Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 248 Azeroth's Currency War-Ka Xianping

There is no killing if there is no business, and no betrayal if there is no stubbornness.

MR.MA, the big capitalist of Gnomereen, once said: There are no more than two reasons for employees to leave their jobs, either they have less money or they are upset.

Carlos himself became the king, and he has a deep understanding of what it means to manage risk and what it means to be unethical.

Alterac's little land, that little person, can cause endless troubles, and he has his father to help, and it feels exhausted and haggard to reconcile internal conflicts. What's more, this is a big Lordaeron.

We love our king, but he dares to increase taxes, hehe, manual riots.

This is the true realization that exists in every kingdom.

After Terenas Menethil II took over Lordaeron's crown from his father, he demonstrated all the qualities that a good politician should have-justice, tolerance, and decisiveness.

Excluding the Kingdom of Stormwind that went south, it was not until the last century that the humanity of Lordaeron set off a wave of kingdomization. Several major kingdoms completed asset reorganization, and several royal families were listed and closed one after another.

Before this wave, most of the humans who left the Arathi Highlands and went north to open up the wilderness were developing land under the name of the family or the knighthood of the Arathor Empire. In fact, everyone is the same in the political camp. All of them are Arathor going north to Lordan. Lun Construction Corps.

Until the last hundred years, he has cash in his hand, his heart is wild, and his courage has increased. This duke and the prince are no longer satisfied. Let's be the king!

Then everyone starts to talk about what benefits do you give me and how much shelter I will give you.

As a result, several human kingdoms on the continent of Lordaeron were established one after another.

It took another decades to stabilize the internal structure and form the current form.

Looking at the flowers in the mist, after all, he couldn’t grasp the vein. After Carlos joined the King’s Club himself, he discovered that during the Second Orc War, except for Daelin Proudmoore’s dominance in Tirkuras, it was unshakable. Besides, almost all kings are sitting on pins and needles.

But because I think about it, I was a bit mediocre when I had suffered from Terenas Phobia before.

Terenas won a high reputation for his efforts to promote the alliance and unconditionally support Anduin Lothar, and even became the leader of the alliance. All this was after the alliance defeated the tribe and the war dust settled.

Terenas now has a hard time.

Human beings are also living things, and the nature of living things is selfish. This is an evolutionary choice for the continuation of individual life. Lofty beliefs, broad horizons and Penultimate knowledge can restrain this kind of human selfishness. But in Azeroth, in Lordaeron, how many people in human society have these excellent qualities?

In order to provide supplies to the frontline army, the Kingdom of Lordaeron tightened its belt, but the orcs still hit the city of Lordaeron. This incident alone gave Terenas's political opponents an excuse to attack him.

However, Lothar's victory and pursuit after the tribal civil strife gave Terenas strong support, allowing him to survive this political crisis.

But Terenas’s political opponents raised their heads and slammed a heavy fist, but they hit a hole. It was inevitable that they suffered from internal injuries, and their hearts were resentful, but they had to die.

What Carlos wanted to do was to once again provoke the opposition of various political forces in Lordaeron, so that he could fish in troubled waters.Starting with food, the food purchase plan of 100,000 gold coins directly increased the price of food in Lordaeron by 50%.

Terenas decisively issued a restriction order after opening a position and unsuccessful price parity. The only thing I don't interfere with you is buying and selling, but during the war, you are only allowed to enter but not to leave. If you buy it, you can only sell it in the city of Lordaeron.

Terenas’s decisiveness surprised Carlos. Originally, Carlos thought Terenas would issue an order to nationalize the food franchise. In this case, a large amount of gold coins would be needed to liquidate the position. Otherwise, the coercive policy of using force as a backing would only Will stir up greater social unrest.

However, Jiang is still old and spicy. Although a paper restriction order has caused dissatisfaction with grain merchants and carts and horses, restricting transportation is better than confiscating and expropriating. This level of loss is not enough to arouse violent resistance from relevant interest groups. .

In the first move, Terenas took the lead.

In the past few days, Carlos has feasted and recuperated in the manor provided by Terenas, waiting for Terenas to make a request to meet, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Then, the second move came quietly.

