Dalaran was destroyed by the orcs!

Dalaran was destroyed by the orcs, but it was not completely destroyed!

In fact, Dalaran has not been destroyed, it is because the French do not want to pay the war tax!

Has Dalaran been destroyed? Today, the price of food has risen again!

The Isle of Cross was slaughtered, and Violet Castle was okay.

Where is the Cross Islands? It's a matter for me. I only care about whether Dalaran is destroyed or not.

In the countryside, rumors and rumors continue, and the simplicity and ignorance of the common people is like a Siamese baby, which makes people love and hate.

The news has confirmed that the Horde attacked the Cros Islands, and Dalaran’s century-old glory was destroyed by war, but the Violet Castle where Antonidas and the most elite part of the Kirin Tor Council were seated was unscathed.

The furious Antonidas finally unified the will of all the Dalaran mages, and the Dalaran mages were ready to slap their clothes and expose their arms to personally fight.

This is good news.

The Kingdom of Quel'Thalas finally flattened Zuaman. Zujin broke his hand and escaped without a trace. The troll lay his body for hundreds of miles, and fell into a slump. Anastrian Sunstrider gave the Alliance a positive answer for one month. The army of the inner silvermoon city is exhausted to participate in the battle against the orc tribe.

This is really great news.

But these good news that far can't dissolve near fire can't solve Terenas' sorrow at all.

At the border of the Silverpine Forest and Hillbrad Hills, the Alliance and the Horde achieved a battle damage ratio of 30,000 to 17,000 in just ten days.

From the battle loss ratio, humans seem to have an advantage. After getting used to the battle loss ratio of three to one and 2.5 to one, this time the battle loss ratio of 1.7 is simply touching.

But behind the high battle loss ratio, the alliance’s main position retreated 20 kilometers.

Magic communication is not omnipotent, and there is no wizard tower positioning assistance, and beyond visual range communication is the exclusive domain of Arcane Archmage. Although on the first day of receiving the news, Terenas began to shrink his forces, recruit mercenaries, mobilize vassals, and prepare to respond to possible attacks by the orcs.

Although Lordaeron was not built in a day, this city is a treasure in the history of human civilization in Azeroth. The thick walls and the excellent location surrounded by water on three sides make any army trying to attack Lordaeron a headache.

But the defenders are not enough, and even the best city can't be defended!

Even if the parties tried hard, Terenas only expanded the defender to 6,000 men.

The limit has been reached.

The guarantee of order is force, but the continuation of order depends on inertia.

It is certain to mobilize the residents, but it is a tragedy for the civilians to go up the city wall.

Civilians are civilians, soldiers are soldiers, and even militias need year-round training. If you have trained a crossbow for a few thousand dollars, civilians who don't know how to use siege equipment can defend the city. Then each kingdom also trains professional soldiers to do what.

What's more terrifying is the transfer of civilians, which is a huge damage to the social order.

Anyway, it's better to be cool before you die—there are always so wonderful things that are afraid of the orcs' swords and axes but not the swords of the compatriots.

In the herd mentality, the riots caused by panic are far more terrifying than the attacks of the orcs.

Never overestimate human nature.

The city of Lordaeron had gathered too much effort from Terenas, and he was really unwilling to allow the city of Lordaeron to be dyed bright red by the flames of war.

Therefore, after finishing all the preparatory work that could be done, Terenas still sent a letter to Lothar.

Ask for help.

Two days later, the attributes were finally delivered to Lothar who was fighting the fire on the front line.

The great royal sword was still bleeding, and the battle flag of the Brotherhood of Iron Horse was flying high on the battlefield of the corpse.

Even though the warlock and the sword saint were sent together, and the wolf riding companion Kodo roared, Lothar still won. This Mediterranean man was not only a military strategist, but his martial arts was extraordinary.

Taking a deep breath, he thrust the Great Royal Sword into the ground with all his strength, Lothar took off the chain mail gloves that had become sticky because the blood dried up, and then wiped the palm of his hand on the cloth on the side of the skirt. , Just accepted the letter.

"Terenas is confused!"

After reading the letter, Lothar was shocked.

Lothar knew that if the troops continued to move forward, the rear of the alliance would be empty, but he didn't expect to be so empty. The city of Lordaeron, with a population of 200,000, was actually only guarded by more than 2,000 royal guards.

Carlos Barov sent a circular letter to Terenas in order to transfer the Alterac soldiers stationed at Stratholme Northland Fortress to the battlefield of Hillbrad Hills. Lothar knew about this.

