In Hillblad’s winter, wars are raging.

Quel'Thalas, there is no winter.

Under the magical radiation of the sun well, Yongge Forest has only three seasons: spring, summer and autumn.

And Silvermoon City is always spring.

As a magic researcher, Dalkhan did not expect His Majesty Anastrian, the Sun King, to hand over the duties of the Warlord to himself.

"I miss the bitter cold wind. This Silvermoon City is too extravagant. I really hope the wind from the north can blow here."

Dalkhan raised his hand and performed a small trick on himself. A cool breeze blew over the face price, causing him to shiver comfortably.

As a radical, Dalkhan is angry.

As a mage scholar, Dalkhan is sane.

Between anger and reason, Dalkhan has a kind of psychological rapture, a desire for discovery and dissatisfaction that can never be subdued. This made Dalkhan want to do something, really want to do something, everything is good, as long as it can remove the decadent atmosphere in this glorious city.

As a violet fort that surpassed the so-called heaven and earth of the Dalaran Kingdom, the real magic city of Silvermoon City, it is naturally impossible to have any decadent aura. On the contrary, the fragrance of various plants permeates the streets and alleys, even the toilets are also fragrant.

The decadent aura that Darkan thinks refers to the political decadence of Quel'Thalas.

As a beneficiary of the parliamentary system, Dalkhan's status as a parliamentarian gave him sufficient power and benefits.

But Dalkhan despises and even hates this system.

Look at these delicious and lazy people, look at these extravagant nobles, look at the Quel'Dorei elves lying on the tombstones of their ancestors, is this the life that Darkan expects? This is not Darkan's ideal Quel'Sala S.

It can be said that in Quel'Thalas, there are only three Quel'Dorei elves who are truly respected by Darkan.

The first one is Alleria Windrunner, this lonely warrior almost satisfies all Dalkhan's illusions about him. When everyone hesitated about the damage of the Great Enchantment, only this hero was fighting alone on the front line, the unintelligible fighting was on the front line, and the successful battle was on the front line.

Dalkhan often imagined that he was Alleria, rushing through the jungle quickly, reaping the enemy's life, what a refreshing pleasure that should be. It is a pity that Dalkhan, as a mage, has good martial arts skills, but he hasn't really fought against opponents with swords and soldiers. He has always been a mage.

The second one is Anastrian Sunstrider, the king of Quel'Thalas, the ruler of Quel'Dorei elves, the owner of Silvermoon City, and the man known as the Sun King.

Dalkhan really understands Anastrian. From the perspective of the Sun King, Dalkhan thought that his king had done enough. The greed of the nobles, the constraints of the parliament, everything made the king difficult, even the sending of soldiers is such a small matter, the noble mages and congressmen have to quarrel for a long time, this Quel'Thalas is a pill!

Although Anastrian's station was also demolished, Dalkhan was satisfied with the Sun King and was convinced.

The third one was the late queen. The woman who had been reconciling the conflicts within the kingdom all her life gave herself everything that she had now, but until her death, the atmosphere in Silvermoon City had not been reversed.

It can even be said that Dalkhan's extremeness is generally bestowed by the queen.

Why is it so difficult to want a harmonious, equal, and progressive kingdom of Quel'Thalas!

Why is it so difficult to prove that we Queldore is better than Kaldore

Why is it so difficult to change the world!

Why is it so hard to do something!

None of Darcan's proposals to reduce the noble worship, pay taxes to all people, expand the scope of births, and accept half-elves as legal citizens of Quel'Thalas has not been passed. For two hundred years, Darkan's sincere proposals have not been passed.

This made the reformer who was interested in reforming the Quel'dorei elven society couldn't help feeling resentful and frustrated.But Dalkhan is not a discouraged person. In front of outsiders, he is still the gentle and powerful archmage and member of the Silvermoon City Council, Dalkhan.

Walking on the streets and alleys of Silvermoon City, Dalkhan never uses mobility tools or teleports spells in Silvermoon City. Because magic research and political life have consumed too much of his time, Dalkhan can only feel the breath of life from the limited walking time.

Even if it decays, I still love this city!

Looking at this glorious city, Dalkhan smiled and greeted all the pedestrians who greeted him.

Although the reason for those people's greetings is because of the dress that represents their identity, not Dalkhan himself.