Although there are certain differences in the weight and fineness of gold and silver coins issued by various kingdoms among human kingdoms, the exchange rate is generally stable and basically universal, while the copper coins are the ancient Arathor style of the unified standard.

In the city of Lordaeron at this time, one gold coin can be exchanged for 67 silver coins, and one silver coin can be exchanged for 104 copper coins.

In the previous food purchase war, Carlos raised the price of food, and at the same time exchanged gold coins for a large number of silver coins, and used the Barov family business and interested political allies to draw more than 700,000 silver coins. Get out of the market.

At the same time, Carlos didn't want to go face-to-face with Terenas. It would be no good for anyone to tear his face. Therefore, they took the initiative to sell the grain in their hands, took the initiative to stabilize the price of grain, and only allowed the citizens to buy a small amount with the proof of residence, which was not inferior to the big businessmen to buy and sell. .

Thus, in the praise of the residents of Lordaeron, Carlos exchanged one hundred thousand gold coins for 580,000 silver coins.

Terenas didn't understand Carlos's movements for a while. Although he knew that the Barov family must be playing a ghost behind everything, it is not a wise move to act rashly when the situation is not clear.

So Terenas chose silence.

According to the records of minting over the years, there are about 11 million silver coins in circulation in Lordaeron. Carlos has gathered about one-tenth of the silver coins in circulation, but the market will not fluctuate too much, and because the influx of a large number of gold coins has driven more manufacturing activities, the smooth progress of the war is also great news. Under the cover of numerous orders, the exchange ratio of gold and silver coins has dropped to one to sixty-nine.

Immediately afterwards, Carlos' ultimate move came. While secretly collecting silver coins, the Barov family, together with other partners, released the news that the major silver mines of human beings continued to suffer and the silver veins were exhausted. At the same time, they let the wizards and alchemists under them buy a large number of silver ingots.

Because the reconstruction work of Dalaran is underway, no one doubts what the Faye wants so much money for.

Under the impact of about 200,000 gold coins, the price of a pound of silver ingots was about 77 copper coins higher than the same weight of silver coins.

The market has always been blind and lagging. The ordinary people may not save two gold coins a year, and their interests are more silver coins and copper coins. In the case of profitability, many silver skewers go from street to street. The citizens bought silver coins, each sixty-eight silver coins exchanged for one gold coin, and one hundred and six copper coins exchanged for one silver coin.

A large number of silver coins were cast into silver ingots by black-hearted merchants and sold.

Moreover, the mages also expressed that if the amount is large, the next purchase price can be higher.

As a result, the hearts of black merchants became even darker.

However, the next time that was promised became the next time forever. The freshly clothed and angry horses left Lordaeron with the goods and never returned, leaving only the silver water in the city of Lordaeron.

At this time, the residents of Lordaeron felt that there seemed to be fewer silver coins around them.

In the past ten days, Carlos met guests, sprinted horses, went to the palace and went to the palace to talk to Terenas twice, and collected 1.1 million silver coins again by the way.

"Oh my god, I thought only the color of gold coins is the most charming, I didn't expect..."

Taking Farina to watch the sea of ​​silver coins piled up in the secret warehouse, Carlos gently kneaded the shoulders of his girlfriend, helped her relax her tight muscles, and then spoke softly.

"Much is strong, but big is beautiful."

In the second move, Carlos secretly scrambled for the first move, only waiting for Terenas to make a move.

Sure enough, Terenas held a day and night court meeting in response to the silver famine in Lordaeron, and Gyūki snake gods appeared.

To challenge the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron with the strength of the Barov family alone is undoubtedly seeking a dead end. But if you ignite the fire and pit the Menethil family together, things are very promising.

The silver limit order was rejected.

Forcing major families to exchange gold for silver, collectively rebutted.

Restart the minting plan. it is good! Very good, but no one wants to host. Terenas come by himself? The day lilies are cold.

Copper coin appreciation? Isn't this asking all the nobles to cut their flesh and blood to feed the farts, don't think about it.

Devaluation of gold coins? Everyone is fine. If you dare to depreciate, I will dare to buy. If you want me to depreciate and release, there is no way.

