Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 171 You Don't Say You Don't Want You Shouldn't, I Thank You for Your Love

Due to the destruction of a large number of runestones, the southern and eastern regions of Quel'Thalas' Great Enchantment Eversong Forest showed a serious decline. Losing the brilliance of the sun well, the flowers and trees in the forest have returned to the control of the laws of nature, and began to wither and wither in this cold season.

Carlos walked in the cold winter wind, and the dead leaves under his feet were torn apart under the footsteps of iron boots, making a squeaky sound, bringing a faint sound to the silent forest.

I have been traveling for two days and have walked for nearly a hundred miles, but in the empty forest, the troll has heard nothing from him, and occasionally encounters the ranger of the high elves wandering and patrolling, and also said that he has not encountered the troll's sentry.

This is unreasonable.

Carlos wouldn't believe that Zuaman had a plague or that someone under Zujin was in a riot, so the troll persuaded him.

If not, it can only mean that the troll is brewing big moves.

When the troll reappears, it is not a power that can be blocked by thousands of people.

After leaving his official duties, Carlos calmed down and continued to reflect on the decisions he had made.

Is it worth helping the high elves of Quel'Thalas like this?

Although Alleria Windrunner is a famous hero in Quel'Thalas, she is a legendary figure. But after all, she was just a general, a marshal, and the idol of all elven rangers.

Can she give herself the expected return?

Can the Alterac Kingdom, which has overdrawn all its potential, play its due role in the war, survive the hardest winter, and win a glorious future?

Can the Alliance really survive all the dangers like the original history, completely overwhelm the tribe, and win the final victory?

Thinking too much, Carlos couldn't help feeling a little irritable, sweating behind his back, and a dull pain in his head.

Crushing a heart-shaped leaf he was playing with, Carlos smashed the residue out.

"Return, let's go back."

With an order, everyone turned their horses and galloped away in the direction they came.

When Carlos completed the planned inspection and returned to the first line of defense, five days passed.

When he just came back, before Henry Shette, who was the temporary commander, had finished describing his work summary, the sentry came to convey the military information.

"Your Majesty, there is news from the elf. In the mountains to the east, a large-scale assembly of trolls and orcs have been found. According to the elf's judgment, it is very likely that they came from the Hinterlands. The number is unknown, but it is estimated to be more than 3,000."

After the sentry delivered the order, he knelt on one knee and waited for the king's order, and the whole person looked very nervous.

"This is really bad!"

"Okay, that's great!"

Henry Shett looked at Carlos in astonishment and stared at his King. The orcs and the trolls have merged, and the trolls have greatly increased in strength. What's so happy about this?

"Henry Shelter, nothing is more terrifying than the unknown. Nothing is more tormented than waiting. It's here, it's finally here, five days and five days, and it will take at least five days to wait for them to come over. Half a month The time has passed, and the line of defense has been basically completed. Come on, come on, no matter whether it is a troll or an orc, no matter who Zujin or Zuljin, come all!"

Carlos appeared unusually excited, his posture infected other people, even the sentinel who sent the order let go of his inner tension, feeling that His Majesty the King seemed to be making sense.

"Send the order, the whole army is on alert, inform Alleria and Turalyon that the intermission is over and the second half will begin immediately."

Carlos exhaled deeply, and the whole person relaxed.Very simple reasoning question.

Known condition one, the main force of the war between the Hillbrad Hills Alliance and the Horde did not decide the outcome.

Known condition two, the Wildhammer dwarves of Eagle's Nest are still alive and well.

Known condition three, Gul'dan stole the runestone for the construction of the storm altar.

So the question is, which excavator technology is strong?

Cough, be serious, then how many orcs came to Quel'Thalas over the mountains?

If you expect 51 million orcs to reverse the strategic posture of Quel'Thalas, Orgrim is undoubtedly a idiot. Carlos has been worried for so long. What is really afraid of is those things that are beyond cognition. Son.

Ever since Dandema Lan Yu solemnly told Carlos that the King of Tree Hole really exists and that he once entered the second round of retraining for driver selection, Carlos really dreamed that he was afraid that Zujin would instigate a digital violence. Dragon beasts or steel galuru or something came out and swept Quel'Thalas.

