Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 208 Break Through

One person counts the short, everyone counts the long.

This sentence may be controversial. You can cite Zhuge Qin Mo, a certain big colonel nicknamed Tinker Bell, or the loneliness of life as lonely as snow to prove that a person's wisdom can also crush all living beings.

However, it is really difficult to cite a counterexample to the saying that one manpower is poor and all manpower rises.

Under the pressure of the tribe, Alex Barov forcibly promoted the mobilization order for total war.

Not only men of the right age, but even healthy peasant women have also been recruited intensively.

Contrary to what some people think, the strongest resistance to the mobilization order for total war is not the peasant craftsmen who were sent to the front line, nor the peasant women who were stuffed with a hammer and pitchfork to work, but those who did not belong to Pakistan. The nobles of the Rove faction.

As the residents of Hillbrad, the most severely affected by the war, they have a direct experience of the brutality of the orcs. The civilians who were forced to leave their homes didn’t care whether they were forcibly recruited by the Barov family, nor did they care what the noble lords circulated in private. rumor.

Whatever was a slave of the Barov family for one time, it was a slave for the rest of his life.

Everyone is not a fool. In this period of endless wars, it is fortunate that the elder in the castle is willing to take care of your life and death. Joining the mobilization corps has something to eat.

As for what happened after the war, if you say I am a slave, I will be a slave. Will I not run?

No matter how cruel the people of Barov’s family are, it’s better than orcs can eat people!

The common people have the most realistic and snobbery judgments, which makes the opponents of the Barov family somewhat helpless.

It is a very fulfilling thing to control the people of the whole country, and it is also a very dangerous thing.

If they are left unused, chaos will inevitably occur.

If food is not available, they will inevitably rebel.

But feeding them every day is definitely not a small amount.

Although the Tarren Mill area is one of the areas most devastated by the war, Brill and Dahlone Guyer can still be cultivated normally, and the alpine pastures and plateau farms can also be used for normal production.

Although the Alterac Kingdom’s overall food reserves have major problems, the food in the Barov family territory is actually rich.

In addition, the kingdom of Quel'Thalas promised a blank check to allow the Alterac royal family to buy food.

The Grand Duke Alex, who was holding grain in his hand, suppressed all opponents' voices with a tough stance.

If you don't work, you can't eat. During the war, all materials are planned to be supplied. Those who do not respond to the Alterac Kingdom's total war mobilization order are treason.

Under these three principles, the Alterac Kingdom, which is suffering internally and externally, shows its powerful muscles on a square table with only three legs.

In the past, the lord wanted to recruit the people to build something, it was so difficult.

Now, do you want to eat?


Do you want to survive?


In a special period, with special means, the Alterac Kingdom showed a morbid prosperity.

The city was renovated, the roads were repaired, the mountain pass was re-maintained, the wasteland was reclaimed, the gravel stones were stroked again, and the mountain lions that had plagued the four wilds in the past were hunted and killed in a planned way.

In order to survive, Alterac's people paralyzed themselves with a kind of uncomfortable energy without doing anything.

"Carlos, you pushed the family to a dead end."

In the Regent Hall, after the official guard was sent off, Alex said to his son tiredly.

"Even if we plow in spring on time, it will take four months until the first crops are mature. But our food reserves are only enough to last for two months. If there is a big battle, the consumption will be even greater. Hungry refugees and ferocious There is no difference between beasts, Carlos, if this problem is not solved, you will be a joke and you will lose the crown."

Alex actually did not approve of the total war mobilization plan from the beginning. As long as the Barov family holding Brill always stood with the Alliance, they were always winners.

Especially after the war, food is in short supply, and the Barov family will become a guest of all nobles by relying on the food production areas far away from the war.

But Alex could not refute that the mobilization order for total war was indeed the fastest way to stabilize his son's authority.

So far, everything is progressing well, and it will be good for two months.

"Father, do you know? I have a hunch that this war is about to usher in a turning point."

Carlos stood at the window, looking at the distant scenery from a height.

"Are you talking about the big battle in half a month? Ha, in the past year or so, are there few such big battles? Many people died on both sides, but the war is still going on."

In the absence of outsiders, Alex ridiculed the alliance's incompetence unscrupulously.

"My father, the tribe is not as powerful as you imagined. They also have ***, and there are power struggles within them. Praise Anduin Lothar, I think the alliance can last at least a year, and the orcs must have problems before us. ."

Carlos's voice seemed a bit distant, as if his body was here, and his soul had risen to the sky and was looking down on sentient beings.

"Well said, but this is meaningless. We only have enough food for two months. The mobilization order for total war is both a weapon and a shackle. Originally, we could ignore those people, but once we responded to the call, we would have to. Fill their stomachs."

Alex is not interested in general judgments, because the complicated work has exhausted the Grand Duke.

"My father, we can't save everyone."

"Then you still..."

Alex was interrupted by Carlos before he finished speaking.

"Because they must save themselves."

"You mean?"

Alex seemed to understand, not sure what his son was talking about.

"In this battle, Alterac will assume all combat missions in the central area of ​​Hillblad."

"You're thinking!"

Alex's eyes widened suddenly. Does his son want to send the soldiers to death!

"Yes, I want to create the established facts. Not only Tarren Mill, it is time to take the essence of Hillbrad to Alterac."

Alex feels weird, that is, he is happy that his son has not become so cruel and numb, but also regrets that his son has not become so cold-blooded and ruthless.

"However, the food issue has not been resolved."

Alex frowned and emphasized the question.

"Although Quel'Thalas' promise has soothed the hearts of the people, I am not optimistic about it."

"Father, I'm not optimistic, I'm afraid Quel'Thalas is going to make a big mess."

Carlos twitched his facial muscles and smiled.

"So, how are you going to solve the immediate difficulties?"

"Of course it is the wise and wise Highness Terenas."

"Ha, that guy who looks generous and never loses money in business?"

Alex's ridicule about Terenas also made Carlos laugh.

"Yes, father, the status of the family has changed, the surrounding environment has changed, the times have changed. We have what Terenas wants in our hands, and he will meet all our requirements."

Alex frowned and thought, then furious.

"The rebel! Brill can never give Terenas!"

"Exchange Anhador and his daughter for Brier, plus at least one hundred thousand people with enough food for a year. Do you think Terenas will change it?"

Carlos asked sincerely.

"Don't think about it...let me...think about it."

Hearing what his son said, Alex calmed down from his anger and fell into deep thought.

There was a thumping knock on the door.


Carlos spoke.

After the door opened, the old butler, Lusen Sackhoff, bowed to the two masters.

"There is news from the royal mage that Miss Ilucia has arrived. There is also Ms. Jaina Proudmoore with her."

Carlos shuddered inexplicably.

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