Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 157 There is a group of male elves at the other end of the tree on the other side of the mou

"Master Gul'dan, is it really okay for us to leave like this?"

Tyrone Gorefiend followed Gul'dan standing on the beach, watching the orc warlocks and warriors working hard to survive, without any intention of helping him.

There is an extremely concealed temporary pier in a cape in the northwest of Zuaman. Gul'dan hoarded all the stolen rune stones here, preparing to secretly transport it back to the tribal occupation.

"Enough, the plan has been able to proceed, and we can play some tricks, hahahaha."

Gul'dan smiled happily, which came from the satisfaction of power and knowledge.

"The elves guard the baby and don't know how to use it. They only use the rune stone as the fulcrum of the magic circuit. The magic of the elves is nothing."

Because he was in a good mood, Gul'dan ridiculed casually.

"Master Gul'dan, I cannot participate in your topic on the knowledge of magic, but I want to remind you that the Marine fleet of elves is far more terrible than their magic. These three ships alone cannot carry you away at once. All rune stones collected."

Tyrone Gorefiend said calmly.

"What you said makes sense, so we need more time. The next fleet of detours will not arrive until at least three days later. Considering that accidents will always happen, we have to set aside at least five days."

Gul'dan had already opened his mouth, but his words changed in the end.

"Forget it, you stay here to supervise their work. I will take care of it myself. If the goods are loaded and I don't come back in time, then don't wait for me, just leave."

"Yes, Master, I will urge them to implement your resolution."


Gul'dan nodded, thought for a while, greeted a team of men, and left the secret dock on foot.

As a death knight, Tyrone Gorefiend no longer simply believes in his own eyes, let alone believes others' words, even if this person is his master Gul'dan.

After Gul'dan's breath was far away, Tyrone Gorefiend condensed a thin shadow in his hand. These weak shadows floated in the air, and gradually gathered around the death knight, as Tyrone Gorefiend seemed to walk around casually, enclosing his own territory in the world of energy.

Five Shadow Eyes, Master Gul'dan really values ​​these goods.

Tyrone Gorefiend grinned and grinned. His skin, which had been corroded by time and shadow power, cracked a scale-like crack under such action, just like the belly of a snake, but under the power of shadow Respond quickly as before.

Using some small means to temporarily shield Gul'dan from monitoring and controlling this dock camp, Tyron Gorefiend walked to a place where goods were piled up and mixed a powder made from runestones with magical energy. The big wooden box whose blood was divided into magic runes was taken out of the other goods with one hand.

After hesitating for a long time, Tyrone Gorefiend still decided not to open this box.

"Add an extra layer of tarp."

After Tyrone Gorefiend gave the order, he sat down on this box and got rid of the trick of fooling Gul'dan.

Almost at the same time, the coalition of the human king Carlos Barov and the high elf ranger lord Alleria Windrunner grabbed the tail of a troll army on the way to Zuaman."Carlos, we must catch up with this troll!"

During the evening meal, Carlos Barov’s only privilege as a king is a small piece of butter. Apart from that, Carlos’s dry food is no different from ordinary soldiers.

Chewing some stiff marching dry food, the king of Alterac motioned that he heard it, nodded and asked Alleria to continue speaking.

"Our sentry caught two tongues, and one of them recruited. The troll's target was the middle of the same forest. It was not enough for the beasts to ravage the east. They wanted to drive all the civilians back to Silvermoon City or Kill. We can’t sit idly by. A large number of refugees are gathered on the path of the trolls. If we sit idly by, it is tantamount to murder!"

Alleria Windrunner's original clear and sweet voice suddenly rose an octave when talking about the word "murder," a bit broken.

Carlos suddenly slapped Turalyon's arm, Turalyon glanced at it, and calmly threw the water bag to his friend.

"Um, I really want to hang up the logistics officer and beat it, it's really unpalatable."

Carlos poured half a bag of water in two mouthfuls, hammered his chest a few more times, and finally swallowed this breath.

"I have fried jerky, would you like?"

Turalyon threw Carlos a piece of black bark. After Carlos took it, he first sniffed it, then rubbed his hand on the lining of the skirt, and then crushed the fried meat into dregs and sprinkled it on On the marching dry food, and then took a bite.

"From very unpalatable to generally unpalatable, fried jerky is really a great invention."

Carlos happily made a statement similar to the one that you can eat when you turn your head off, and that the protein content is five times that of the Tauren.