When Dalkhan spent more than half an hour returning to his home, Hadulun Mingyi had been waiting for him in the living room for a while.

Taking a glance at the remaining tea in Hadulun's cup, Dalkhan probably judged how long the customer had been waiting.

"Excuse me, Commander, you know my walking habit."

Dalkhan leaned slightly, then sat down opposite Hadulun.

"It doesn't matter, I didn't wait long."

Hadulun nodded and put the teacup on the coffee table.

"Your Excellency, do not know what you call me?"

Dalkhan asked knowingly, but became increasingly dissatisfied with the bureaucrats of Silvermoon City. If Hadulun had pleaded for some people for his errands, Dalkhan decided to rush them directly.

If his judgment is not wrong, and the prince meeting has not ended, Hadulun Mingyi should have received the news, otherwise it will not come so quickly.

Is there no secrets left in Silvermoon City?

"Actually, I came to your Excellency for help."

Hadulun hesitated for a moment, but still said something.

"I don't know what it is."

Dalkhan's face dimmed.

"Actually, I hope Master Dalkhan can open one eye and close one eye."

Hadulun hesitated for a long time, but still said it.

"Oh, I don't quite understand, please let your military master make it clear."

Dalkhan resisted his anger without breaking out.

"That's it. Marshal Alleria's power is too weak. Although I have heard that His Majesty Anastrian is ready to send reinforcements, there is no guarantee that two thousand people will face the trolls. This gives Marshal Alleria an absolute advantage. However, because the Marshal’s previous recruitment of volunteers has harmed the interests of too many people, so except for the Farstrider troops, other troops are likely to be a stumbling block, so I hope your Excellency the Archmage You can open one eye and close one eye, allowing more rangers to travel with the team as volunteers, and if possible, provide them with the necessary supplies. After all, in your majesty’s transfer order, we far travellers can only dispatch one Thousands of people."

When Hadulun finished speaking, Dalkhan was not only relieved, but also filled with righteous indignation.

Quel'Thalas is being invaded, the village is burning, and the people are crying. Why do the generals want to defend their homes and the warriors who want to fight and kill the enemy, they have to ask themselves, what's wrong with this kingdom!

"I will coordinate, after all, this errand is ordered by your majesty, how can other people also need to be accommodating two points."

Dalkhan readily agreed.

"Thank you so much. Unfortunately, as the commander of the Farstrider Force, I can't help myself. Otherwise, I really want to go to the battlefield and kill him."

Hadulun stood up and walked in front of Darkan, took the hand of the archmage, and shook it vigorously.

"This is what I should do as a member of the Silvermoon City Council."

At the same moment, Lor'themar Theron in the trading area of ​​Silvermoon City was pulling Liadrin to spend the little vacation time left in the drink shop.

"Lor'themar, is it because you asked me out for dessert and drinks?" Liadrin sipped the juice with a helpless look.

"Hey, aren't we good friends? Do you want to watch me eat desserts in a dessert shop and be laughed at by my subordinates and colleagues? I don't want to do such a small favor? I can just let it go, whatever you want I pay the bill."

Lor'themar ate the pudding with a big mouthful, with a very righteous expression on my face.

"The problem is that I don't like desserts, it's too greasy."

Liadrin was really embarrassed to blame her friend, and it was not wrong to like desserts, so she had to make excuses on herself.

The female priest Liadrin would rather spend more time meditating and reading books.

"Recently, the preparations for combat are so tense. I'm going to take leave and return to the camp at three o'clock in the afternoon. What's the matter with me."

Lor'themar said with some dissatisfaction.

It doesn't matter, but you shouldn't keep using this which tastes good, hurry up and try it and look at me!

Liadrin sighed helplessly, and continued to sip the juice.

"Huh? Isn't that the Lord Sylvanas Windrunner?"

Suddenly, Liadrin found the direction that Lor'themar was facing away, and the ranger lord Sylvanas walked across the street with two small followers.

Lor'themar pretended to be close to Liadrin inadvertently, pulled the chair, adjusted her vision, took the opportunity to glance, and whispered to her friend, "It's really that salary thief."

"Why do you all call your lord Sylvanas salary thief?"

Liadrin is a priest and doesn't know much about the story between the Farstrider Rangers, so she asked curiously.

