When I have been a king for a long time, I always think a lot.

Will rushing to make Mrs. Morgan have any ideas? Will showing off force arouse the resentment of the Morgan consortium, and will the annihilation of this orc force lead to large-scale revenge from the tribe? Etc., etc.

However, Carlos changed his mind, it's my business!

I have a conspiracy against you, and you expect something from me. Everyone meets their eyes, but they haven't done any business yet. Why are you thinking so much for you?

Although the commander of the Morgan Militia is called Julius, he is not a guy with a powerful force. Even the captain of the bodyguard was a head higher than him, and Julius stammered a bit in front of Carlos.

"Your... Your Majesty, strike out... hit, maybe... in ambush... hit."

"What are you afraid of?"

Carlos brought two sets of armors on this trip. One set was used to put on force, the silver White Hits bottom, the dark blue border, the low-key connotation, and the extravagant pouch. The other set is the dark full body armor recast with the captured orc weapons in the city of Lordaeron. Because of the craftsmanship problem, even if there is a wizard to help raise the temperature of the furnace, it is still impossible to completely smelt minerals from another planet. In the end, this armor was completed by arcane shaping under the guidance of a sugarman craftsman.

Absorbing light, cracks, and hideous sharp corners. This is not the style of any Azeroth race at all, but it is this armor that is like a play, so that every warrior who has seen it can't help but breathe in the air --- -On the battlefield, the appearance that makes the enemy fearful is itself part of the strength.

"There may be ambush troops behind the orcs."

Perhaps it was the contempt in Carlos's tone that aroused the commander's fighting spirit, and Julius stopped stuttering.

"It doesn't matter. Even if there is, it will not be possible to reach the battlefield in a short time."

Carlos is not ready to play as soon as his head is hot. The small orc unit chose a position and set up a catapult. There was no obstruction for two kilometers around it. Even if there was an ambush, Carlos was confident to withdraw before being encircled.

You can be arrogant, but you can't be stupid. This is the law of survival on the battlefield.

"But those are two hundred orcs!"

Julius bitterly persuaded that the other party was the king of the Alterac Kingdom of Lordaeron, with hundreds of thousands of people under him, how could something happen to him in his own hands!

"Ha, your concern is accepted by the king, and you should withdraw your worries. It's time for you to see what the army of the alliance looks like, and let you see why we can defeat the orcs in Hillblad. . Look good, humans are the masters of this land, not orcs, and your Duke Lothar will be back soon."

As soon as the voice fell, Brian Bronzebeard sprang out.

"Carlos, I can't find a suitable armor, so I just choose one. Come on, let us teach those green and black guys."

Brian Bronzebeard may not be as good as his two brothers. Grandmaster combat skills, but as a dwarf, as an explorer, Brian's combat effectiveness is definitely not bad.

For example, a peace-loving archaeologist Lao Moumou who experienced 36C, 37E, 39G on his chest, and finally shrank back to 34D, focused on opposing the Holy Trinity.

Another example is Anna Jones, an archaeologist who is good at using whips, chatting and laughing with Pharaoh, drinking water with the Holy Grail, and walking all the way to death.

I have to mention that Master Drake, who has discovered the Uncharted Seas many times, explodes wherever he goes, and where he sits and sinks, is also an archeologist.

Therefore, Carlos has never underestimated the fighting power of Kai Guai Wang, and he will not laugh at him because of his inappropriate outfit.

"Of course, in Lordaeron, I used to fight alongside Muradin. Now it's your turn. Has Warhammer checked it?"


"Has the Tomahawk checked?"

"Still sharp."

"So, let's go, tell the orcs, the Alliance is here, and we are back."

Ordinary people are still ordinary people wearing armors and weapons, and warriors are still warriors even with their bare hands.

After the fall of Stormwind, human life in the Irvine area was very difficult, and the Morgan Militia took the opportunity to absorb a large number of people. However, there is no time and no conditions for adequate training, and living materials are even scarce. These militiamen stationed at the guard posts do not have much will to fight. Joining the Morgan Militia is just holding together for survival.

The huge gap in identities made other people afraid to speak up in front of Carlos. When Carlos got up from the wooden box he was sitting on, the others couldn't help but breathe in cold air.

What a burly physique, what a terrible pressure, what a terrifying aura.

"Your Majesty, since I can't dissuade you, at least let me follow you in the battle."

Julius sighed helplessly.

"You are the commander of this sentry post. Your task is to ensure the safety of this sentry post. Once you have fulfilled your most basic obligations, you can do anything."

Carlos didn't deliberately provoke him, but just talked about it, but when he said this, Julius was very embarrassed and embarrassed. After all, he did not agree to take the initiative to fight before.

The orcs should assume that the catapult is not a matter of a few minutes or ten minutes. When Carlos's side is ready, the orcs are still preparing.

From the trenches hidden behind the rocks quietly down to the mountainside, Carlos couldn't help but praise the magical terrain and the wonderful design.

When going down the mountain, a few thick planks can save the charging troops from the trouble of roundabouts, but they must walk the zigzag honestly when going up the mountain. It really makes sense that Morgan Outpost can persist under the attack of the orcs for so long.

It should have been nine o'clock in the morning, Carlos was waiting, waiting for the first round of the orcs' shooting.

