As an intelligent creature, thinking too much is a common problem of all races.

"Apart from the universal truths of eternal change, which are useless to improve the living environment, what else do you think is truth?"

Wu Ping, who proved his innocence in the sacred verdict, made a special trip to thank Carlos for his righteousness afterwards.

Then the two violent men inexplicably discussed martial arts and philosophy.

Wu Ping asked Carlos such a question.

"Uh, this issue is very complicated and tangled. It is difficult to express it in words for a while, but in terms of personal perception, there should be three points."

Carlos followed Wu Ping's way, sitting cross-legged, touching his knees with one hand and groping his chin with the other.

"Your Majesty please enlighten me."

Wu Ping kept his back straight, lowered his head and nodded three times, his body was very formal and his posture was very low.

"You don't need to be so restrained, the martial arts, the expert is the first, I am very uncomfortable if you do it like this."

Carlos shrugged, then returned to the subject.

"Although the spiritual perception is beneficial to the advancement of martial arts, in terms of combat, I personally feel that the body and the skills and tactics are more important. But since this is a very casual chat, then I will just talk about it casually. The universal truth is really hard to say."

After talking a lot, Carlos finally organized the language.

"It should be that everything will eventually die, and there are exceptions to everything."

Wu Ping listened and thought for a long time, and couldn't help but admire: "Wonderful, wonderful. Your Majesty's golden words, Wu Ping has benefited a lot from hearing it."

After finishing speaking, I kowtow and thank you again.

"But your Majesty, aren't there three points? What is another point?"

Carlos coughed unnaturally, hesitated for a long time, and then spoke out.

"Xuan doesn't save the wrong, Krypton doesn't change life."


Wu Ping was stunned for a long time.

"It's so profound, your majesty's martial arts training is really advanced."

"Ahahaha, it's okay."

"Ahahahahaha, your majesty is really humble."

On the side of the room, Danas looked at Alleria with a tangled expression.

"Sister, what is the difference between martial arts and fighting? Isn't it more powerful and faster than anyone else? Although I admit that I can fight both of them, I can't fully understand what they said."

"Is there anything you can understand? Touted each other."

Although Alleria slandered Carlos indifferently, her face was thoughtful.

"But you seem to understand."

Danas asked suspiciously.

"You can too."

Alleria answered with a smile, her face full of contentment.


Danas was really thoughtful this time.

The conversation lasted for more than half an hour, and the four people present who were qualified to speak all had a deadly expression on their faces.

"Although the conversation with your Majesty is very pleasant, your Majesty is busy with everything, and it is not easy for your Majesty to take up your Majesty's time. Thank you for your kindness. If you need it in the future, Wu Ping will take care of it."

After Wu Ping was sent away, Alleria changed her face instantly and sat back on the chair with a cold look.

"Go on, Danas, let us continue with the topic that was just interrupted."

Carlos rubbed his cheeks, shook his head, and poured himself a glass of mead.

"Horus was banished."

Danas said.


"Horus Bertone, the eldest son of my third uncle Siegel."

Danas explained to Carlos.


Carlos smelled the scent of gunpowder from the simple message.

Even a political idiot can always learn something after nearly 20 years of experience.

Besides, Carlos is not an idiot.

"Uncle Thoras gave Horus a thousand troops to launch a counterattack on the southern bank of the Saldo Bridge."

Danas said.

"Isn't this going to die? There are at least 50,000 troops in the tribe over the wetland!"

Carlos was stunned.

"Yes, Uncle Thoras's original intention should be to ask Horus to retreat. As long as he refuses, his reputation and power will naturally plummet."

"Then what."

"Horus accepted."

"This is not called exile, is it?"

The more Carlos listened, the more things went wrong.

"Something happened that night. I can't tell the specifics, nor do I know the details. But early this morning, Uncle Thoras announced that Horus will guard the Fortress of Tol Barad forever."

"Hehe, it's really interesting, human beings are really interesting."

Neither Danas nor Carlos paid any attention to Alleria's taunts.

Tol Barad Fortress, located at the southernmost tip of the Tol Barad Peninsula, is an important strategic support point for guarding the Baladin Gulf.

The history of this fortress built in the middle of the Arathor Empire is almost as old as the headquarters of the Barov family-Guy Darlon Fort.

As one of the legacy of the Arathor Empire, Tol Barad is not only a castle to show off identity, but also a source of great wealth.

By guarding Tol Barad, the Bertone family can extract a large amount of boat tax from the prosperous sea trade in peacetime, and in the war, it is the fortress of Tol Barad that prevents the tribe from moving from the Arathi Highlands on a large scale. The possibility of landing again is that Tol Barad’s fortress has blocked the tribe’s supply fleet from taking the offshore route to Hillblad to transport supplies.

It can be said that there is no fortress in Tol Barad, and the Horde’s army in Hillblad will now be at least 30,000.

Sending family members to guard such an important place is an important performance.

But Yongzhen, that was outright exile.

"In other words, no accident, Stromgarde is yours?"

Carlos thought for a long time and came to such a conclusion.

"Stromgarde does not belong to anyone, and I will dedicate my life to the glory of the family."

Danas answered in a firm tone.


Although Carlos understood it, he couldn't believe it.

"My father's life is unclear. If I am struggling with these dirty power struggles, then what is the difference between me and those guys."

When Danas said these words, he was very calm.

"You know, it's more likely than Uncle Glass..."

"I know, but isn't this the fate of the warrior. Besides, Father Father still has a slight chance of surviving."

"Ah, yeah."

Carlos was infected by Danas' open-mindedness.

"So in the next battle, I have to change my policy."

"Oh? Come and listen."

"I will try my best to capture important people in the tribe."

"I am optimistic about you."

There are many things that need not be said. Carlos feels that it is good to cheer for Danas at this time. It is too hypocritical to comfort Danas.

"Carlos, when do you think this war will end?"

Danas asked suddenly.

"The Hillblad war will end within this year."

Carlos gave a clear answer.


Danas didn't expect a response, so he was stunned.

"Without being able to break the yoke of the Alliance under Hillblad, the Horde’s strategic advantage is almost exhausted. Looking further, the resistance organization of the Kingdom of Stormwind is fighting in Elwynn Forest, Ironforge The dwarves make the orcs have to maintain a large number of troops to suppress the situation in the burning plains and wetlands. And we, our alliance, will be stronger every day. By this summer, if the countries complete the mobilization again, the alliance will spend more than 300,000 Fight against the tribe. Danas, three fight one, you teach me how to lose!"

Even Alleria was shocked by the figure of 300,000.

No wonder the ancestors chose to cooperate with mankind. In the land of Lordaeron, the war potential of mankind is really terrible.

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