Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 154-The Outspokenness of the Forest Sea Grassland XX Mountain

This is a war between trolls and trolls.

King Carlos Barros who refused Alterac's proposal to let the elves lead the way for him, Gottajin only asked for the approximate direction, and then led the tribe to set off.

In the forest, trolls are hunters no less inferior to elves.

The new trolls of Zumasha used their unique hunting skills to smell the fiery fighting spirit from the wind.

"Gottajin, we are in the downwind position. Those elves are really powerful. They counted the number of people on the other side, and the other side didn't even know that he was surrounded."

A troll said to his leader.

Gou Tajin found a plant with a function similar to licorice under a fallen tree. He stretched out his thick and sensitive fingers to cut off the stems and leaves, and threw them into his mouth to chew.

"Send two good hands to observe, and don't come back if you fail."

Gotta Jin gave a cold, almost cruel order.

However, the trolls were not surprised. Soon, among the volunteers, the two most convincing left the group quickly and disappeared in the shade of the trees.

"Gottajin, we only have three hundred people, and there are five hundred people on the opposite side. Why do you refuse the help of humans? A human friend told me that the king sent a thousand people around."

The deputy asked Gottajin puzzledly.

"To prove our worth."

"But we will suffer heavy casualties."

"The heavy casualties will bring value."

"I can't understand, but you are Gottajin, I listen to you."

Gou Tajin pressed the unsweetened grass residue on the tip of his tongue, preparing to spit it out.

After thinking about it, he swallowed again.

"My friend, my brother, my compatriots. What human beings need is not our three hundred trolls, or they look down on us."

"Didn't the king hire us to make us fight?"

Gou Tajin suddenly felt that he somewhat understood the prime minister who had come from the evil tooth clan.

There are a lot of smart trolls, but not many really smart.

Some words can only be understood and understood by themselves, and cannot be expressed in words. Once these words are spoken, they will change their flavor.

So Gottajin decided to follow the words of his deputy.

"So we have to let the humans and King Carlos see how good we are. If the opponent is poorly equipped, then we will attack. If the opponent is supported by the tribe and has steel weapons, then we will set a trap to destroy them. We, Tustin Gou, have taken this credit alone!"

"It makes sense, this reward, we Tustingo will decide."

Seeing that his deputy no longer struggled with this question, Gou Tajin sighed in his heart and decided not to think about these headaches at this time and this place, and let the battle numb his pain.

The Tustin Gou United team was hiding about five kilometers downwind from the opponent. The troll soldiers fell to the ground alive to make up for their doze, wiped their weapons alive, and no one showed the slightest impetuousness.

Patience is the basic skill of a hunter.

And trolls are good hunters.

"came back."

The deputy who had been lying on his side suddenly sprang up.

After a while, the two sentries who went to explore the wind returned to Gotajin.

"Gottajin, those trolls are acting weird. There are a few things in their team with the same green skin, big jaws and small teeth."

"It should be the orcs of the tribe."

Gou Tajin nodded after speaking, signaled that he knew, and asked the sentry to continue talking.

"Those trolls even have weapons. Many people are holding pickaxes and shovel, as if they are following the orders of the orcs and don't know what they are digging."

"How many weapons do they have, do they have armor, do they have shields?"

Gou Tajin doesn't care about what tricks his opponent is playing, he only cares about whether he can beat him or not.

"There are iron spears and axes, a small number of people have iron armor, half of them have wooden armor, and the others have no armor."

After the sentry finished speaking, Gotajin stood up abruptly.

"All obey the orders, take off the league shirts and hide them. It's time to fight."

The five-kilometer mountain road is half an hour's work for the trolls.

When the Tustingos approached the trolls of the Horde, they were standing on the stove opposite.

"Stop, who are you?"

"I am Gottajin of the Evil Moss clan. I am here to support Zujin on the order of the patriarch."

The sentry yelled loudly when seeing these fully equipped trolls, and Gottajin responded without fear.

