Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 161: The Children of Warcraft Are Many Qi Zhi, Don't Love Red Makeup, Love Arms

Carlos was recuperating in Quel'Thalas, the northernmost area of ​​Lordaeron, licking the wounds of the war, and preparing to deal with Zujin’s more frenzied offensive, Lothar of the Hillblad war zone was facing the attack by Orgrim. The leading orc tribe has been stronger than waves of offensive.

"Too passive, Marshal. We have almost three times the strength of the enemy, but defending everywhere is too passive." Uther stood in front of the map with a look of resentment.

"Uther, don't let the anger go to your head. Our goal is to defend our homeland, followed by the Orcs of the Ao Annihilation. Don't reverse it." Lothar's calm voice was full of confidence, always so convincing. .

"But Master Marshal, the orcs are so crazy about their offense regardless of damage. It seems very abnormal. Over the period of time, the battle damage ratio between the Alliance and the Horde has gradually decreased, and it is already lower than one to two. The actions of the Horde are not compatible. Common sense." Saidan Dathrohan questioned the recent war from another direction.

"Abnormality means that the tribe has a conspiracy. No matter how crazy they are, as long as they can't break through our defenses, they will eventually be trapped in the hills and mountains of Hillblad. My children, think about it, the orcs came down the sea. , How many troops have been lost in the sea. This year’s marine fish can be fattened. If the orcs want to withdraw, then none of them will want to leave!" Anduin Lothar patted his hands, "Okay, don’t be caught Intimidated by temporary difficulties, time is on our side. Every moment, the alliance is becoming stronger, and every day, the tribe is weakening. As long as we don’t make mistakes, the ultimate victory will be ours.”

"By the way, Master Marshal, an application for promotion was sent from the Alterac Kingdom. Ten days ago, Alterac's army surrounded and wiped out an orc of about 2,000 people in the Tarren Mill area. Grand Duke Kx Barov hopes that the Alliance will be promoted to thirteen commanders."

After Turalyon went north, Gavinrad temporarily replaced Lothar's post, taking advantage of the break in the meeting, he hurriedly reported the matter to Marshal Lothar.

"The tribal orcs who encircle and wipe out two thousand people need to be promoted to thirteen commanders!"

Lothar was stunned by Alex Barov’s lion’s big mouth. The officers below the major rank are promoted by Alterac. Those above major in the Alliance are all commanders and fighters with real power. There will be no soldiers to bring you when they are promoted. , Where are you playing?

"Master Lothar, Alterac used nearly 20,000 troops and seven regiments to encircle and annihilate this time."

Gavinrad quickly explained when he saw Lothar's expression unhappy.

"Ha, twenty thousand people? If I remember correctly, our Majesty Carlos will also bring two regiments to fight trolls in Stratholme. Alterac can actually piece together seven legions! They put women on the battlefield. Yet?"

No wonder Lothar was so mocking. As a small country and a hard-hit area of ​​war, even if the Alterac Kingdom entered a state of full-scale war and recruited 30,000 strong men, it would be enough to keep the seventh-tier women in the country as widows.

"Actually, yes." Gavinrad replied.

As soon as this statement came out, the entire conference room was quiet.

"Talk about it." Lothar put away his mocking look and asked seriously.

"His Excellency the Grand Duke Alex has launched a female labor recruitment order to gather women in the slack period to transport supplies and build offensives. All the young men who can line up on the battlefield are dispatched. In fact, the duration of this battle is very long. Short, according to the battle report, Alterac Kingdom fought a siege and annihilation with ten times the enemy’s strength, and the battle ended in just three hours. The battle damage ratio was as high as one to five. Alterac's side Only less than 400 casualties."

After Gavinrad finished speaking, he pulled out a document from the document bag he carried with him and handed it to Lothar.

"Next time you will show me the battle report before expressing your own opinions. Don't let my subjective consciousness be influenced by you."

Lothar looked plainly and nodded Gavinrad.

"Yes, Master Marshal, I'm sorry."

Soon, Lothar read the document and passed it to others.

"Gavinrad, you took the time to do this. Alterac's guys are all good, and I apologize to them for the rudeness just now."

In a military operation of 20,000 people, it can be said that Alex Barov used materials heavier than the orcs to pile up the two thousand orcs, and Alterac hoped to get only 13 alliance promotions. Notice, such behavior should not be ridiculed.

"It seems that the defense of Alterac Pass can be relieved for the time being, but how should we deal with the defenses of Gilneas and Thoradin's Wall, Master Marshal." Uther touched his chin. The long-term war made him The originally smooth and shiny beard became like weeds.

"Thoradin's Wall, it is impossible to break from the north, unless Biglas Bertone surrenders to the enemy."

"But Biglas can't surrender to the enemy."

"So Thoradin's Wall cannot be broken."

The other generals argued, and in the end they all agreed that Thoradin’s Wall’s defense was okay.

Lothar couldn't help but nodded. After all, it was the legacy of Emperor Thoradin, a testimony to the splendor of the Arathor Empire, the unbreakable wall—the Wall of Thoradin!

Back then, when Carlos was a little boy playing in South Blue Town, he went to Thoradin's Wall to admire this historical relic, but he didn't find it for a long time.

"Here it is."

When the locals told Carlos so, did Carlos have a look of you playing with me?

As a result, he returned to the town of South Blue. After checking the tax, Alex knew about it and took Carlos to the main entrance of Thoradin’s Wall.

Seeing the magnificent and terrifying high wall, the building that blended with the mountains, Carlos had the illusion of tears in his eyes.

"Since the ancient troll wars, mankind has begun to build this Great Wall. We know that it was completed only 600 years ago during the time of Emperor Thoradin. The longest building in Fort Erdal, this is Thoradin’s Wall. It can be said that it is with this barrier that humans can go northward with peace of mind. Because behind the wall is the birthplace of mankind, and it will never fall. s home."

Young Carlos looked at the city wall that almost covered the sky, stretched out his hand to stroke the heavy bluestone brick, and sighed long.

The games are all deceptive.

What are more majestic buildings than the Great Wall in "A Song of Ice and Fire" in the game!

In the age when magic had not yet arisen, the people of the Arathor Empire used simple tools and human and animal power to build the defense line that took two thousand years to build. How could it be such a simple thing.

"Father, let's go."

"Don't you go in and take a look? The name of our Barov family is enough for the defenders of Stromgarde to let us go up and take a look."

"Don't go, it's enough."

"Then let's go."

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