Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 122-Kun, I like war best!

With the strategic contraction of the alliance, the siege of the town of South Blue was finally resolved.

Looking at the Independence Corps with nearly half of the casualties after the hard fight, Lothar suddenly found that the words that he had prepared and used to beat the wing captains were completely unspeakable.

In the early days of the war, the most capable corps in the southern theater of the war, without any reinforcements, defended South Blue town for more than a month, but did not mobilize a civilian in South Blue town to the battlefield, perfectly fulfilling the soldiers' accusations.

"Where did John Swain go? I didn't see him on the list of deaths."

After condoning the Independence Corps, Lothar asked about the whereabouts of his "eyeliner".


All the commanders of the Independent Corps were silent.

"Please answer my question." Lothar emphatically tapped the ground with his scabbard.

"League captain John Swain is a pure man." Ymir said suddenly.

"En?" Lothar was a little unsure.

"His wing is pure men." Heni Mareb couldn't help adding, and then continued, "The orcs assembled the catapult, our defense line is in jeopardy, and Sven and his wing took on the raid. The task. John succeeded, but he is the only one in the entire alliance to come back alive."

Next, the young mayor of South Blue told the story of a tough guy for the highest commander of the alliance, Marshal Anduin Lothar.

At dawn on the second day of the raid, John Swain returned to South Blue with seven tied horses alone, each dragging the corpses of four or five Alliance warriors.

We destroyed all forty-three catapults.

John Swain fell into a coma after leaving such a sentence.

When he was sober, John Swain refused to mention what had happened that night, but asked the blacksmiths in South Blue to cast the weapons of the fallen soldiers he brought back into a two-handed sword.

Write a retirement application to the league for me, brothers, goodbye, I won't be stunned if I don't kill that orc personally.

John Swain finished speaking and left South Blue town with his great sword.

After that, the legend of wandering swordsmen who used weird swords to kill orcs everywhere began to appear.

"That's it." Lothar sighed for a long time. Although I don't know what happened to John Swain, Swain was the only one who carried the weight of life in the war.

"Alliance officer John Swain is missing. It is not certain that he was killed. He retains his rank and military status. Let's deal with it for the time being."

After handling the beginning and the end for John Swain, Lothar conveyed the latest order to the Independence Corps, so all the officers present cheered.

His general became king, and Lothar sent the Independence Corps back to Alterac to find his general.

Replenishing a thousand troops for the Independence Corps, barely regaining the strength of the four wing, and mobilizing another thousand to Turalyon as the guards. This exhausted but no one can despise the army towards Alterac Shirayuki set off.

Although it took a lot of extra time to bypass the tribe, Turalyon's team and Terenas' envoy almost stepped into Alterac City back and forth.


"His Majesty!"

When meeting Carlos, the veterans of the Independence Corps burst into tears.

"Sorry, I left you when you needed me the most." Carlos took off his iron crown, looking guiltily at these comrades who followed him from birth to death.

Carlos can straighten his waist in front of anyone and make a posture worthy of the world, but in front of the Independence Corps, he lowered his head.

"Your Majesty, please don't insult us! We are professional soldiers, not children who need to be taken care of by a nanny! You are a king who can join the death squad, what else can we ask for? Your troops live up to their expectations, South Blue Town is intact "Ymir exclaimed angrily.

"Your troops have lived up to their expectations, and the town of South Blue is intact."

All the veterans who participated in the defense operations of South Blue Town yelled together.

"...Comrades, you have worked hard." After holding back for a long time, Carlos didn't know what to say, and said something like this.

"It's not hard, it's not hard."

"Your Majesty has worked hard."


Did not get the answer of "Serving the People", and Carlos, who was a little regretful, came back to his senses.

"Everyone, let's go down and rest first, and wait until you have enough food and drink."

Appeasing the old men of the Independence Corps, Carlos finally had time to communicate with Turalyon and the envoys of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

With his father Alex Barov, the regent Grand Duke, received the envoys of Lordaeron, Carlos and Turalyon met a lot more casually.

In the palace garden, two young men casually found a stone table that seemed to be clean, and touched it twice with their hands, even if it was cleaned. Ask Alleria to sit down. Kung fu is too lazy to do it, put out the wine and dishes, and take a few mouthfuls before talking.

"How's it going under the mountain? It's far away, it's not clear just by looking at the battle report." Carlos asked.

"Good or bad, the soldiers are getting more and more able to fight, but the orcs can't kill them." Turalyon, as Lothar's adjutant, rarely has the opportunity to drink. Here in Carlos, he can finally relieve his greed. .

"By the way, in the big winter, you want to drink in a garden with a few leaves and flowers here, and you want no flowers or grass. Is it necessary? I don’t believe your Majesty Carlos, you are looking for a secret room. No." Alleria had been fed up with the ghostly weather in Alterac Mountain along the way, even now she was wearing a warm bearskin jacket, her face flushed with cold.

"This..." Turalyon felt that he had nothing to say.

"Men's romance, women just give in." Carlos found that the reason "man's romance" was very useful, and it almost became a catch phrase.

Alleria stared silently at the two little boys who were still younger than her own, and talked to her old mother about femininity. How could this be tolerated!

