Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 282 Guarding Athena HD Reset Version

"Hurry up, hurry up, sandbags reinforce the fence, damp-proof the bows and arrows and artillery, smear the sword with magic oil, and officers above the captain will come to divide the task!"

As a general and as a confidant that Carlos can promote, Ymir naturally has his own ability and pride.

The deployment of 2,000-man battles didn't require his master to bother at all, and Ymir arranged in an orderly manner.

Speaking of which, I would also like to thank the orcs. All the officers who experienced the Battle of Hillblad Hills, whether they are cavalry generals or infantry generals, are above the standard in positional defense.

Forced out.

However, Carlos regretted leaving his guard at Morgan's post.

Although the Brian Bronzebeard line has the value of keeping in touch, at this moment, if his one hundred guards are there, the situation may be much better.

Qualified soldiers can also be divided into four levels.

The most inferior qualified soldier has seen death.

Second-class qualified soldiers are not afraid of death.

First-class qualified soldiers dare to die.

The best qualified soldiers dare to ****.

And his group of guards are undoubtedly the best of the best.

In order to win, do everything possible.

In order to win, glory, reputation, status, and dignity can all be given up.

But there is no regret that medicine can be taken.

The news Sora brought back was very bad.

The identifiable enemies include a tidal giant, an adult hydra, a tuft of three sword red dragon turtles, more than four hundred deep-water murlocs, a small number of naga siren, and staring dragon-maw orcs.

The murloc thing can basically be considered that the deep water is stronger than the shallow water, and the deep sea is stronger than the continental shelf, but Carlos is not concerned about it. He will only play the scum of the long live charge, and put the murloc warlord or the tide recruiter. After the murloc leader of the first category was named and killed, what was left was scum.

Naga's intentions are unknown, but there are not too many. It is estimated that they want to pick up the bargain. They are more than a hundred kilometers away from the coastline.

The difficulty lies with the tidal giant, hydra and dragon turtle.

According to Sora, the tidal giant was at least at the level of the tidal lord, and his height was more than 20 meters. Just moving his feet could cause the effect of earthquake surgery. The grown-up Hydra, although not as terrifying as the ancient Hydra, already possesses the characteristics of death split, anti-magic skin, and highly toxic blood. It cannot be injured by magic, and cannot be cut in close combat. It can only be dealt with by artillery and crossbows. The headache is terrible. The sabertooth turtle has thick skin and thick flesh. Although it has three heads upgraded, it is already a relatively easy thing to deal with... relatively speaking.

If casualties are not counted, Carlos has the confidence to teach these deep-sea creatures to be humans, not right, be beasts, not right, be fish. But after daybreak there is still business to do, and at this time, it is hard to knock with this gang of demons and ghosts, which makes Carlos a little entangled.

As for the Dragonmaw Orcs, Carlos had never thought of circumventing them, nor was he interested in provoke them. Although there were some deviations from the history in his memory, Ronin set out for Grim Batol three years earlier. But at this moment Ronin is slightly immature, but his big cousin Nesario is also in Outland at this moment. Without the obstacle of Deathwing, the journey to rescue the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza should also be much smoother. Under the flames of the red dragon's revenge, the Dragonmaw clan will be punished sooner or later, and Carlos does not need to act as a punisher.

Soldiers will come to block, water will come to cover, and there is no way to retreat, then fight.

As the commander-in-chief, you must be considerate. But when the killing intent has been decided, there is only one word left, war!

Life and death are bearish, just do it if you don't accept it.

From the point of view of destructive power, the tidal giant is the greatest, but from the point of view of harm, the fear brought by the Hydra is the most terrifying. As for the three-headed sabertooth turtle, Carlos has selectively ignored the first two.

According to existing records, tidal giants are also called "Leviathans" by seamen. Human-shaped sea monsters waving huge anchors are natural disaster-level existences in the sea or on land. And the most painful thing is that many hitters have described that the tidal giants of different individuals seem to have the same kind of racial talent skills, which are called "destruction" racial talent skills by the mages.

When Carlos saw this document, he felt a lot of pain and pain. If these tidal giants picked up a jumping knife, would these guys be able to destroy the world...

However, it is fortunate that the tidal giant does not have the racial talent of [Saikai Shell].

This makes them become hardened glass cannons with thick and thin skin.

Just leave it to Faye.

The saber-toothed tortoise, to put it bluntly, is difficult to deal with with a tortoise shell, and the three-headed saber-toothed tortoise is three times stronger in attack. However, it is not difficult to deal with as long as the agility units are allowed to bleed or use negative spells to weaken their mobility.

The one that is really hard to deal with is the Hydra.

It is said to be a Hydra, but this monster is actually related to the stinging sea cucumber.

Among the books that Khadgar transported away as Karazhan, there was an Aegwynn research notebook.

The guardian who had nothing to do back then went to the hydra's lair to study this strange creature and left detailed notes.

When Dalaran was invaded by the orcs, many precious magic books from Karazhan were left behind. As a close neighbor, the Alterac Kingdom naturally wanted to rescue and rob precious intangible cultural heritage.

So Carlos understands how difficult these monsters are to deal with.

The "head and neck" of the Hydra is nothing but mimicry. The real key is the "nucleus" hidden in the torso. This is also the mystery of the division of the Hydra.

It simply splits and regenerates. There is nothing terrible about it. What's really terrifying is that whether the Hydra is blood or glands, as long as it is a body fluid, it must be highly poisonous.

In addition, the adult Hydra has a resistant skin and is very resistant to magic.

This makes large-scale construction machinery a good choice to deal with this kind of sea monster.

However, what Carlos lacks is large construction machinery.

Carlos is not sure how effective the four-man crossbow and eight-pound artillery will affect the adult Hydra.


Carlos, who was still worried, sent out a contemptuous taunt through the detection of the tiles.

Although it has a human form, the sea monster is the sea monster, and the beast is the beast.

The tidal giant that arrived the first time did not attack at the first time, but drove other species forward, preparing to pick up the leak by himself.

This is the gourd baby to save grandfather, one by one!

"Wow wow wow wow wow~~~~~~"

In the thick fog that can't be reflected by the fire, the long-lost, familiar, and kind murloc language went from far to near, from weak to strong.

"The Paladin is in place!"

Carlos gave the order.

"Power and glory shine on you!"

"The glory of the king is shining on you!"

"The Holy Light will protect you!"

"Let your enemies receive a fair trial!"

Different from letting the Paladins act as vanguards in the past, this time, and for the first time, the Paladins, as priests, swayed the blessing of holy light.

Feeling the power of the holy light, the soldiers on the first line of defense outside the fence in the north made a wild roar!

The big knife slashed at the murloc's head!

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