Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 169 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Question 169

Hillbride is surging, but the battle in Yongsong Forest is like a pool of stagnant water.

"Aurelia, give your people an order. Except for the ready-made food, all the fields are burned! We are here to spend our lives to delay them. You actually told me that there are still ten days to mature the winter crops. The villagers do not want to leave!"

Carlos laughed angrily when he heard Alleria's report.

Although the troll did not launch an attack for a long time for various reasons, the evacuation work was far from smooth as expected. Many elves and commoners in Quel'Thalas are reluctant to part with their homes, the well-decorated huts, the crops that are about to mature, the familiar mountains and rivers, and the puppies of the neighboring house.

"Carlos, you know, I can't."

Alleria's brows furrowed, and she felt all kinds of grievances bound to her body in an instant.

I'm just a general, I'm just a soldier, I went down in a low voice and begged for reinforcements, why don't you understand!

I just got to kneel down and beg you to save myself, why are you unwilling!

The corners of Alleria's eyes flushed under the double incomprehension of the people and friends.

"It's not to blame you, but to mourn your misfortune and to be angry. The time is now the troll, which was given to us by Zujin. If it wasn't for the troll that something went wrong, now we have retreated to the second line of defense. Yes, you are you, but you told me that within 40 kilometers away, there are at least two thousand high elves who are unwilling to retreat. What the hell do you want to wait for the watermelon tree to bear fruit? You, me, I met you high elves. Austria Lelia, take out your Elf Marshal Haki, you have to withdraw if you don't withdraw, you have to withdraw if you don't, you have to conquer rations, distribute them collectively, and even burn the crops. Do I teach you this?"

Carlos felt the corners of his eyes twitch, his temples twitched.

Although the troll didn't know what happened, it was five days later than the expected attack time, but Zujin will not be late forever. When the troll really appears, it will inevitably be more terrifying than expected.

Just like a storm on the sea, the longer it brews, the more powerful it will be.

"Alleria, it's not that we embarrass you or don't understand you, but you are the only one to do this. As human beings, we have no position involved in this matter."

Carlos grabbed Alleria's wrist and pulled her to the side of the map.

"Look, see, you Quel'Thalas is divided in two by a river. Now Turalyon is leading people to build a fortification in Maple Creek Valley. We are stuck in the middle of Eversong Forest, and the east has been harmed. It’s empty and white. Why are these guys in the west so demented? When we give up the first line of defense, Yongge Forest is basically over! If we can’t evacuate in time, cross the bridge in time and let those who don’t want to go swim back to Yinyue by themselves. City!"

"I know, I know everything you said, but what do you want me to do, burn their homes, ruin their fields, and chop down their trees? What is the difference between me and those troll invaders?"

Alleria's feelings were instantly detonated, and she asked loudly.

"You saved their lives."

Carlos didn't change his face and answered calmly, calming Alleria down.

"I'm very sorry."

"It doesn't matter."

"I'm going to supervise the evacuation work."

"Time is running out, we can't expect the troll to wait for us five more days."

"I see."

After speaking, Alleria left in stride, leaving Carlos with a fierce back.

"Aslan, get out!"

Under tremendous pressure, Carlos’s rogue habit broke out a bit. Facing his subordinates was no longer a gentle attitude, but the subordinates showed him more respect and love, which made Carlos couldn’t help but laugh or cry. The soldiers in the world are all urinary, scolding you is to value you, to beat you is to love you, and to be polite is to punish you...

"Your Majesty, what's your order?" Aslan Qi'an ran all the way to Carlos and asked respectfully.

"Prepare to be a squad of one hundred people, I want to go out for a walk." Carlos ordered.

"Um, your guard?" Aslan Qi'an didn't understand what his king meant, and he didn't know how to execute the order.

"I'm going to take a look farther away. I want the one that runs better than fights, and the nose and eyes are more flexible than legs and feet, understand?"

Carlos hinted euphemistically.

"Is this bad? Your Majesty."

Aslan Qi'an hesitated, the king's order was not easy to implement.


Carlos dragged a long hmm, raising the tone.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Aslan Qi'an bowed his chest and accepted the errand.

"Complete the preparation work within an hour, and then come to see me."

"Yes, I promise to complete the task."

Carlos decided to go to the east to see what the troll was up to, and then on the way back, walk to the west to see what the elf was up to.

Scanning left and right, he found that there was only the guard with his back facing him. Carlos took out a magic sticky note and wrote something on it with a special pen, but left no handwriting.

Carefully put away the magic notes, Carlos looked at the map again and found that there was nothing good, so he just sat aside and closed his eyes and rested for a while.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Carlos."

Seeing someone calling him, Carlos suddenly woke up, opened his eyes, and looked around with sharp eyes.

"How long did I sleep."

Still keeping his arms around his chest, Carlos asked calmly.

"According to your instructions, I completed the guard work within an hour, and now I will return to you."

Aslan Qi'an euphemistically passed the fact that his king was dozing off, and chose to report the work directly.

"Very well, you go one more time, let Henry Shett also come, I need to arrange and hand over some things."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

When Aslan Qi'an temporarily left, Carlos stretched his muscles and bones, and the short sleep effectively relieved physical fatigue.

Considering that there are too many small-scale combat obstacles in the forest, which are not suitable for heavy weapons like Arcanite axe, Carlos drew two double-edged long knives from the weapon rack and tied them around his waist.

The long sword has double edges, except for the gladiators in the arena, only the elves can do this.

Because the advantage of the long knife is to hack with one hand, it is a lightweight and heavy weapon. Although double-edged, the long knife can have more changes in use. Because of the double-edged sword, it is difficult to counterweight the weapon, so the double-edged long knife is shorter in length, wider in width, and longer in the hilt than the single-edged long knife.

You can say that it is more powerful than a long sword and more flexible than a single-edged long sword.

Similarly, you can also say that it is more bulky than a long sword and less powerful than a single-edged long sword.

With thoughts and intentions, Carlos subconsciously chose such a pair of nondescript weapons to remind himself of the embarrassing status of human beings in Quel'Thalas.

Carlos couldn't help but sarcastically thought, the more he touched, the more shocking he was. How much surprise this high elf of Quel'Thalas could give himself, this king will wait and see.

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