Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 127 I, Carlos, never leave a name for good deeds, so call me the red scarf

The passage of the passenger army is like a plague of locusts from the sky, this is not just a talk.

Regardless of your elite troops, the soldiers have to eat. People are iron rice or steel, and they panic when they don't eat a meal. People eat horses and chew, and they really cost a lot of money.

Let's talk about the soldiers' equipment. Long-distance marches cannot be fully armed at any time. One-third was fully armed, one-third only wore chest armor, and the rest of the armor was packed and carried on his back. There is a two-hour rotation, and everyone takes turns.

Don’t use the grand military appearance in the military parade when the army is out. The first order of King Carlos is to disarm the whole army. The first reaction of the soldiers is that the boss is a fight. In battle, those who will lead the soldiers will increase their loyalty by one.

War is not a treat for dinner, and war is not about playing in the mud. Fighting life and death is courage, skill, and physical strength. What cavalry charges down the enemy with one charge, and what the soldiers pointed at and looked at are all bluffing paragraphs in knight novels, and they are all written for the elders and ladies to kill time. A real battle on the battlefield, unless it is an open terrain and a huge disparity in military strength, as in the form of the previous King of Alterac's Carlos Barov encircling and annihilating the troll squad in Blackwood Lake, otherwise, in the case of evenly matched, a hundred-man battle It's not unusual for me to fight for more than an hour.

Under such circumstances, the one with the best physical strength can often win the final victory.

Even on the road, the transportation of ordnance, food, and grass is a terrible thing.

The condition originally offered by Terenas was that Alterac sent 10,000 troops to help defend the surrounding area with Stratholme’s guards. However, the Grand Duke Alex regent settled an account with the plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. , And led the envoy to observe the training of Alterac soldiers. The envoy convincingly agreed to Alterac's condition that the price remained unchanged and Alterac would only send 6,000 troops, and he kept complimenting Alex Barov for his righteousness.

What is the reason?

Raising rations.

According to the agreement, outside the territory of Alterac Kingdom, the supply of food and grass for the army should be borne by the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Terenas, who has a lot of business, naturally can't do things that require horses to run without feeding them grass. But after Andorhal, there was no town that could supply the army with the food and grass along the way. And the places that can supply are one in Dahlone County, one in Stratholme, one in the opposite direction, and one at the end of the destination.

So raising food and grass has become a headache.

Because of the continuation of the fighting in the Hillbrad Hills, the production of the Barov family’s fief Brill, Guy Darron, and the alpine pastures near Steinbrad became the continuation of the Alterac Kingdom. Life for food and grass, said that I do not expect Alterac Kingdom to provide food for others while fighting for others.

But Carlos was unwilling to ruin his reputation, so he had to spend money to buy it along the way.

Holding Terenas's blank handwritten note, the envoy signed an order on the blank paperwork: When the friendly army of Alterac King Carlos Barov crosses the border, officials from all parts of the Kingdom of Lordaeron shall make every effort to provide food and grass. The munitions, those who are in short supply, are certified by Carlos Barov’s letter, and the price of the same period of the previous year can be used as a reference. Order of Terenas Menethil II of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

In the beginning, the little nobles along the way saw this order from their king, it was a cry for the sky and the sky and the earth torn apart, and the day could not be passed. During the war years, food was expensive, the price the year before? Was the price of grain the year before last half as expensive as the current grain price? And this is a forced conquest ordered by the king.

As a result, Carlos was very unpleasant and felt that he was pitted by Terenas.

However, as the clerk sent by the Grand Duke Alex Regent had walked with the army for a few days and said, the rich peasants of the nobles in Stratholme suddenly became acquainted, understood, understood, and enlightened.

Where is this strong buying and selling? Where is the loss-making business? This is a good thing to lose pie in the sky. His Majesty King Carlos is the god of wealth!

"Forced to buy, the price difference will be made up by the kingdom after the war."