"Four words are too numerous to write!"

"If you don't tell me, I will go back."

"I said, I said!"

Lor'themar hurriedly agreed under the threat of Liadrin.

"The second young lady of the Windrunner family is also considered a legend. At the beginning, Sylvanas' promotion was based on her sister's merit book, but some people were dissatisfied with it that night. People went to the opponents’ homes to block people, one family after another, one by one beating, unrestrained. Then they took the initiative to invite the army and fought several beautiful battles. At that time, everyone thought Sylvanas was able to fight. Marshal Alleria is a genius commander comparable to that, and everyone in Farstrider is excited."

After Lor'themar finished speaking, she couldn't help but shook her head.

"Say it quickly, what is it?"

When Liadrin heard this, she hated Lor'themar's delinquent behavior and couldn't help kicking him under the table.

"But after the Lord Sylvanas Ranger Lord proved himself, the whole person suddenly became bad."

Lor'themar said silently.


Liadrin asked puzzledly, the first time I heard that there was a disease that the high elves could not cure.

"It should be said that he was forcibly ill. The Lord Sylvanas never worked seriously unless it was the Ranger Lord taking turns. But whenever someone impeached or questioned her, the Lord Sylvanas always She can prove herself with her merits. Over time, everyone has no choice but to let her go. In the past ten years, she has not done any serious business, she is a full salary thief!"

"What a great look, idol!"

"You big women, if I am unfortunately assigned to her, tsk tsk..."Lor'themar shook her head regretfully.

What he didn't know was that the conversation between him and Liadrin was passed into Sylvanas' ears verbatim.

Just kidding, Liadrin’s family and the Windrunner family are allies. It’s hard for Sylvanas to notice it or not, and she wants to be a salary thief honestly, without strong skills, so she won’t be sullied by others. .

Boy, I remember you.

Sylvanas didn't say hello to Liadrin, this little girl didn't deserve her own initiative, she just glanced at Lor'themar's appearance from the corner of the eye, and left casually.

If you offend my old lady, you still want to make it better?

Sylvanas snorted twice in her heart, and decided not to care about her younger generation for the time being, it was not worth breaking her mood of shopping for the unknown.

The holiday time is approaching. After sending Liadrin back to church, Lor'themar found a place where no one was there and slammed her throat. It was uncomfortable to eat too much dessert!

In order to have an upright and long-term reason for Jolie Adelin to come out, Lor'themar Theron endured huge criticisms - the Dessert Demon...

Conscience of heaven and earth, which bastard likes to eat desserts!

As a result, all the dessert shops will send a trial invitation to Lor'themar's family for new products. New varieties that can be confirmed by Lor'themar will surely sell well. It has become an iron rule in the dessert industry. Lor'themar Also got a weird nickname: the mysterious man A of Dessert Street.


After spit it out, Lor'themar felt that she was comfortable, then wiped her mouth and walked to the barracks.

"Hadulun, how about it, is there a job for us this time?"

When encountering Hadulun Mingyi, Lor'themar happily greeted him.

"No, this time the recruits are all peripheral troops, and none of the guards of Silvermoon City can move."

Hadulun shook his head regretfully.

"I'm sorry, it's an honor to be able to fight under Marshal Alleria, I really want to be a volunteer."

Lor'themar could only shook his head regretfully.

"Don't think about it, you're all in the squadron leader, don't ruin your future."

Hadulun patted Lor'themar on the shoulder. This young man who was only a decade younger than him was his optimistic subordinate, and he didn't want Lor'themar to destroy his future because of a battle.

In Quel'Thalas, dereliction of duty for serving military personnel depends on the severity of the situation. Although there will be no death penalty, promotion in the future will definitely be difficult.

"By the way, I saw Lord Sylvanas today. Marshal Alleria is fighting hard. As Marshal's sister, she still has the mood to go shopping!"

Lor'themar found that suddenly there seemed to be nothing to say, and couldn't help mentioning this.

"You don't understand, you are fine, come on, hey."

Lor'themar Theron was left confused, and Hadulun Mingyi left on his own.

Because the level is not enough, you don't understand.

Because you don’t understand, you are a competent soldier, which is great.

Boy, you are fine, so come on.

When you understand all of this, you will come with me.

Anubeloredelana-May the sun guide you.

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