But Hearthglen was dissatisfied with Stratholme's cowardice, and Lothar's refusal to transfer troops hadn't thought of it. In order to fight against the tribe, my people of Hearthglen, which mother did not have a son, went to the battlefield, and there were not a few lords and family men who were dispatched. You live in Stratholme and can't even stop the trolls? Even my wife and daughter will let us Hearthglen men help you guard, okay!

There is no way to talk about regional emotions. Hearthglen was originally a lord system, Stratholme was a county system, and Stratholme was the direct territory of the Menethil family. Terenas had to be with the lords of Hearthglen. After the negotiation failed, the last mobile force of Lordaeron, the Royal Guard, drew half of it to the Stratholme area for garrison work.

However, it is just this coming and going, whether the orcs are direct and keen, or if they encounter it by chance, they will seize the weakest opportunity in Lordaeron.

If it was attacking from land, Lothar was not worried at all, Lordaeron was surrounded by water on three sides, and the frontal city defense was very solid, and he couldn't break it with an orc division alone. But with the ship, the orcs can attack from any direction, and only with the current defenders of Lordaeron, they can't be guarded against by sending them all on the walls!

The frontal fighting is so fierce. Seven legions have already lost their organization. Seventy thousand people seem to be quite a lot, but in such a high-intensity frontal battlefield, even the reserve team can't be left. Each legion can only take turns to rest. What do you get back for?

Ambushes, yes, but once they move, they will not be able to function as a surprise. The original encirclement and ambush battles have become a frontal death with the tribe.

Lothar struggled again and again, and couldn't help but sigh. People are not as good as the sky.

"Let Grian Stallman come to see me."

The guard heard Lothar's order and left quickly.

At this time, the second messenger quickly came to Lothar.

"Marshal, urgent."

Lothar thought for a while, folded Terenas' letters, put them in the mezzanine of the breastplate, and took the new file.

"good news."

Lothar laughed with an exaggerated expression, and then shouted under the puzzled expressions of the people around him: "Alterac and Stromgarde reinforcements are here! The orcs' doomsday is unwilling, hahahahaha."

The news of the arrival of friendly forces is always uplifting, and everyone is happy and cheering.

Then people from afar are so happy to see a group of generals, there must be something good, so laugh.

A legion cheered, people in the distant positions naturally wanted to find out what happened?

Reinforcements are coming?

Oh that's fine!


In the end, even the legion that didn't know the exact news cheered.

what happened? I do not know!

In the tense atmosphere, the human emotions were inexplicably uplifted, even if the reinforcements were still five hundred kilometers away.

"General, emergency report, three thousand orc teams attacked the defensive position of the 101st Army. The commander of the army was killed. Now we need reinforcements!"

The third messenger came galloping on a horse warrior, and the word was passed without dismounting.


Lothar suddenly discovered that his firefighters were not communicating. Turalyon, Uther, Tirion Fording, and all the generals who could perform this kind of assault mission were not around.

There are a lot of generals who can lead the battle, but there are not one who can kill a hundred people.

Who has no selfishness, who has no friends, in order to show their fairness, as the last elite Brotherhood of the Iron Horse in Stormwind City has been half killed in Lordaeron.

Seeing these survivors of the storm who followed Varian, or followed him northward, Lothar suddenly couldn't speak.

The members of the Brotherhood are really tired. Excited mood can deceive themselves, but they can't deceive the enemy. The exhausted warrior is not the opponent of the farmer. What more can I ask of them?

But Lothar finally bit her lip.

"Brotherhood warriors, let us give some color to those arrogant orcs. Victory belongs to the Alliance!"

"Victory belongs to Anduin Lothar!"

"Long live the marshal!"

"Dispatch the 7th Army to join the support sequence."

Lothar said to his deputy.

"But the 7th Army was pushed down from the front only two days ago, and now there are more than half of the empty crew!"

"The Ace Legion must have a trump card. Send the order. You can tell the 7th Legion that they don't need to come."

"...Yes, Marshal."

Pulling up the great royal sword, Anduin Lothar understood that justice and justice were his way of standing up.

The road to rejuvenation is extremely difficult and must be paved with the blood of loyal ministers. If you hesitate and cringe, then Stormwind Kingdom is really over.

"Marshal, you are looking for me."

Seeing Lothar re-mounting, Grian Stallman hurried forward.

Lothar whispered a few words to Grian Stallman, and then led the Brotherhood of Iron Horses whistling away.

The battlefield is calling for Lothar's name.

And in a cabin on the south bank of Lake Lordamere, Gul'dan stroked a book of magic with excitement.

Found it, found it, the clue to the Tomb of Sargeras, found it!

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