"How about Uncle Biglas?" Seeing Alleria didn't speak, Carlos changed the subject decisively.

"Are you talking about General Biglas Bertone? The frontal defense of Thoradin’s Wall is unbreakable. The orcs tried to attack many times, but they all came back. The marshal hid a large army behind Thoradin’s Wall. Those who don’t know The orcs who drilled there thought that they could pick up the bargain, but in fact they thought too much. All that awaits them is the destruction of their fate.” Turalyon ate large pieces of meat and drank alcohol, but his mouth kept chewing and could speak clearly, too. It's a must-see.

"Really? That's good, the Gilneas line of defense is not lost, Alterac Pass is not lost, Thoradin's Wall is not lost, as long as these three passes are firmly held in the hands of the Alliance, the orc tribe will not be able to escape defeat. Fate." Carlos took a sip and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Marshal is also the judge. But the trolls in the north can't help but guard, Carlos, the Marshal hopes that you can divide your troops to save, even if you only send the Independent Corps. You should understand the meaning of Marshal Lothar's handing over the Independent Corps to you. ." Turalyon said.

"Of course I understand. It is nothing more than to remind me that I am not only a king, but also a commander of the alliance. Turalyon, you have revealed the foundation of Sir Lothar, are you such an envoy?" Carlos scolded with a smile.

"How do those crooked guys understand our paladin's mind. Many people have told me that Carlos is no longer a pure paladin, but also a king. But we understand that you are more than just a paladin. The king is a paladin." Turalyon still said while eating, Carlos's eyes were a little red.

To understand Long live, the weight of these four words is not standing in that position, and it is impossible to experience.

"Turalyon, Alleria, I want you to swear to keep the secret." Carlos said solemnly.

Then Turalyon and Alleria still vowed to their faith and gods to keep secrets.

"The key to going north to rescue lies in me, not in Alterac, in Lordaeron, in Terenas." Carlos said.

"Your Majesty Terenas?" Although Turalyon learned a lot from Lothar, he was a novice who was inferior to Carlos in politics, and an outright layman. Instead, Alleria's heart moved, if she realized it.

"The reason why Alterac Kingdom has spare capacity to go northward to rescue is because I issued a total war mobilization order." Carlos explained.

"Total war mobilization order." Turalyon tasted the word.

"Total war mobilization order. The Alterac Kingdom paid such a huge price for the Alliance. Uncle Terenas could not help but express it. When the envoy of Uncle Terenas has negotiated with my father, it is Austrian. When the Turk army was dispatched." Carlos said.

"Then dare to love it, your Majesty Terenas must be concerned about it. I'll be here at Carlos. You can eat and drink and wait for the result. You Alterac's ham is really delicious, Lordaeron. Compared with your Alterac's ham, it's really..." Turalyon suddenly found that Alleria was still next to him. In front of his goddess, the young Paladin was embarrassed to say vulgar words.

"Well, it's really good. The food in Silvermoon City is exquisite and exquisite, but the gang of nobles pay attention to the color, fragrance and shape. It is simply heretical. Shouldn't the food be the taste at all? Silvermoon City's ham and Alterac's By comparison, it's almost like shit." Alleria commented.

"...Shit? HO**HIT!" Turalyon was stunned when the goddess suddenly turned into a female man."Well, you deserve to be the eldest sister of the Windrunner's family, refreshing, let's make a toast for HO**HIT." Carlos hurriedly closed the field.


"Yes, yes, yes, a toast!" Turalyon suddenly felt that he had a better understanding of Alleria, and that Alleria who said foul language was so attractive!

After all the wine and dry food were exhausted, Alleria made a request to talk to Carlos alone, and Turalyon left happily and roundly.

"What do you want to ask?" Carlos shook the flask, hoping to shake it out again.

"You don't want to ask anything?" Alleria asked maliciously.




"What do you know?" Carlos was inexplicably guilty.

"I only know that one of my men has spread a message in the middle of the night." Alleria replied.

"Ahahaha, really important news. By the way, how is your subordinate?" Carlos asked haha.

"The eldest lady who was eating and waiting for death told me not to do it in a month. She was uncomfortable and was going back to Quel'Thalas." Alleria replied.

"Miss?" Carlos couldn't figure it out.

"Yeah, why do you think a certain clumsy guy stays with me? Isn't it because she is the eldest lady of Mingyi's family? Change to another guy, dare to apply for a transfer order with me on the grounds of unwellness, you see How can I clean up her?" Alleria remembered some idiot with a dumbfounded look.

For a month, uncomfortable, the eldest lady of Mingyi's family, Carlos suddenly hated his rich association ability.

The female elf who sang with herself and didn't even know her name is actually from Mingyi's family? Maybe even someone from Hadulun Mingyi?

"Uh, you don't want to ask anything else?" Carlos changed the subject abruptly.

"I don't want to, I just want to chat with you. By the way, that little idiot's villa is outside the big barrier." Alleria finished speaking, waving her sleeves, not leaving Carlos a cloud.

Woman...this, this female elf, this old woman among the high elf!

Sure enough, if you are old without dying, you will become fine, beautiful women have a deep heart!

Carlos suddenly felt a headache.

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