Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 188 Sunrise, the East is red, the genre, the East is undefeated

Thoradin's Wall appeared tottering under the frantic attack of the Horde.

But underneath the critical appearance is the prestige of the unbreakable wall for thousands of years.

"Very well, reinforcements are coming in two days. The main force of the tribe will be trapped and killed outside the high wall."

Biglas received the good news from the letter harrier and couldn't help but slammed down the table.

Even in the most difficult moment, Biglas still held the 1,000-man reserve team in his hand and did not move.

Because he believed in the alliance, in Lothar, in the sturdiness of Thoradin's Wall, and even more in his own strength.

Four thousand defenders, defending Thoradin’s Wall is definitely enough. Although the flames of the red dragon have brought a lot of casualties to the warriors of Stromgarde, the red dragon is not the same in the face of solid city defense and complete defense equipment. Invincible, not to mention that after the first few days, Thoradin's Wall waited for support from the Wildhammer dwarves.

In that battle, Falstad in the red turban once again completed a monster-like killing, almost GodLike. Douglas also seized the opportunity to open Thoradin's gate and carried out a counter-attack, successfully destroying a large number of siege weapons of the tribe.

"I don't believe that the tribe without the construction vehicle can play flowers in two days."

The scent of fireworks all over Grasse doesn't taste very good when he hasn't taken a bath for almost a month, but his strong self-confidence and unique temperament left over by the vicissitudes of time still attract others.

As long as the general is there, nothing is a problem!

"General, the orcs organized a group of death squads in an attempt to blow up the wall."

The voice of the soldiers has not arrived yet.

"Why do you panic, even if the beasts are powerful, how many explosives can they carry? How many explosives are there in the stupid ones who only know how to eat, drink, and chop? The explosives that humans can move want to blow up Thoradin's Wall ?"

Reprimanding the reckless messenger, Biglas renewed his cloak and decided to go up to the city wall to have a look.

It's a pity that the last messenger was a good soldier, but it was a pity that he died under the flames of the red dragon.

The bomb tactics failed. The primitive explosives that the orcs seized from the Alliance did not even shake the walls, but only smashed some of the walls. The orcs who were unwilling to retreat sent an army of ogres.

"These wild ogres are rubbish. If it were those ogres under Malgok, this high wall could be broken in three days."

Orgrim was impatient as he watched the ogre's roaring armor. But he also understood that the orcs who received the demon blood were qualified to resist the ogres. When they passed through the Dark Portal, Ner'zhul and Gromsh Hellscream were leading the rest of Draenor. The orcs are fighting against the arakkoa in the Goria Empire and Terokk.

If it weren't for the war in Draenor that involved a lot of energy from the orcs, how could these humans survive to this day?

Just thinking about it, Orgrim was a very practical orc, and he quickly focused his attention on the upcoming battle.

"Warchief, are you going to send these stupid guys to die?"

"Why do you say that."

"There is no red dragon, no siege equipment, we can't break through this high wall, the wall of Thoradin built by humans is more frenzied than Hanghammer. Just these ogre fools, I don't see the hope of winning. "

"Then you tell me where is the hope of winning."

"The blade hidden in the shadows in the great Doomhammer."

"Oh? Why don't I know what blades in the shadow exist."

"Maybe it’s not called that name, but there must be such a thing. The Orgrim I know is not a stupid talking about the people in danger. The bald head Lothar’s army is coming, and there is no time left for us. too much."

Ending the conversation with the warchief, the orc general decisively left. He didn't seem to listen to what the chief had hidden. He just wanted to remind Orgrim that the great sacrifices of these heavenly orcs should not be in vain.

"Of course it will not be in vain. If it is not to guard against those with ulterior motives, I don't need the Juggernaut to protect my safety. Orgrim is not a coward who needs protection."

The warchief shouted from his heart, and then quickly suppressed his anger. If Gul'dan can't bring what he wants, what he is interested in, and the results worth his life, he should kill him.

Orgrim made a decision.

Then watched the ogre charge, the ogre howled, the ogre fell, the ogre rushed under the wall, the ogre didn't know what to do, the ogre retreated.

Very good, it will be dark again.

Orgrim is like an iron-blooded general, with only victory in his eyes, without sacrifice.

On the last day of February, it was still very early.

After arranging the list of personnel on duty at night and the lurking sentry, Biglas decided to drink so many sips, and then took the guards to inspect again.

The behavior of the tribe is too abnormal, which makes this veteran of the military career feel very wrong.

Although when propagating to ordinary soldiers and civilians, the orcs are a group of humanoid beasts with no humanity and low IQ. But more than Glass clearly understands that orcs are sane and crazy creatures, even smarter than many humans, and despising them will not end well.

Then, behind these crazy orcs' attacks, there must be a big conspiracy.

But what is it, what is the conspiracy?

Behind the Wall of Thoradin, small-scale trolls and orcs were driven into the Arathi Basin by the cavalry of Stromgarde. Without a large-scale army, it was a wishful thinking to break through the Wall of Thoradin from the south. Even if Thoradin's Wall has weaker defenses in the south than in the north, it cannot be broken by a few hundred teams.

So, what tricks can the orcs use?

After thinking and thinking, Biglas still couldn't figure it out.

Forget it, don't want to, don't guess.

Biglas collected his hip flask, moved his exhausted body, then fastened his outer belt, fixed the [Troll Killer], and shouted: "Wu Ping, call the guards and follow me around."

"Yes, General."

The soldier with a strange name has a good martial arts, Biglas doesn't mind his bizarre life experience, and excludes public opinion and puts him in the guard.

Against the biting cold wind, Biglas finished patrolling the top city wall and the outer terrace, and checked whether the guys at the bottom city defense and the lurking post were dozing off. The guard general of Thoradin’s Wall decided to go to the power room of the agency and check the gate. How about the mechanism device.

Halfway through, Biglas felt something was wrong.

It's too quiet, it's not right.

At the same time, the legendary sword Tokaral trembles slightly to warn the owner.

"Enemy attack!"

Biglas drew his sword and yelled loudly.

At this time, several figures appeared from the darkness.

Seeing the careless sneers of the guards, Biglas knew he was going to suffer.

"For help!"

Wu Ping knew that the general was talking to himself, nodded and turned away.

Biglas stepped forward to block Wu Ping's deadly ultimate move, and successfully sent his guard out of the encirclement.

The encirclement of a dozen people against fifty people.

"Aha, look what we found, a blade of sin, everyone in the Bertone family deserves to die."

In the blink of an eye, the guards suffered heavy casualties, leaving only 22 people, while the assailant injured only one person.

"Really worthy of me, the assassination squad composed of Shadow Hunter and Sword Saint."

Biglas had to laugh even if he didn't want to smile bitterly.

"After a while, I will take the lead in the charge, and we retreat into the agency room."

Biglas whispered to his remaining guards.

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