Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 215: It’s noon on the day of hoeing, and going to the river on the Qingming Festival

Just say it well, if you don't die, you won't die, but the big devil doesn't understand.

As the loyal horse of Kil'jaeden, the boss of the Burning Legion, Kazak, who has the name of the overlord, has personally destroyed countless worlds.

Although Azeroth, as the chief executive officer of the Burning Legion, Mr. Sargeras, personally supervised the transformed world before he left the Pantheon, the quality of the world barriers had to be obtained, so that Kazzak could not display his full strength, but it was small. The orcs are not yet seen by Kazzak, the double-flower red club certified by the Burning Legion.

Isn't it just a few hundred orcs?

Kill it, kill it, you crawlers dare to question me?

So Kazzak killed another batch.

Then, Stonenard's orc warlord was unhappy, and the Dark Gate was blocked. What about the supply of soldiers and the transportation of materials?

There was no way, Gul'dan, who was doing things without telling Orgrim, had to ask Tai-kun to raise his hands high, and put down the ignorant little brother, who all worked for the legion, right?

Kazzak is a reckless man, but he is not stupid. Knowing that the Legion wants to be shameful at this stage, it still needs the power of the orcs, so he agreed.

This matter was not big at first, and it will be over after it has passed. The orcs dare not seek revenge from the big devil, and Kazzak has things to do, so he has no time to care about with the ants.

However, everything falls into the eyes of the caring person, full of calculations.

As the last guardian, Aegwynn Magna is no stranger to the Burning Legion for her eight hundred years of slaying demons and slayers. On the day-to-day journey to defend the living space of mankind, he formed a friendship with the guardian dragons.

Therefore, although Aegwynn’s current strength is degraded very badly, he has long lost the prestige and prestige of smashing a big demon with a finger, but the blue dragon Enochis, the red dragon Tremus, and the green dragon Eranikus are still willing. Help Aegwynn.

Because even though he had lost the power of a demigod, Aegwynn still stood at the top of the human mage, and the lofty vision and Penultimate knowledge accumulated over a long period of time would not degenerate.

"Aegwynn, there is a loophole in your plan. We disguised as orcs and approached the Dark Portal. There is no problem, but there is no way to deal with Kazzak with the dragons and half-dragons alone. You forgot our experience in Northrend. Is there a war of slaying the demons? Even the adult blue dragon is only 50-50 against the Abyss Lord, like the variant of the Destroyer in front of me, I'm afraid..."

The human form of Enosis is a blue-fat high-elf male, sitting cross-legged on the ground, and the blue dragon uttered his confusion.

"I think this issue can be set aside for the time being. What I care more about is how the demon army should deal with it. Take a look, the fear guard, the hell hound, and the enchantress. In just a few days, there are more and more types of demons. As it gets higher and higher, I am afraid that it will continue to be delayed until the number of these demons entrenched in the Dark Portal accumulates to a certain extent, causing a qualitative change, it is not something we can handle."

As the most trusted spouse of the Green Dragon Queen Ysera, Eranikus is also the senior commander of the Emerald Legion. From his standpoint, this demon legion is more impressive than a big demon Kazzak (dragon) worry.

In the face of Aegwynn’s questioning eyes, Tremus’s huge dragon head shook indifferently, and several of the soul-transmitting partners: “I just fight it, don’t ask me what to do.”

"Well, it's time for me to play the trump card."

Aegwynn leaned on the rock and magically took out a thing that looked like a bomb from the inside of his cloak.

"what is this?"

As a member of the Blue Dragon Legion, Enoxis' magic knowledge is naturally not bad. He smelled a very dangerous wave of magic from the gadgets Aegwynn took out.

"Boundary Breaker."

Aegwynn spit out the word calmly, Eranikus and Tremus were confused, and Enoxis's face changed drastically.

"Hey hey hey, you crazy woman, do you want to kill everyone!"

"Enoxis, what is the Boundary Breaker?"

Eranikus asked.

"What destructor, I just felt familiar just now, when I heard this name, I remembered what it was."

Enosis had a bitter look on his face."You mean, Blue Dragon is not happy."

Tremus exhaled flames from his nostrils, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"The crippled and disfigured version of the Worldgate Destroyer, I'm right, Aegwynn."

"Well, that's it."

Aegwynn nodded happily and agreed.

"A door that connects two worlds like the Dark Portal is not something that can be easily destroyed."

"Is this gadget all right?"

Eranikus asked suspiciously.

"Of course not."

Aegwynn answered naturally.




The three-headed old dragon didn't know what to say.

