Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 203 South Mountain South, North Blue North, North Blue has tombstones

How big is the 100,000 army?

Many people, and even many soldiers, have no precise impressions and concepts at all.

Carlos spent his entire life in the Spring Festival travel season, the subway at six in the morning, and the square dance in the smog. He thought he was numb to numbers.

But in a military exercise, as the Red Army's defender, when facing the Blue Army's offensive, his legs trembled with fright.

Afterwards, when he was receiving the lunch as a dead member, Carlos took the time to ask the director department how many people were on the opposite side of the attack.

The director's department replied, one thousand and one hundred people.

This is impossible!

Carlos jumped on the spot.

That kind of overwhelming aura, you said Carlos believed 10,000 people, and you told me there were only 1,000 people, how could this be possible!

However, without the people in the director department going crazy, the old monitor slapped him directly on the back of the head and told him to eat quietly.

In the end, these fallen elements served as logistical support and witnessed the final battle between the red and blue sides.

Seven thousand people vs. nine thousand people battled into a pot of porridge over an area of ​​five square kilometers.

From the multi-screen display, Carlos knew for the first time that the real war was so shocking.

There are a thousand people, boundless, and ten thousand people, covering the sky and the sun.

Before the rebirth, many people always like to say on the Internet that 100,000 people are not as many as our county.

However, if you spread the three-dimensional space of a high-rise building, let's take a look at how wide the space is.

At least, at Dunhold Castle, the tent needed by the army of more than 14,000 people spread out seven miles in length.

"Carlos, are you leaving?"

Danas asked unwillingly.

"It's time to go. When the war is over, we have time to get together."

Carlos smiled pretendingly.

"Hey, be careful on the road."

Danas was not too hypocritical, just patted twice on the shoulder of his good friend.

"Go back, the big battle is just around the corner, and no amount of planning and preparation is too much."

Carlos thought for a long time, and didn't want to say any goodbye words, and finally reached Danas' ears.

"Take care of Alleria for me."

"Huh? The famous heroine needs me to look after?"

After hesitating for a moment, Carlos still spoke.

"Her spirit is not right. The fighting style is too hard. As a friend, I am very worried."

"...Understood, I will, if I have a chance."

"Well, then I'm leaving."

Two days ago, Gene McGrain returned to Gilneas. One day ago, Daelin Proudmoore also detoured back to South Blue, preparing to plan a new round of maritime offensive.

And now, it's Carlos's turn.

As Quel'Thalas' special envoy, Alleria naturally wanted to stay with Lothar. Although worried, Carlos didn't have any position to ask Alleria to go with him, so he had to ask Danas to take care of it. If Danas was not a fool and would naturally reveal Carlos' words to Lothar, then Carlos's goal would have been achieved.

It’s been a long time since he had been away from his relatives, and Carlos was back home, so he did not choose to go back to Alterac from Tarren Mill. His group climbed over the mountains, arrived in the east of Alterac, and then returned to the city on horseback.

This probably saves a whole week of time.

A rare meeting between the king and the overlord.

After the Wu Ping case, Lothar invited all the powerful aristocrats to gather together to conduct research and judgment on the form of the next war. Everyone, including Carlos, agreed that we should take advantage of the time when the ocean currents of the Palatine Bay changed course and the trade winds were not coming in the spring to launch a fierce and cost-free offensive against the tribe, further depleting the orcs' supplies and vitality.

During the discussion, a general plan gradually took shape, and in order to gain more voice, Carlos took the initiative to take on the task of clearing out the orcs from Tarren Mill to South Blue Town.

To this end, Carlos must return to Alterac as quickly as possible and return to his army.

In a few days, Carlos did not see too many friends. The battle was still fierce, and Uther, Tirion Fording, and Saidan Dathohan and others continued to organize attacks or defenses against the Horde throughout Hillblad. Friendship that has experienced the baptism of war always seems precious, and the racial war with the orcs is ended as soon as possible to be qualified to enjoy life.

So Carlos came like the wind, and went like a fog.

But still blocked by the forest elves.

"Leaving without saying goodbye, this is not a king's style."

Alleria sat on the tree, apparently waiting for Carlos for a while.

"There are so few people around, don't you go quietly, waiting for someone to be kidnapped and assassinated?"

Carlos raised his head, stood under the tree and stared in a daze.


Although knowing that Carlos could not see anything, Alleria jumped down.

"Pervert, a pervert with all muscles in his head, but a guy who can't take advantage of anything."

Alleria vented with a look similar to venting.

"Then thank you."

"do you know."

Carlos asked abruptly.


Alleria is of course inexplicable.

"Just now, I almost decided to take you away."


"I'm afraid you beg to die."

"Are you stupid? How can you get revenge if you die?"

"makes sense."

The start was inexplicable and ended in confusion.

Carlos's guards communicated with their eyes, all of which were unclear, but the two people who were talking had already expressed their friendship and concern.

All the way north, mountain roads are difficult to navigate, and during this period there are small groups of orc skirmishers lurking among the mountain roads and forests.

At four o'clock in the morning on the third day after departure, when people were most sleepy, two orcs tried to touch the camp, but were subdued by well-trained guards. Carlos heard the noise outside the marching tent, but finally decided to let go of his weapon.

It's still a while before dawn, so let's rest more.

In this way, it went smoothly, and Carlos arrived at Eagle's Nest Mountain nine days later.

"Oh, Metz, it's really nice to meet you."

Carlos raised the high lord of the Eagle's Nest Mountain like a baby, and the high lord was not angry.

"Battle boy, you have grown taller again, so, can you let my old bones come down?"


Because of commercial trade and interests, the Wildhammer dwarves of the Eagle's Nest and the Barov family walked very close. Here, Carlos received the warm hospitality of the Wildhammer dwarves.

"Carlos, I'm afraid you will have to wait two days. Now we can't tune out the Griffin that can send you more than 30 people back to Alterac at once."

At the banquet, Metz reluctantly expressed his apologies.

"Aha? Hiccup! Why?"

Carlos asked suspiciously.

Although a Griffon rider needs a long period of training to be used in combat, the manned flight of a Griffon does not require trump cards like Kurdran and Falstad. A three-hundred-hour flight record is enough. NS.

"Because we deployed all the wealthy manpower to the shore."

"What happened?"

"Yes, the team of orcs who attacked the Hinterlands before crossed the mountains and should have gone to Quel'Thalas."

Carlos couldn't help laughing when he heard the words.

"Oh, for our noble Prince Guy Elsas to achieve more glory, a toast."


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