Soon, when the opposite party was assembled, a troll with the appearance of a leader came out.

"Evil Moss Clan, I thought that Evil Moss Clan were all cowards. Did your patriarch ran back to Zumashar with someone and sent you this hapless guy up there?"

The other party mocked with a triumphant look, and at the same time showed off the clothes he had snatched from the elves and contained Bloodline.

It's so ugly. When did I start to feel so superior when facing these trolls?

Gou Tajin looked at the nondescript dressing opposite, and suppressed his disgust.

"Please tell me where Zujin is. The order I got is to go and serve Zujin."

"Zu Jin is everywhere."

"Then please tell me where the ubiquitous Zujin is now."

"Zujin is where the enemy least wants him to appear."

Gottajin simply had enough.

"Then please tell me how to contact Zujin and hand in an errand so I can explain to the patriarch."

"Go north and head towards Zuaman. Zujin is planning a larger-scale attack. We will eventually destroy those ugly elves!"

"May the spirit of the ancestors bless you."

"Bless you too."

In the name of the ancestor's spirit, even if he didn't deal with the troll very much with the evil moss clan, he was relieved.

"By the way, I think you are cooking, can you count us?"

"can not."

The other party simply rejected Gottajin's request.

"We have been on our way, and there is not much dry food."

"There is food everywhere in the mountains."

"We robbed a human caravan and intercepted five pieces of full body armor. I can use this as a price for food."


Gou Tajin handed over another bag of wine.

"Well, inform our people and prepare more food."

In this way, Gottajin mixed his own hands into the camp.

"What are you doing here?"

"The trick of the tribal orc warlock, I don't know."

"Warlock, what is it?"

"It's the enchanter among the orcs."

Holding a stone slab and looking at the mushy sticky thing on it, Gou Tajin felt for the first time that all he had eaten before was pig food.

At this time, Gotajin's deputy came over and whispered in his ear that the manpower was arranged.

"Why don't you eat it?"

The trolls of the tribe looked at the Tustingos playfully.

Because the patriarch of the evil moss clan is gone forever, the evil moss clan has a poor reputation in the Zujin-led association. These trolls have added special ingredients to the food prepared for the evil moss clan, and they are all waiting to see the evil moss. The clan is embarrassed.

"Thank you, so kind, just look at it and you feel full of energy."

Gou Tajin sincerely thanked him.

"Hahahaha, this man is a fool."

The unique laughter of the trolls came one after another.

At this moment, an orc came over and asked, "My friend, when can we start working?"

"When the guys from the evil moss clan finish eating, I think five pieces of armor are not enough to repay the kindness of a meal. You should help us do the whole day's work."

Said the leader of the tribal troll.

"What armor?" the orc asked suspiciously.

"Come on, my friend, let's take a look."

The troll leader of the tribe greeted the orcs to see the full body armor.

Do bad things!

Gou Tajin stood up.

"Thank you for your hospitality, this friendship is in my hands."

"So you are going to help us work?"

"No, I'm not referring to the favor of this meal."

"what is that?"

"I mean the kindness of a head and two gold coins."

After Gou Tajin finished speaking, he pulled out the spear that was inserted on the ground and pierced the opponent's chest. But under the powerful resilience of the troll, this is not fatal.

Therefore, when the opponent was in pain, Gottajin returned his spear and pulled out the Short Sword to cut off the head of the opponent cleanly.

"New troll, Tustingo, Alliance, Tustingo."

Under Gotajin's action signal, the Tustin Gou mercenary group quickly launched an attack.

"You are a troll! How can you join the human alliance!"

That orc was stunned by the sudden accident, a troll who joined the alliance?

This world is too unreal.

"A troll has two gold coins. I don't know what an orc is worth."

After Gou Tajin entered the battle, the whole person was no longer calm, and the whole person exuded a fanatical aura.

"Come on, I have already fought against the strong men of the alliance, let me weigh the tribe's fineness, the murderer, Gottajin!"

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