Now that the hole cards are basically opened, the troll is waiting for reinforcements from the orc tribe.

Then let's fight, the east wind blows, the drums of war, Azeroth who is afraid of whom!

When Carlos ignored the overwhelming numerical advantage of the Quel'Thalas tribe orc and troll coalition forces, and entered the mysterious self-confidence mode, in the city of Lordaeron, Alsala was deeply blamed, annoyed, and wept silently. .

In mid-July last year, Alsace followed his good friend Joram, secretly escaped from the palace, preparing to play at Barnier Farm, and happened to arrive at Barbani Farm’s mare Liangmane to give birth.

"The gray little pony is still wet, with big eyes and long legs twisted, blinking around under the dim lantern. Alsace's sight was blocked by the big brown eyes.

You are so beautiful, Arthas said in his heart, and stopped breathing for almost a while. "

Arthas liked this pony very much and wanted to take it away very much, but unfortunately he secretly escaped from the palace to play, and finally Alsace returned to the palace in frustration.

However, the young Arthas had no idea that he was able to escape the palace smoothly, in fact, his father Terenas deliberately did it.

The necessary adventurous spirit is also the quality that a prince should have.

Alsace Chance was a "secret escape" completed under the full protection of twenty palace guards.

So not long after, when Terenas summoned Arthas to the king’s stable, Arthas saw the pony that made him dream.

"Father, I forced Yorim to help me escape, please don't punish him!"

Although seeing the little pony makes Arthas very happy, the wise prince's first thought was that his father knew that he had secretly escaped from the palace.

His father Terenas was the king of Lordin Road, and his friend Yorim was only the son of a farm farmhand, which made Arthas feel horrified.

"Okay, very good, your loyalty to your friends is the best gift your father has gotten today, Alsace, this is very good!"

Terenas was unsatisfied with Alsace's performance.

"Now, this little pony is yours, take good care of it."

"Yes, father, I will take good care of it!"

Alsace felt that he had received the best gift, and his father was the best in the world.

The fur, neck, and tail of this little stallion were gray when they were born, but now they have become pure white. Alsace half-jokingly considered names such as "Xueluo" and "Starlight", but in the end he still named his mount after a certain quality in accordance with the unwritten tradition of Lordaeron.

Uther's mount is called "Solid", and Terenas's mount is called "Fearless".

Then, his name is "Invincible".

After gaining invincibility, Arthas couldn't help but rush to show off with Varian Wrynn, because in this palace, apart from his squeamish sister, only his cousin, Prince Varian, is a suitable person. Mentioned object.

"To be honest, when this miracle of life was born invincibly, it was actually a bit nauseous at first." Arthas said. Arthas couldn't help putting his hand on Varian's arm.

"I saw the birth of a foal with my own eyes. It is it, my invincibility. Look, is it beautiful."

However, young Arthas didn't know that his showing off was actually a kind of harm to Varian.

Arthas felt that since the pony was born, the moment their eyes met, there was a bond between each other.

Invincible is more than just a war horse.

Invincible will become a part of his life.

"It is indeed a beautiful little mare, you have a good eye."

Although this familiar encounter reminded Varian of his father, Ryan Wrynn, as a precocious child, Varian suppressed his grief and praised his little brother.

Happiness will increase because of sharing, but sadness will not subside because of sharing. Whether it is Alsace or Varian, in childhood, it is a good boy who can't help but love.

In winter, the half-year-old Pony Invincible has a good physique. Under the careful training of the horse trainer of Lordaeron, he has a physique far surpassing that of a horse of the same age, and is smart and considerate.

On this day, Alsace came to the stable alone and quietly untied the reins of invincibility. The horse sensible did not make any noise, and followed the owner's small steps obediently.

When Arthas took Invincible and slipped out of the palace again, and after setting up his saddle and bridle, he stepped onto Invincible's back with a stride.

Invincible, which had been suppressed for a long time, made a cheerful neigh, and led Arthas swiftly across the white land of Lordaeron.

But Invincible was just a pony raised in the palace, and Arthas was just a half-rider.

