Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 241 The Invisible Blade is the Deadliest

Power is always just power, and the guy who indulges in power and becomes a slave to power is just a wailing weak.

Bloodthirsty, rage, and destruction.

The thing that Gul'dan became the blood of blessing indeed gave the orcs this race unparalleled strength-stronger physique, increased endurance and explosive power, and increased endurance.

It may take hundreds of years of natural evolution to achieve the goal only by quoting some disgusting and unpleasant blood of blessings. Even with some faint flaws, it is acceptable.

Orgrim, as a pragmatist, thinks so.

The pleasure of conquering is always pleasant.

From the gate of the Dark Swamp all the way north, sweeping across half of the continent, the orcs watched. Abundant materials, ample prey, Azeroth is like an inexhaustible treasure house, let the orcs discover, dominate, and squander.

It's just that Orgrim misses home sometimes.

Although Frostfire Ridge is not a good place, it is still the hometown of Blackrock Orcs.

Has the war with the Goria ogre empire ended, and has Margok completely surrendered?

Has the work of eliminating the arakkoa been completed?

Did the Tigers and Goron succumb?

Delano, how is it?

Having obtained so much, is it feasible to stop now, occupy half of the Eastern Kingdom, and whether the orcs can stop and rest for a while.

This thought flashed through Orgrimmar's mind.

Then he laughed at himself.

How is it possible, the hatred has been cast, how is it possible to say I'm sorry, everyone, hahahahahaha.

When attacking Shattrath, Orgrim disagreed, but after the defeat of Shattrath, Orgrim was also the most determined extermination faction.

Survival is hard, and life is not easy.

The world is only that big, the more you get, the less I get.

Putting this idea on the individual is called greed and selfishness, and putting it on the ethnic group becomes far-sighted and slightly forward-looking, called foresight.

How ironic, once it has something to do with the gathering and everyone, any sin can be forgiven.

But thinking about the hard life of the orcs in Draenor, nothing seemed wrong.

Fighting with ogres, fighting with Goron, fighting with arakkoa, fighting with tigers, fighting with heavens, fighting with earth, orcs have come all the way with their unyielding fighting will, from slaves to masters, and finally -kun Proceed to Draenor and will dominate Azeroth.

Orgrim rarely drank alcohol, because the trance caused by alcohol made him feel uncertain and uneasy. But tonight, as the warchief, Orgrim has drunk a lot in small sips.

What can be arranged has been arranged, and the rest are problems that cannot be solved in a short time.

The commander and the warlords had all gone to the front, and it was only natural for him to suddenly become quiet.

As the warchief, as the supreme commander of the Horde's expedition to Azeroth, Orgrim needs to be eternally vigorous and always strong. Anyone can be exhausted, but he cannot.

At least people can't.

But Orgrim had a will like steel, but it was not really made of steel. The resistance of the humans, or the Alliance, is far stronger than previously expected, and the Horde army has been shackled in this land called Hillblad for too long.

As an enlightened among the orcs, Orgrim is not only good at fighting, but also has his own set of experience in the use of strategy. But all kinds of tactics always seem incapable of defending against the alliance's inability to splash water. Therefore Orgrim decided to abandon the tactical strategy and directly use the advantage of combat power to directly crush the past.

Lothar, Lothar, do you think you alone can hide soldiers? Are you the only one who can play the virtual reality?

In the northern battlefield, from an army of seventy thousand orcs against an alliance of one hundred thousand, Orgrim knew the habit of human beings. Without double the force, he would not fight head-on with the orcs.

So Lothar hid at least 50,000 people.

In successive battles, nearly 20,000 orcs were killed in battle, but the alliance also lost at least 30,000 troops, and the tribe got the advancement of the position.

Ten kilometers, and ten kilometers further north, the tribe will break through the Hillblad encirclement set by the alliance.

Lothar, wrongly judged the strength of both sides will be your biggest failure!

Because in the south, Orgrim is also hiding soldiers!

The southwest camp has more than 20,000 people. In the dense coastal forest near Thoradin's Wall, Orgrimie has scattered and hidden seventeen thousand-man teams. At the same time, the orc troops staying in the wetland also received Orgrim's order to launch a fierce attack on the Saldo Bridge at the agreed time.

When the time comes, he will attack from the north, and the wetland troops will attack north. How many humans are left in the Alliance in the southern part of Hillbrad Hills. The roaring orc army will either go south to break through Thoradin’s Wall or attack Tarren Mill. Dao Alterac, and even killing the annoying dwarves of the Hinterlands are excellent choices.

Human beings are not monolithic, and sooner or later they will reveal their flaws in the face of the endless offensive of the orcs.

Orgrim spent a rare relaxation in his wild thoughts, unknowingly sitting in the position of the tribal warchief and fell asleep.

However, the smell of blood irritated Orgrim, who had just fallen asleep, and the warrior's instincts made him wake up.

"Warchief, don't panic. It's just some guys who don't have long eyes. They've been solved. You can sleep well."


The sword saint in the incarnation of the wind defended the warchief of the tribe at all times, Orgrim continued to close his eyes and rest after receiving a positive answer, without asking what had happened just now.

But Gul'dan was furious when he heard the news.

"Idiot, utter idiot! Orgrimmar will doubt me whether I did it or not, and this time it wasn't me! If a few small thieves can end the life of Doomhammer, why should I endure it? Now? Narrow ignorance, mysterious confidence."

After the exposure, the warlock quickly recovered his calm.

"But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you suspect it to me, at least it's easier to act in the south."

After the failed raid on Lordaeron, the orcs fled in all directions and continued to involve human energy. Gul'dan returned to Orgrim with his trusted followers. Although Orgrim didn't trust Gul'dan's loyalty, he never doubted Gul'dan's ability. The war was about to come, and the power of warlocks was a necessity to fight against Alliance mages. The gathered shaman and warlock were tightly protected or watched by Orgrim, and Gul'dan was no exception.

I can allow you to have ambitions, but I will not let your ambitions come true.

Orgrim had been sending such messages to Gul'dan, using and guarding Gul'dan.

But Orgrim couldn't think of it anyway, Gul'dan had already separated himself from the orcs.

"Go and warn our future warchief not to do superfluous things."

After instructing a partner to warn him, Guldan muttered to himself: "The rest is how to get out."

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