Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 190 Some friends can be used to sell, some friends, you are not allowed to say that he is ba

Without much foreplay, the Battle of Maple Creek Valley climaxed from the very beginning.

With the help of the orcs, the trolls of Zuaman learned how to assemble large trebuchets. When the high elves' scouts returned the news, Carlos was not calm.

Because Turalyon suggested that there are too many hundred-year-old trees around Maple Creek Valley, which might provide resources for the enemy to build siege equipment, and suggested burning them down. However, the elves refused to carry out these plans to destroy the homeland, and Carlos was not prepared to do such a thankless work. So knowing that Turalyon's proposal was correct, everyone ignored this correct proposal.

After all, this plan is useless without mobilizing a large amount of manpower. Those big trees that require two people to hug can not be dealt with with a few small axes, and large-scale operations, overall planning is a troublesome matter.

Decisively changing the subject, Carlos felt that there was no need to make trouble at this juncture.

"Anything the enemy wants to do is what we must stop; what is beneficial to the enemy is what we must destroy."

Under the guiding ideology of Carlos's "Two Whats", Turalyon took the lead in responding and skipped it on his own initiative. Although the elves didn't look good, they responded positively.

So in this magical place of Fengxi Valley, the original defender took the initiative to attack, but the aggressor was actively defending.

The offensive and defensive attitudes of benevolence and righteousness are different.

Carlos didn't know why he suddenly remembered such a sentence, although it doesn't seem appropriate to use it at present. .

The hearts of the people are scattered, and the team is not easy to lead.

This is the deepest insight that Carlos has felt in the past few days.

Due to material issues, Alleria went to the Farstrider’s House and went to fight with the representative of Silvermoon City. The elves who were left behind heard that Guy Elsas was in charge and the army of Silvermoon City was exhausted. With confidence, he was also polite to Carlos, the nominal coalition commander.

The most terrible thing is that the soldiers who followed them all the way to life and death were also tired and began to rape and skid.

Sometimes, looking at the faces of certain high elves, Carlos would want to lift the table and stop playing, but he has already achieved this point.

Therefore, a battle that conforms to the interests of all parties but does not conform to the common sense of war has started.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty Carlos, I'm really sorry to have you suffered such a grievance for this war that does not belong to you."

Dalkhan seized the opportunity and found a time to talk to Carlos alone.

"I'm not wronged. Didn't Anastrian promise to reward me?"

Carlos was very polite to the archmage. But Darkan took Carlos's real politeness as irony, and couldn't help but feel even more ashamed.

Those high elves who have witnessed the brutality of the trolls and played with humans all the way are okay. Darkan is really angry when he sees the two thousand reinforcements he has brought.

I don't know where the confidence of these guys come from. Without the support of humans like Carlos and Turalyon, with three thousand elves, how to fight more than three times as many trolls.

The army of His Royal Highness?

If one day is not there, there will be no way to do it in one day!

Darcan tried to use this conversation to appease Carlos' grievances.

"I'm really sorry, Your Majesty Carlos, those little guys have been dazzled by merit and fame. In their eyes, war has become a shortcut to promotion, but they have forgotten that fighting is always deadly."

After all, Dalkhan still needs a face, so he can only speak up.

"In fact, it is not wrong. When reinforcements are scheduled to arrive, it is not wrong to take the initiative to change the situation of the war. Master, you don't have to carry all this on yourself."

Carlos can be regarded as hearing the meaning of Dalkhan's words and taking the initiative to comfort.

"Although I am a mage, I have also experienced war. Although we Quel'dorei elves are proud, we should not be arrogant. It is not a wise decision to give up a solid offensive and fight against powerful enemies in the wild with inferior forces. , Those little guys just took advantage of Marshal Alleria’s departure and kidnapped Your Majesty’s will with public opinion. So I should apologize."

Dalkhan bowed sincerely.

"Well, I accept your apology, and I also ask you and other wizards to take care of them in the coming days. Everything will be fine when Guy Elsas leads them."

Carlos nodded, indicating that he knew.

"Thank you for your generosity and kindness."

Dalkhan took the initiative to leave after speaking, and it seemed hypocritical to talk nonsense.

The original defense force of Maple Creek Valley was dominated by humans. Although the high elves were the landlords, they actively assisted Carlos and his party. But when the news of Guy Elsas' leader came, everything changed, as if the high elves suddenly found the backbone, as if by the name of the sunstrider, the troll would surrender and retreat without fighting.

And Maple Creek Valley itself was not the important town of Quel'Thalas. When the materials collected around were consumed rapidly under thousands of mouths, Alleria had no choice but to go out to find a supply place. Out of her control, the elves began to question Carlos and Turalyon's decision.

Carlos, who had already taken care of himself, was unwilling to do the work of good people, carrying bad people's pots, so he agreed to the high elves' request for war only with a little dissuasion, and should send troops, should contribute, only to be in Guy Extra points in front of Elsas.

This is the helplessness and sordidness of politics.

At the top of the alliance, in political meetings, Anastrian or Guy Elsas said that Carlos is good, and it is more effective than ten thousand Quel'Thalas civilians saying that you are the King of Alterac.

Putting aside the warm coat, politics has always been naked and ruthless.

Now Carlos didn't want to care about the battle loss ratio or the victory or defeat of the Maple Valley defensive battle. He didn't even care about his army, he just wanted to end this matter as soon as possible.

Anastrian agreed to Quel'Thalas to join the league, and he was the referrer.

that's enough.

It doesn't matter if only himself and Quel'Thalas' envoy return to Alterac.

Almost forgot Turalyon.

Carlos corrected his thoughts, he, plus Turalyon, took the envoy. As long as the three of us return to Alterac alive.

This is the bottom line.

After thinking about it, Carlos rubbed his face vigorously and couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Even if you have such a thought, how can you be qualified to blame your subordinates for other thoughts.

"Your Majesty, I want to report to you."

Ymir stopped Carlos without going too far.

Seeing that Ymir had not spoken for a long time, Carlos understood it and motioned to the guard not to follow him, and then walked aside with Ymir.

"Your Majesty, the reinforcements have arrived, and there are still three days away. They sent a messenger. I don't think this news should spread at will. It hides the messenger's deeds. This is a letter from the country."

Ymir took out a roll of wax-sealed parchment and handed it to Carlos respectfully.

"Well done, you can arrange it later and I want to see the messenger."

"Yes, I will arrange it now."

Seeing that his disposition had been confirmed by Carlos, Ymir gladly took the order and left with a smile on his face.

And Carlos opened the wax seal, read the letter, and couldn't help being furious.

"Fart NM!"

Unable to vent his anger with Chinese curse, Carlos crumpled the parchment into a ball.

The letter stated that Thoradin’s Wall was lost ten days ago, and it was retaken after a bitter battle by the garrison. More than half of the four thousand garrisons were casualties. The guards of the top commander of the garrison, Biglas Bertone, were killed in action, and Biglas Bertone disappeared, suspecting of surrendering to the tribe.

Uncle kind of human racist with big eyebrows and eyes will rebel?

I do not believe!

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