The rider thought that his mount would lead him to fly, feeling the same feeling of flying, the mount gave everything to the owner on his back, and galloped along the reins, and the two novices immersed in the speed unknowingly rushed into a strange land. Woods.

At the moment of the accident, Alsace felt terrified. The invincible rear hoof slipped on the frozen rock. The horse struggled violently. It neighed, and its four legs frantically tried to find a safe foothold in the air. .

Alsaceton cried out from time to time, and heard his own scream when the jagged rocks, not the snow-covered grass, pounced at a lethal speed.

Arthas grabbed the reins tightly, as if this would be useful, but in fact there was no use for eggs.

Before falling to the ground, Alsace shouted, "No!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

Arthas murmured, struggling to stand up.

The world became dark in an instant, and he almost lost consciousness again, relying entirely on will to support him.

Snow began to drift in the sky, the wind was howling, and the weather began to darken gradually.

I don't know how long it took, but slowly, Arthas felt a little better.

Fighting against the pain and violent snowstorm, Arthas dragged his body hard and moved to the frightened horse.

Invincible stirred the red-stained snow with two intact and strong hind legs and broken front legs. Seeing the terrible condition of the front legs, Alsace's stomach tumbling. These legs were once straight and slender, clean and powerful, but now they are hanging down and folded into a terrible angle.

Invincible kept trying to stand up but couldn't do it anymore.

........"I'm sorry," Alsace muttered to himself, "I'm very sorry."

Invincible stopped struggling, and calmly responded to its owner, with trust, as if he knew what was going to happen and felt the need. And this was not something Arthas could bear. Tears once again blurred his vision, and he tried his best to hold back the tears.

Stroking Invincible's head, countless shaking, countless self-blame, and finally, Arthas, who was relieved, stood up.

Arthas drew his sword, slowly, slowly, slowly, little by little, gathered it over his head, and swung it straight down.

And if there are witnesses in history, then he will definitely mock the fate's screenwriter.

This is what a person with a bad personality.

The eldest master of Stromgarde, Danas Bertone, endured uneasiness, and followed the alliance's large forces slowly.

This sudden heavy snow severely disrupted the march of the Alliance troops.

His pride, his father, Biglas Bertone is fighting fiercely at Thoradin's Wall, and he needs support.

Although he has never doubted his father’s abilities, nor did he think there would be any accidents in the Wall of the Fallen, Danas, as a son, is so eager to have a pair of wings next to his father—whether as a warrior or a son.

"Damn it, how come this year's snow is so late?"

Looking at the broken rein in his hand, Danas couldn't help complaining.

As a qualified cavalry, Danas can fix himself on the horse without a rein and direct the horse forward, and even initiate a charge.

But there is an unwritten letter between Lordaeron's riders - the broken rein is an ominous sign.

Danas can only blame the horrible weather for his fault.

Fortunately, I am a paladin, and a paladin who has mastered the holy light and holy shield art. The lessons of falling horses are not worthy of my name.

Danas thought of it with anger, and prevented the help of the surrounding soldiers, took out the spare rein from the saddle bag and rode it on his own and began to replace it immediately, and the turbulent horse had not disturbed the marching queue.

This hand riding skill won Danath with applause and whistles.

In the mountains surrounding the Arathi Plateau, a group of tribes are struggling forward.

Although the heavy snow made the mountain roads difficult to navigate, it also made their movements difficult to detect.

This is a group of sword saints and shadow hunters among trolls.

"Are you sure we can go around the high wall before nightfall tomorrow?"

A green-skinned orc sword sage asked, although the cold wind in the mountains is piercing, but for the sword sages, a white cloak is enough to keep out the cold.

"I'm sure."

The shadow hunters among the trolls also have their own dignity, and the doubts of the orc sword saint make the strong among the trolls less happy, but as an ally, this degree of friction cannot destroy the covenant.

In this way, the team continued to walk along the ridge silently.

Between the sky and the earth, there is a vast expanse of snow, as if to purify the world into whiteness.

However, the flames of war will eventually stain everything with blood and gunpowder.

Red and black dominated Lordaeron again soon after.

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