"Don't look at me like that. The biggest function of this thing is that it looks particularly powerful. The energy fluctuations before the explosion are particularly intense, and the sound and light effects are particularly good."

"What's the use?"

Enosis felt a little crazy.

"The use is that I bet that big guy values ​​the Dark Portal more than his own life."

With a confident smile, Aegwynn explained his plan in detail again.

In the end, the three tribe dragons agreed with Aegwynn's plan.

In the afternoon of the same day, Enosis opened the portal and transferred a part of the guards of the Secret Temple of Kadala, the number was about one hundred and fifty. These Grandmaster arcane dragon and half dragon wizards can easily transform their appearance into orcs.

At the same time, Eranikus changed his form, exposing the body of the dragon clan, flapping his wings and flying high to mobilize the Emerald Legion.

Finally, Aegwynn climbed to Tremus's back and hovered in the sky beyond the Dark Portal, waiting for the plan to proceed.

The dark swamp at this time has not experienced the big explosion of the dark gate, and the dense air forest and swamp are the main theme here. The orc disguised by the blue dragon approached the dark gate cautiously, and successfully passed the checkpoint set up by the orc with a spell that confuses the mind.

Because the site of this checkpoint was set up to prevent unsuspecting orcs from angering the demons, the orcs in charge said they were very pertinent, so the leading blue dragon finally decided to let them go.

After passing through the checkpoint of the orcs without any risk, the blue dragons quickly entered the territory controlled by the demon legion.

Under the burning of the fel flames and the strange abilities of the demons, the land and vegetation around the Dark Portal have undergone abnormal changes. In the land full of depravity, some demon engineers have begun to erect fel artillery.

Walking carefully along the road, the devil did not embarrass this disguised orc, but the bloodthirsty eyes of the devil made the guards of the secret law angry from the heart.

Kazzak stood in front of the dark gate, constantly drawing fel energy from the other side of the dark gate to strengthen himself and strengthen the gate.

Because of the existence of world barriers, the higher demons of the Burning Legion are repelled by the laws of Azeroth. However, low-level demons and medium-level demons cannot be at the top of the food chain in Azeroth, so Kazzak clearly realized that it is necessary to conquer or destroy this world, solidify the gate, and convene an army.

The failure of the Well of Eternity before Ten Thousand Years is not only the failure of Sargeras, but also the shame of all the demons who participated in that operation.

Karak didn't even look directly at the orc squad, letting them go to the Dark Portal.

At this time, the dragon's voice in the distant sky caused the great demon to turn away from the work in front of him.

In the sky, Eranikus led more than two hundred emerald young dragons roaring, and the corrosive breath of the green dragon descended from the sky.

"Reptiles, die!"

Kazzak stopped casting the spell and drew a huge sword from his chest, showing a hideous look.

Compared to casting spells, the overlord Kazzak prefers to fight.

From the crack in the abdomen, lethal fel vomits spewed out, and just one face, dozens of emerald young dragons turned into scorched skeletons and fell into the sky. However, Kazzak, who was a clone, didn't notice, the orcs who should have been killed under his fearful aura were rushing to the dark gate like crazy.

Terems' fiery and dangerous breath struck from the side, and Kazzak swung the cataclysm blade in his hand and directly smashed the red dragon's ultimate move.

"Do you only have this ability?"

The overlord laughed wantonly, and then accumulated strength to prepare for the second fel spit.

At this time, a dangerous breath came from behind, and a familiar wave surprised Kazzak.

Isn't this the fluctuation of the Legion's annihilation bomb?

These damn scum stole the Legion’s technology? !

"Do not!"

Kazzak forcibly stopped the fel spewing from the energy storage, turned around and shot a beam of fel energy from the empty hand, guiding the fel energy to maintain the dark portal.

However, this was the moment that the Blue Dragon Legion, who had been waiting for a long time, waited.

The undisguised dragons cast spells together, and Kazak of Isshin's dark portal could only endure the pain and eat all the arcane shocks.

its not right! What about the annihilation response? What about the great impact? Isn't it an annihilation bomb?

The battle situation is changing rapidly. Kazak, who was still majestic at the moment, was traumatized by a group of blue dragons. The reaction of the Demon Legion was not unpleasant. The demon with the ability to fly immediately flew up to the sky to face the Emerald Legion, and the demon without the ability to fly quickly returned. Aid Kazzak.

But every move is bad, and every step is lost.

Enoxis used his full force to restrain Kazzak with the static field. With the help of the guards of the Secret Temple, even Kazzak, known as the overlord, could not get rid of the shackles for a while.

But Enosis is not Malygos after all. From the voice of his soul, Aegwynn heard the blue dragon's wailing.

