Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 17 Leading the way is great, Mr. Dufang is great

After communicating with Farad, the manager of Ravenholdt Manor, the identity of the accidental intruder was confirmed.

Rukia. Einstein, the illegitimate daughter of the owner of an alchemy shop in Stratholme, has an extraordinary talent since she was a child. She was valued and raised by the boss of the underworld. After receiving the invitation from Ravenholdt, she found the manor independently. Where, passed the test. However, he has not signed the affidavit and has not been cultivated in the manor, so theoretically Rukia is not a member of Ravenholdt and can be sold to the Barov family.

Considering Miss Detective's heaven-defying concealment ability and terrible fear of death, Grand Duke Alex Barov decided to train Rukia as a spy. Carlos suggested joining the scout course.

Dealing with accidental disruptors, sister weapon master Dan Dema was assigned to the family guard for pre-war drills. This great warrior, who has lived for more than 4,000 years, has three professions: warrior, thief, and hunter, and can skillfully use almost all weapons and equipment. The soldiers of Guy Erdalon Lake Heart Castle had a storm. The glorious deed of the storm hitting a hundred times was used as a reference, and the temporary Instructor with a violet skin made a one-to-two-hundred battle request. Dandema Lan Yu humbly stated that he was incomparable to the Pandaren monk, so he agreed to the soldiers' request and fought two hundred times one-on-one. I will use whatever weapon you use. Dan Dema's invisible attire forced the soldiers to triple their psychological shadow area, but getting advice from a weapon master helped them survive the war.

Brother Bald is an experienced thief, loyal to Ravenholdt, and highly agrees with the idea of ​​the Assassin Alliance. As a professional with a sense of honor, he was good at assassination and began to think backwards about how to protect a person he wanted to assassinate. As a result, Brother Bale's security capabilities have improved, but he has reflected on many of his own shortcomings, and his assassination skills have improved. The distressed brother Bald was deeply trapped in an endless loop of competing with his stronger self and couldn't extricate himself from it.

As a troll serving Ravenholdt, Evil Tooth does not have much sense of racial identity. During the period before the rally day, he revealed a lot of inside stories about the Hinterland to Alex and his son. information.

"There are three main forces in the Hinterlands. The dwarves of the Eagle's Nest, the elves (high elves) of Quel'Dani's hut, and the trolls."

Du Fang. Evil Tooth finished speaking, Carlos raised a question.

"There are dwarves in Eagle's Nest?"

"Yes, my father told me that the dwarves came to the Hinterlands over the mountains hundreds of years ago and built a city called Erice. Eagle's Nest is a fortress city built behind them. The dwarves Every year, I have to fight against the Witherwood clan of Shadralo." Dufang Eya explained.

After thinking about it, Carlos understood that he had made the mistake of empiricism. The Wildhammer dwarves moved to Eagle’s Nest Mountain after Grim Batol’s defeat, but why did they go to Eagle’s Nest Mountain? Isn't there a base there? The reason is the same as the reason why Taizu went to Yan'an.

"About how many dwarves there are." Carlos continued to ask.

"Erypic looks like hundreds of people. I don't have the ability to sneak in at Eagle Nest Mountain. The treasury guards of those dwarves are very powerful." Dufang Eyayto answered as detailed as possible after speaking.

That's right, now the Wildhammer dwarves in the Hinterlands are only a small part of the branch, and the main force of the Wildhammer dwarves is Grim Batol.

"You continue talking." After trying to understand, Carlos stopped struggling with this question.

"The dwarves occupy the vicinity of Eagle's Nest Mountain; there are too few elves, but the Quel'Dani hut is on the high mountains, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack; the main territory of the Hinterland is still the troll." After changing the sitting position, continue to say: "But the trolls are not united. Some scattered tribes are not worth mentioning. There are three main clans. The Evil Branch clan of Sinsalor, the Withered Wood clan of Shadralo and I was born. The evil tooth clan. Among them, the most powerful evil branch clan has a conservative population of more than 10,000. Those guys believe in the blood god Hakkar and often hunt trolls from other clans for blood sacrifices. The reputation is terrible. The Witherwood clan is in the Hinterlands. They are only part of it, mainly gathered in Shadralo. They also believe in the blood god Hakkar, but they prefer to use other races for blood sacrifices. It is these guys who killed Prince Jerio. As for the evil tooth clan, let me say a digression. , The only reason why I didn’t fight against the people is because the evil tooth trolls don’t believe in Hakkar. But two noble adults, don’t believe in the evil tooth clan. Chen Jing is still in the glory of the past without strong strength. Sooner or later, this clan Going to the end." Dufang Echigo ended this passage viciously.

A troll thief serving the human organization Ravenholdt hates his own clan. It is not strange that Alex and his son are at all, but the hatred is well-founded, which is interesting.

"Mr. Dufang, if you can tell your story, I will provide you with a small gift as a reward, do you think this is okay?" Alex said.

"It's not a shameful thing. The evil tooth clan has a custom that the patriarch will break the troll's unique long teeth, so generations have been called the broken tooth patriarch. Since I was a child, I have been different from others, only one tooth The growth was extremely huge, and the other side was completely underdeveloped, which made me unable to eat normally. My father broke the deformed giant tooth for my growth. Because of this, the patriarch of Broken Tooth believed that his father challenged his authority. A duel with his father. This is a murder! My father is the best fisherman in the village of Evil Tooth, and the patriarch of Tooth is a professional warboy. A story that is not pleasant to hear." Evil Tooth said, finally calmed down. .

"Lu Sen, send Mr. Dutto to rest, and prepare a big meal for Mr. Dutto in the evening. The specific dishes and wine must be in line with Mr. Dut's washing, do you understand?" Alex shook the housekeeper's bell. , Lusen Sackhoff opened the door and walked into the room.

"Yes, sir." Luson Sackhoff left the study with Duofang.

"Carlos, what do you think." Alex asked in general.

"A bloody massacre," Carlos replied.

Seeing his father's frown, Carlos could not tell his father that in the upcoming second Orc War, the troll joined the tribe as an ally of the orcs and caused much damage to the alliance. Now it is a rare opportunity to be ruthless. The weakening of the power of the trolls naturally made it impossible to do face-saving work as his father thought.

"Father, Uncle Aiden needs the dignity of a king, Alterac needs a greater right to speak, and the Barov family needs a heavy military service. Only blood can satisfy these." Carlos couldn't think of it for a short time. Good rhetoric can only talk about tall and empty words.

"You are too radical, so I wouldn't dare to let your only son go to the Hinterlands." Alex was a little worried.

"Father, one third of such a large treasure house is already empty. Once the war starts, the cost will be even greater. I read your plan. The Alterac Kingdom alone needs to pay at least 50,000 gold coins for this war. . And the Barro family bears half of it, which is also 25,000. In addition, the previous wishes and promises to the little nobles need to be implemented. From last year to the end of the war, the family needs to point out at least more than 100,000 gold coins. This is by no means a small number." Carlos knew not to persuade his father that he might be on the sidelines during this trip to the Hinterlands.

As mentioned before, the Barov family’s annual income is about 20,000 gold coins, but after expenses, the net income is only about 2,000 to 4,000. The huge amount of 100,000 gold coins is the family’s nearly 30-year savings.

"So?" Alex was unmoved.

"Trolls, or the tombs of trolls, they have the custom of being buried with gold and silver treasures." Carlos replied.

"Let me think about it, son, let me think about it." Alex was a little shaken.

With the wealth of the Barov family, it was too heavy to exchange 100,000 gold coins for a crown, and Alex was shaken by the troll crusade plan originally intended to demonstrate.

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