"As a king, isn't it right to enjoy such a small amount of preferential treatment? You have to pretend to say something about sharing happiness with the soldiers. You don't want the soldiers to climb up hard, don't you just eat more meat? Divide your butter. I order."

Turalyon sat on the ground, his thigh pressed against the scabbard of the dagger, and he was too lazy to move his body, and directly stretched out his fingers to pinch Carlos's butter.


Alleria stood on the spot, took a deep breath, and then slowly spit it out, calming her violent emotions.

"His Majesty Carlos, General Turalyon. Our ranger troops in Quel'Dorei have discovered most of the troll's deeds, please give instructions."

Carlos stared at Alleria's bag in a daze, and he saw things like peels and leaves through the gaps in the bag.

Taking a deep breath again, Alleria used the deep breathing skill.

Throwing a piece of fruit to Carlos, Alleria stopped talking in a rage, and watched with her hands on her hips at the two important young people in the alliance fiddling with the marching dry food.

"Not tasty, sour."

Carlos threw the remaining half of the fruit to Turalyon, and Turalyon didn't care. After eating, he commented: "It's really sour."

Although interspersed with slapstick and teasing, a meal is actually about five points in total.

Standing up, clapping his hands, shaking the food residue off his body, Carlos finally got serious.

"Marshal Alleria, please pay attention to one question. There are ten thousand trolls. Even if we kill five hundred, there are nine thousand five hundred left. According to the information you provided, we found more than three thousand trolls. Trace, then the question is, where are the remaining six thousand trolls? If you don't figure this out, how do you want me to fight the three thousand trolls in front of me?"

Carlos asked rhetorically in an unhurried tone.

"My good guys and girls will do a good job of investigating."

Alleria is full of trust in the ranger of the Quel'Dorei, and doesn’t care about Carlos Barov’s questions. The troll can’t bypass the ranger’s reconnaissance network to play ambush tactics and outflank. .

"Remember what I answered to you?" Carlos suddenly changed the subject.


"I know. I know. I know you can handle it. Alleria, you elves are the masters of this forest. Under the established strategy, it doesn't matter how the tactics change, as long as the strategic goal can be achieved. Tactics are good tactics. I trust you so much, but your current performance is not worthy of my trust."

Carlos said solemnly, and Alleria was speechless.

Because of the death of her younger brother Lilas, although Alleria remained calm on the surface, her heart was actually messed up. In her view, humans and coalition forces are just tools for revenge. She has forgotten how to treat her allies with sincerity.

"I will strengthen the investigation, and I will give you a battle plan later."

Alleria is not an ordinary person after all. As a hero who has been famous for Quel'Thalas for a long time, the mature ranger lord understands Carlos's extraneous and true meaning.

Before leaving, Alleria took out two more fruits and threw them to Turalyon and Carlos.

"Well, this is sweet." Turalyon nodded and looked intoxicated.

"This girl has a real revenge mentality..."

Carlos felt a bit of bitterness in his sweetness, and looked down, half a bug...

The troops marching in the field are not so particular. There are tents crowded with tents, and no tents sleep like blankets around the campfire.

After the generals arranged the outpost arrangements and patrolled the camp, Carlos gathered all the generals and half of the wing captains.

Two people with a bag of wine can be regarded as sympathetic to subordinates. Carlos looked at the officers by the campfire and couldn't help feeling a proud sense of accomplishment--this is half of my team.

Seeing that the king summoned everyone and did not speak for a long time, Henry Schette relied on his seniority to ask first: "Your Majesty, why are you summoning us?"

"Let’s do it first, drink some wine, roast it, don’t worry, the night is still long."

Carlos pressed his palm down and signaled everyone to keep quiet.

After waiting for a while, Carlos spoke.

"Although everyone has fought a lot of battles with me, except for those old guys who were next to me in Hillblad, everyone else probably didn't fight side by side with me much. Although I'm not very young. , But if I count as military, I’m afraid I’m still above a lot of people. Here I’m relying on the old to sell the old, just talk casually.”

Carlos rubbed his hands, and the night breeze in this season was already bitterly cold.

"First of all, we have to figure out a question, why should we leave our warm fortress and camp and come to the Eversong Forest to help the elves fight. Quel'Thalas is such a powerful country, do we need human help? I know Many people just obey my orders, the king’s orders, and habitual obedience. This is good, but not good. If you don’t even understand this question, how should you answer when the soldiers below ask you? It's not good to fight in doubt after all."