"Quickly, I can't restrain this guy anymore!"

Seeing that the demon was about to rush into the blue dragonman's position, Tremus applied a flying technique to Aegwynn, and threw the female mage out of her back, whizzing down, blocking the blue dragonman and the burning legion minions. .

It was not the first time that the Burning Legion had fought a giant dragon. When the fear guards armed with a sharp blade saw that the red dragon dared to give up the advantage of flying, they immediately dispersed and prepared to outflank the dead corner of the dragon battle.

However, these fellows who followed the Burning Legion and fought countlessly did not expect that what they encountered was an outlier among the dragons, a martial artist among the red dragons, and Tremus the Devourer, who was known for his hand-to-hand combat of the five-color dragons.

In addition to the basic red dragon flame spell, this super-large young dragon form red dragon, who gave up the evolution of the dragon form only for hatred, puts all his energy into the research and actual combat of how to use the physical advantage of the dragon clan to carry out melee combat.

Under Terems's incredible claws and bites, all the demon who intended to return were blocked by a dragon, and he was quite indifferent.

"You angered the overlord, you despicable cowards!"

"To defeat the devil, the devil must be more cunning. Isn't this common sense?"

Aegwynn guided the magical construction in mid-air, and finally completed the spell before the blue dragon Inoxis exhausted.Without exaggerated visual effects, Aegwynn's spells unpretentiously hit Kazzak, who was imprisoned in place.

"Do not!"

From the wailing of the overlord, it can be seen that Aegwynn's magic effects are outstanding.

It's not a sophisticated spell, it's just an exile spell that has been enhanced by arcane spells.

If it’s a normal demon, I’m afraid he will be exiled back to the Void of Fear, but Kazzak is after all a great demon of the Chief of the Burning Legion. Even Aegwynn’s exile only caused tons of damage to it. , But he couldn't directly exile Kazzak back to the Void of Fear.

However, all of this is Aegwynn's calculations.

Kazzak fell to his knees weakly weakened by the severe damage, greedily absorbing the fel energy flowing from the other side of the Dark Portal.

"I want to kill you!"

Kazzak roared angrily.

"You think too much."

After landing, Aegwynn raised his hands. The big fireball in the washbasin didn't need to be read. It instantly sent out three of them. They accurately slammed into the same position on Kazzak's forehead. The great devil's gasping sound became heavier and angry. The mind is more intense, but the head hangs lower.

Seeing that the legion commander was trapped, the demons fought more frantically. For a time, from the sky to the land, the dragon legion and the demon legion fought fiercely together.

Decades later, a certain white-haired mage who had some connections with Aegwynn was complacent because of the fusion of elements, but he didn't know that his mentor's mother perfected this magical subject hundreds of years ago.

As if the only one who could defeat Xiao Li's flying knife was Xiao Li's fucking flying knife, the same three-pointer returned to vitality Aegwynn, and Kazzak felt the imminent death just by the power.

The energies of arcane, ice, and fire merge with each other, pursuing calm in violent temper, and maintaining stability in rejection. The white arcane power, blue ice power and red fire power merge into Ultimate, which is almost The transparent distortion of nothingness.

"Don't think about it!"

Kazzak let out an unwilling anger, his weak body was already unable to wield the giant sword, the overlord clenched his fist and wanted to kill the human female mage in front of him.

"When I don't exist?"

The blue dragon Enosis's eyes shed blood and tears, and the overdraft magic power suppressed Kazzak and made him exhausted, but the final outbreak caused Kazzak to drop his fist weakly.

Where are there so many Jedi comebacks? The world of magic is so realistic. Kazak can't move with Enoxis's power, and he can only watch Aegwynn's spell hit his head.

There are many demon cores, but Kazzak's core happens to be the sharp horns on the top of his head.

In the wailing, the overlord who was unable to maintain his form in Azeroth left a curse of fear.

"When I come again, another wave of destruction will eventually be set off. Do you think you won? No, this is just another beginning!"

As Kazzak was completely exiled, the demons lost their contact center with the Twisting Void, their power was obviously declining, and the dragon army began to gain the upper hand.

"Leave this thing to our Blue Dragon Legion to destroy."

Seeing Aegwynn bending over and picking up the fragments of the top horn of Kazzak's head, Enosis fell to the ground and transformed into a high elf form, and said weakly.

"I'll take care of it."

Aegwynn smiled playfully.


Enoxis asked dissatisfiedly, while ordering the guards of the Secret Temple to not take care of themselves, and quickly join the fight against the demon.

"Because Karazhan is so close!"

Flicking his frowning hair, Aegwynn hid the spoils directly into his career line.

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