The envoys of the Kingdom of Lordaeron were eager to ask Alterac to send troops to rescue. They laid a lot on the conditions and were a good player in politics, but their economic acumen was so bad. He only thought that the forced expropriation of grain and grass might cause dissatisfaction with the local nobles, so he added an empty promise to make up the price difference.

At the beginning, the little nobles didn't want to understand this. They said it nicely, to make up the difference. How much food you donated and how much tax you don't need to be taxed, would you like to use the food prices during the war to talk to His Majesty? After the battle, Lord Terenas had the final say on this Lordaeron.

But under the enlightenment of the clerk trained by Alex, everyone understood, understood, enlightened, and enlightened.

"Letter from the seal of His Majesty King Carlos Barov."

How much he donated, Terenas said it would not count, Carlos said it did not count!

Then the clerks of the Grand Duke Alex regent said in private, how much do you give me? If you give me a catty of food, I will ask your majesty to give you a receipt of one catty and five, if you can give me more Add a little bit of that and that, two kilograms of receipts are not impossible, if the quantity is enough and the color is good, I can get you three kilograms of receipts too!

The nobles, lords, rich peasants, and wealthy merchants suddenly realized that they can still play like this! It turns out that bread needs to be eaten with cheese!

The people of Lordaeron who have turned this turn have given full play to their subjective initiative. I don’t have enough food, and ironware cannot be collected. You can give me a few kilograms of receipts; I’m out of a donkey and horse to help you carry the material, I don’t need money, you give it. I’ll open a receipt for a few kilograms; if it’s so complicated, the uncle pays directly to buy it. Tell me, how do you plan to sell this receipt, your Majesty Carlos, let’s make a price!

For a time, the problem of food and grass that plagued Carlos's army was solved. The food delivery team from Andorham and Dahlone County endlessly chased the footsteps of Carlos's team. The soldiers didn't even need to carry their own armor and luggage, and there was a leisure time nearby. The civilian husband does it for you. Anyway, your Majesty Terenas will pay the bill. His family does not believe that the benevolent and wise King Terenas will default on all the money in the entire region!

Some merchants in Alterac even came to the door and wanted to take part in this feast, but Carlos refused.

Aunt Liang rowed a boat without oars, and politicians didn't need knives to kill!

Seeing his father traded a piece of paper that seemed to him to be like waste paper in exchange for the support of the people in Dahlone and Stratholme, Carlos felt deeply frozen in his admiration. The chill of coldness---Politics is terrible!

I originally thought that as long as I had a peerless martial arts and a strong body, I could heaven-defying and change my life.

It seems that he is still too naive now. If he hadn't had his father to deal with the aftermath, this iron crown of Alterac might be able to crush his spine!

"Oh, oh, Carlos, your father, Grand Duke Alex, is really amazing, really amazing!"

"Politics as dirty as Silvermoon City."

In Turalyon and Alleria's comments, Carlos was more afraid of Terenas. You know, Alex has highly praised Terenas' political wisdom and said that he is ashamed. Now that I am like Terenas, will he be reckoned with the ledger afterwards?

With doubts, Carlos sent his subordinates to send a letter to his father quickly.

When Carlos got the reply, the whole person was relaxed. There was only one sentence in the reply: "Either don't do it, do it bigger, and the people of Lordaeron are your solid backing!"

"Hahahahahaha, Carlos never leaves a name for good deeds, so please call me live!"

Carlos, who had figured out his joints, couldn't help but start convulsing.

"He used to be like this too? He seems to be quite stable, how come in a while?" Alleria asked Turalyon.

"Probably it was Carlos's special mood adjustment skill." Although Turalyon was very happy with Alleria taking the initiative to speak to himself, as a Paladin, he couldn't arrange it indiscriminately, so he had to guess carefully.

"The red scarf last time, but now it's alive again. How many nicknames does Carlos have?" Alleria looked uncomfortable.

"I've also heard of Zhao Zilong and Optimus Prime, by the way, and Xiao Penyu." At the moment of the goddess, Turalyon sold his teammates decisively.

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