked at the shattered Divine Shield and couldn't help but laughed.

Carlos and Evelina looked at each other from facing each other, and in a flash, the victory and life and death had been decided.

"You can smash the Holy Shield, you deserve the name of the Sword Saint." Carlos praised. "However, why do you think I don't use the power of the holy light in the battle? The defense is for your amplifying moves!"

The excitement of facing death and the joy of the rest of his life after the war made Carlos a little gaffe, and he actually opened the explanation mode.

"It's a super high-speed desperate blow that turns absolute speed into absolute lethality. It's wonderful. As your enemy, I am honored. Then, goodbye."

After Carlos's words, Evelina turned around puzzledly, seemingly curious why her flash didn't kill her opponent.

But when the female sword master was about to speak, a red line appeared in the middle of her throat, and then blood spewed out, like a fountain.

"It's impossible!" GuosenStanda lost his attitude for the first time!

Once, Carlos walked into a misunderstanding, other people's crossing welfare and system are so powerful, is my crossing method wrong?

It takes time and effort to complete an achievement with only ten points and dozens of achievement points.And each tall talent skill in Achievement Mall often requires tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of achievement points.

The mall system exists to remind me of my insignificance and incompetence. Those talented skills are fake. They are special effects from DUANG. In fact, they don’t exist at all, right? Anyway, I can’t afford it, and I can’t verify the effect, right?

For a long, long period of time, Carlos only focused on talents and skills, trying to guess something from the text descriptions given by the system.

However, life is not a game. Carlos cast 20-sided dice for a whole day, and he failed to achieve the 100-point achievement of [kill the whole group in a second]. He was almost 80 points away from the achievement of a powerful talent he fancy.

[Hero's Proof]: In the name of a hero, all attributes are permanently +1, and the hero template is promoted. Every glorious deed brings you a +1 increase in all attributes; for every 100 people admiring you within 10,000 yards, all attributes increase by 1 point. The original price is 30,000 achievement points, and during the special price period, the price is 10,000 achievement points.

With such a powerful talent and such a fair price/performance ratio, Carlos was tempted.

But can't afford it.

The war is imminent, and Carlos is not ready to die with achievement points. The low-cost talent skills did not have the ability to reverse the situation, and Carlos finally remembered the items in the achievement mall.

Weapons can be robbed, equipment can be forged, and props can be purchased with money. Carlos is unwilling to use limited achievement points to buy unsustainable mall props.

However, life is gone, what's the use of achievement points?

Carlos forced himself not to pay attention to [Happy Fire], [Mom’s Knife], [Wasteland Apocalypse], [Heavenly Heaven and Earth Unparalleled Knife], [Artificial Ship Mother], and [Fire Source]. At least five zero fucking things, finally found a good thing in the low price area.

[Samson's hair band]: A broad strip of gray-brown linen cloth dipped in Samson's blood and coagulated. It looks tattered and is unexpectedly strong to use. After the user is equipped, he loses 1% of his maximum health every 12 seconds; for every 1% of his health lost, his stamina recovery speed is increased by 5%, and the effect is doubled if his health is below 50%; for every 1% of his stamina consumed, his strength increases The result is 1.5%, and the effect is doubled if the stamina is below 50%. The price is 4000 achievement points.

Relying on the powerful Jedi comeback effect of [Samson's Hairband], Carlos completed the anti-kill of the orc female swordsman Evelina.

"Master Carlos, the door is going to be unstoppable!"

When his subordinates rushed in to report, the high morale of Carlos' side because of defeating the two orc sword masters began to collapse.

"Give up, Carlos, as long as you are willing to sign the contract, I can assume that nothing has happened." Aiden took the opportunity.

"You killed Evelina, I can also wipe it for you."

GosenStanda unscrupulously played the package that could not be honored.

"My dear Uncle Aiden, you still don't understand." Carlos took the ice thorn behind him.

"Although I don't know what you are referring to, but I understand one thing. Once the army arrives, your plan will eventually come to nothing. Or do you think you still have the strength to break through the defense of Mr. GoosenStanda and hijack me?" Aiden said hehehehe Laughed.

"You don't understand, you really don't understand." Carlos also laughed hahaha.

With a bang, the outer wall door finally shattered, and the Kingdom Guard rushed into the administrative area. The wooden door of the assembly hall was kicked open. More than a hundred soldiers rushed in and confronted the guards who had taken refuge in Carlos. The wide assembly hall seemed crowded at this time.

"Alex, you still lost." Aiden finally stood up from the Iron Throne.

Bypassing Guosenstanda, Aiden stood in front of the people and raised his arms and shouted: "Don't you understand that I am for Alterac, I am for you!"

At this time, a hollow crossbow shot from the direction of the influx of the Kingdom Guard hit Aiden's left chest.

"I did..." Aiden watched his blood flow down the empty tube, could no longer speak, and collapsed to the ground.

"The orcs murdered the king! Revenge for the king!"

Carlos shouted loudly!

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