Adjust the sitting posture, Carlos continued."I have also been distressed and wondered, why orcs and trolls appear in our human world, this should not be the destiny of the alliance! On the contrary, someone answered me—the times have changed. Yes, the times have changed. The orcs are here, the trolls have jumped out, they want to enslave us, dominate us, grab our food and women, kill our parents and children, and want to turn us into their slaves. Times have changed, and they want to open up wasteland. No more farming."

Seeing that the officers were listening to his own talk carefully, Carlos paused to give his subordinates time to think and buffer, and then continued.

"Maybe you are wondering, does this have half a copper coin to help elves fight trolls in this mountain forest? Yes, my comrades in arms, some. Some of you may not have seen the brutality of orcs. Hillbride, our alliance has a stalemate with over 100,000 troops and 50,000 orcs. In a tug-of-war, it takes almost three alliance men to replace the orcs. Although the war has progressed to this point, the battle has lost Billa. It’s 2.5 to 1, but it’s still a not optimistic figure. So we need reinforcements, allies, and unite with all friends who can be united, and fight against all enemies that can be attacked."

Seeing his subordinates frowning, Carlos felt it was time to put more fire.

"These Amani trolls of Zuaman wear armor and weapons made by the tribe, grab the food of the elves, and arrogantly yell in front of us. Can this be tolerated? They have become our enemies. Let them leave them alone. Sooner or later, they will break through the group. The obstacle of the mountain, when we come to our world, we must resist the enemy outside the country. Today, we don’t help the elves, tomorrow, we don’t help the dwarves, the day after tomorrow, we don’t help the dwarves, then when it is our human’s turn to suffer, who will come Help us?"

Carlos reached out to take the wine pouch from the guard, took a sip to warm his stomach and moisturize his throat.

"There is no need to tell you these truths. Soldiers, war, hack and kill, that's enough. But I don’t want my soldiers, my officers, and the nobles under my command to be unreasonable. Stupid. So I'll tell you. Now that the main principles are finished, let's talk about the benefits."

There is not much new ideas, it is nothing more than the set of adding officials to the ranks and exchanging military exploits for money. Carlos talked about it piecemeal for ten minutes, made a beautiful vision, and taught these muscle sticks how to go down and play with the soldiers under his hands. force.

"Brothers, don't be confused, don't be afraid, don't be intimidated by the power of the orcs. Although I said just now that the orcs can fight three each, we have ten times the number of humans! Our Alterac Kingdom is good Every man can compete against the orcs, and I can fight ten of your kings! The alliance will win, and Alterac will rise!"

At the instigation of Carlos, Alterac's generals and officers uttered a deep roar, with depression and excitement.

The king said so thoroughly, it made these soldiers feel that they were taken seriously, and the cook who knew how to cook always commented on the delicacy that was particularly convincing.

Carlos has exercised all the year round, and the physique and prestige gathered by his years of fighting has played its due role.

Because of his record, because of his strength, what Carlos said is particularly convincing.

After mobilizing his thoughts and mobilizing morale, Carlos pulled another guard and asked him to pretend to be an orc and a troll, and explain to all the officers the coping methods he found and explored against the orcs and trolls in actual combat.

The atmosphere over there was very hot, Turalyon leaned against the tree trunk in the shadow and asked: "Do you mind if Carlos doesn't call you?"

"His Majesty said in advance that there were some bad remarks against trolls in this meeting. Your Majesty is a caring person." Gottajin squatted beside Turalyon and replied.

"Your Majesty is wrong. Kidney Shot does not do much to our trolls. Excellent fighters can endure such pain. It is the right way to target the joints and bones and then cut the head."

From the swaying posture of the guard in the distance, Gottajin guessed that he was playing a troll and pointed out Carlos's mistake.

"Well, I will tell Carlos later that he was wrong."

"Remember to remind your Majesty that I said it."

"I will."

What Turalyon and Gotakin didn't know was that just less than twenty meters away from them, Alleria looked at Carlos and Alterac's officer squad with feverish eyes.

The Rangers of the Farstriders have been spread out, and Tenten Liang will be able to get accurate information.

Alleria has recently become obsessed with taking deep breaths, as if the swollen lungs can relieve the pain in her heart.

This time, Alleria seemed to smell the fragrance of the wine called Revenge.

The sweetness of revenge is always intoxicating.

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