It's not that Terenas can't forcefully suppress the silver shortage through administrative means, but Terenas is a king, not a philanthropist, and he will not do things that sacrifice his happiness and the whole kingdom.

After the negotiation failed, Terenas went directly to the victim, Carlos.

A silver famine was not enough to sell his daughter, so he opened a bargain on the food restriction order, and Carlos agreed to release the silver coins he had hoarded in his hand.

"But, Your Majesty, we have gone to great lengths and troubles, and just getting such a small amount of food will not help."

The envoy asked puzzledly.

"When the price is raised, it must be in line with the international standards, and when the price is lowered, it is necessary to talk about the special national conditions. Don't worry, the good show has just begun. We still have time."

Although he said that there was still time, Carlos knew in his heart that there was not much time for himself to walk the tightrope. When the news of the defeat of the orc warchief came, it was when he closed his hand, and he could not complete the plan before then. The plan basically fell through.

Because of years of wars, all countries have had post-war famine problems, but they are just different in severity. Although Alterac has a one-month food gap before the summer harvest from the supply data. But to the mountain, to the sea, squeeze the belt of the pants, even out the grain pockets, in fact, you can carry it off by yourself. The problem is that if you do this, people will lose their hearts and blood. When Aiden is king, we are not going to go hungry, Carlos, when we are king, we are going to go hungry. Why?

Xiaomin Shengdou can't see how many people Carlos' efforts have saved. Everyone is only concerned about whether they can eat enough.

This kind of thinking is understandable, but it is traumatic.I have given you the most precious things, but you can only see what you have.

Carlos knew this was just hypocrisy, and quickly put these negative thoughts behind him.

If you want people to sell their lives, you have to pay enough to buy their lives. Saving but not living is nothing more than a kind of self-satisfaction, and it is not essentially different from watching death without saving.

Transporting grain from Lordaeron and raising grain from Stratholme, as long as carts loaded with grain continuously drive into Alterac, the people will have hope.

How to release the silver is very particular. You can't line up to send two with your ID card.

The so-called release of silver is nothing more than the settlement of bulk commodities with silver coins, so that the hoarded silver coins can return to the circulation market.

Soon, the manor where Carlos lived became crowded, and countless people with identities and family status came to the door, hoping to visit His Majesty Carlos.

The envoy has been busy in Lordaeron for several months. As a professional diplomat, he naturally knows all the nobles of Lordaeron.

After receiving some people who needed to meet in a planned, purposeful, and selective manner, Carlos thanked the guests behind closed doors.

"Jaina, please contact Master Antonidas for me."

Ignoring Jaina's heavy little purse, Carlos felt that things were almost brewing.

Because Farina was acting as a double agent in the middle, Carlos had noticed from all the clues that Terenas knew that his killer was not a silver coin panic but a war debt. And his secret collection of war bonds is already a secret that cannot be said among all Lordaeron nobles.

"Carlos villain, you locked me up for a month, are you finally ready to kill me? I think I'm beautiful and beautiful, but you're so cruel, really inferior to a beast!"

Jaina was talking vividly while eating the cake.

"Don't make trouble, no matter how bad-mouthed, I will go to your room to search."

"do not!"

Jaina knew that Carlos had acquiesced in the act of acting for personal gain, but if she really wanted to talk about it, it's always not beautiful to get a joke.

"Although I did a lot of work to help you run errands, what are you going to do? You have lost nearly 400,000 gold coins back and forth. I don't understand at all."

As the daughter of Sea Merchant King Dalin Proudmoore, Jaina is naturally not bad in business acumen, but Carlos's wild moves still make her unable to understand.

"Politics belong to politics, and economy belongs to economy. Playing finance in Azeroth means having Yoneda in your head. It is normal for you to fail to understand, because my goal from the beginning was not to make money."

With another pat on Jaina's head, Carlos closed his eyes and rested, waiting for Antonidas' arrival.

As the largest holder of Lordaeron's war bonds, and as a leader who urgently needs to rebuild Dalaran, Carlos feels that he can have a pleasant exchange with Antonidas.

Do you want your mother to come here?

Carlos felt that after his ethics was broken, his whole person was relieved a lot.

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