It is not easy to load the large catapults. After the several catapults in the back row are launched, the impact of the troops will not be threatened by the orc catapults.


Because the catapult is not a ballista, in addition to the maximum range, there is also a minimum range.

Morgan's sentry is high, and the orcs must dig out a slope or pile up a slope when the orc arranges the catapult, so that the projection vehicle can raise its head.

"Come, get ready, rush!"

As the burning huge boulders with cigarette tails passed over the top of the head and slammed on the civil walls of Morgan's sentry with a loud noise, the elite pioneers from Alterac rushed out of the lurking trenches.

"Keep up, kill those orcs!"

Regardless of whether he was sincere or not, Julius still followed Carlos with more than two hundred people.

But soon, Julius discovered a surprising thing, that is, Carlos's heavily armored soldiers actually ran faster than his own light armored militiamen.

At first, Julius thought it was the xenophobia of his subordinates, and he was greedy for life and fear of death, so he deliberately slowed down. But soon, Julius found that he could not catch up.

How to fight for a while with such a drain on physical strength? The strength of the orcs is so great that humans themselves suffer a lot when fighting with them, and they can only seek to kill the enemy fighters by moving their bodies a lot, which is very stamina-consuming.

Just when Julius was confused, at the forefront, Carlos's guards had already fought the orcs.

"This is impossible!"

Many of the imagined scenes of the Morgan Militia militia did not appear. The orc soldiers did not swing the humans they faced with a battle axe, but were instead held up by the sword.

"This is impossible!"

The orc who was suppressed by Carlos uttered the same wailing.

"Everything is possible!"

The right hand changed the direction and grasped the handle. Carlos broke through the orc's defense with a single shot, and the blade of the Arcanite axe slipped heavily, ending his life in the consternation of the opponent.

The battle situation was almost leaning towards the human side. Although the orcs still maintained their undaunted fighting, the Alliance elite from the north was by no means the remnants of Stormwind that they usually deal with, not to mention that they themselves were the decoy troops responsible for enticing the enemy.

On the far mountain, the orc swordsman who was in charge of observing the battle had red eyes and was furious, because his old enemy from Draenor prevented him from sending out the signal. The five hundred orcs on the back of the mountain were resting and they didn’t know the front, their brothers were being slaughtered. .

"Flat hair offal, die!"

"One-eyed bastard, can you do it?"

The sword sage from the blood cave clan and Terokk's guard, Arcandis, were fighting on the top of the mountain, and Arcandis's fist blade similar to a triple dagger had left two wounds on the sword sage.

"When we conquer this world, we will definitely go back to clean up your birdmen!"

There is no joy of encountering old knowledge in a foreign country, new hatred and old hatred are gathered together, and the sword saint is furious.

"I have always been very curious. Don't you know how much the one-eyed has an impact on the battle. The low-eyed species with only half the field of vision, what gives you the confidence to defeat me?"

Ashkandy mocked mercilessly.

He never dared to underestimate the sword saints among the orcs. Those are powerful warriors, but the blood cave clan, the old enemy of the arakkoa, sacrificed an eye to predict the future. These orcs may have the opportunity to take the lead in army combat. , But when fighting against each other, the disadvantage of the one-eyed is so obvious.

Especially when facing highly agile opponents.

"Have you forgotten the failure of the Tanarian Jungle? The arakkoa empire has become a thing of the past. Anyone who opposes the tribe must die!"

Although the Juggernaut was at a disadvantage, he did not panic and relentlessly counterattacked.

"Which battle do you mean? Was it the battle that I killed sixteen orcs or the battle that nineteen orcs? It didn't mean that I attacked the camp at night and cut 75 necks, right?"

Ashkandy smiled arrogantly with a hoarse voice, but his men were merciless.

The competition between speed and speed, the confrontation between power and strength, as the supreme warrior among the orcs, the sword master feels very aggrieved.

It's not obvious when there are comrades around in the past, but when the stomach is against the enemy, especially when the opponent is evenly matched, the disadvantage of the field of vision is infinitely magnified.

He tried to take out the "blood of blessing" from his waist to strengthen himself, but the arakkoa's offensive continued, forcing him to have no time at all.

The Juggernaut is also arrogant, are you moving fast? Then I will be faster than you!

[Invincible Slash]! The Sword Saint sighed fiercely, the blade of the sword turned into light, and thirteen blows were cut within one second.

Ashkandi has always been on guard. The blessing from Rukhmar stirred his whole body, with golden brilliance, with his fists and blades hard against the orc swordmaster’s thirteen slashes, and finally stayed on the orc swordmaster’s broad chest. There was a fatal wound.

Pretending to be cool for a while, lie down on the bed afterwards. Ashkandi, who had eaten a full set of Invincible Slash, was uncomfortable, kneeling on one knee and panting heavily.

"Arakkoa will not end well, I will sleep in the land of the ancestors, and you will only be burned to ashes by the anger of the tribe."

Using the last life force to speak the vicious curse, the orc sword master closed his eyes unwillingly.

Ashkandi turned his head and looked at the human battle on the other side, he sighed and stood up slowly.

"Thugs, only the innocent can sleep peacefully."

The arakkoa took a sip of blood and flew high, leaving the mountain top.

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