The rush of time can only be made up with manpower.

With more than two thousand people working day and night, Alex Barov's wedding finally took place as scheduled.

The shadow of war seems to have slowly retreated from Alterac's group Yamanaka, and the people all regard this wedding banquet as a signal-a signal of peace.

It seemed like a good day was coming.

However, there is a gossip among the noble and wealthy businessmen.

"His Majesty Carlos seems to have an accident. The guy Alex is paving the way for his second son. We may have to change to a king. Don't you believe it? Then why have we not heard from your Majesty for two months."

"For King Card, I am personally convinced, at least for King Card's bravery. He is the king who can lead us to victory."

"Well, it's fine if we continue to observe. The big shots have not made a stand yet, and it is not our turn to wave the flag and shout."

"Everything is hard to say, someone came over. Well, this wine is really good! Praise His Majesty Carlos, praise the generous Prince Regent."

In twos and threes, either children's relatives, or alliances of interests, the great figures of Alterac Kingdom talked with each other, but their faces were filled with joy and humility.

The war destroyed the old social order, but also forged a new social structure.

Before the wedding banquet began, the well-informed guy had already received the message that as the dowry of Galiya Menethil, more than one hundred carts of unhusked wheat had arrived in Andorhal, within half a month. It can be turned into bread and pancakes and served on everyone's table. And in more than a month, the first batch of precocious summer grains should be harvested. The grain shortage that plagued Alterac Kingdom is about to pass, and the large amount of alcohol provided at this banquet is also a sign that Prohibition will be abolished.

When Alex Barov's marriage between the elder son and Princess Lordaeron has not yet settled, such a high-profile wedding banquet for the second son must be taken to convey some message.

At this critical time involving standing in line, no one wants to be the first bird.

At the moment when the sun was blocked by the mountains, but the brilliance had not completely dissipated, the protagonists of the wedding took the position of chairman. The protagonists of this wedding banquet sit in their respective positions and wait for a certain moment to come.

After a crisp ringing, the ceremonial band blew a five-meter-long ceremonial horn, and the deep ceremonial horns quieted the lively scene of coveted choir.

"Gentlemen and ladies, people of the kingdom, friends of the Barov family. I, Alex Barov, as the guard appointed by the king, as a proud father, welcome and thank you for your arrival."

After pressing his hand to signal that everyone can stop applause, Alex continued his speech.

The alliance at this time is not an alliance more than ten years later. The application of magic is still a tall subject for human beings. It was discovered that the magic device with increased sound did not play the expected role in the banquet hall, and Alex jumped on. Up the table.

After a round of kind laughter, no one felt that the rejoicing father was rude, and no one dared to say that the Grand Duke of Alterac was rude.

Standing tall and looking far away, Alex is either impassioned or humorous, and perfectly interprets the memory of the past and the future.

At the guest table, some people enjoyed the wine and delicacies, listening casually to the nonsense of the regent, some people pretended to enjoy the wine and delicacies, but their attention drifted towards the balcony from time to time.

"It's time for action?"

"Wait, there is no mess outside. Are you going to discuss the issue of succession to the throne with the guards of the Barov family in a banquet dress holding a knife. Patience, what we need now is patience."

In the quiet conversation, a terrifying conspiracy was revealed.

"Why isn't Ilusia Barov?"

"Well, it's a hidden danger, but who is right about the mage?"

"I feel a little uneasy, the time is not right."

"Wait, we only have to wait."

Alex was still indulging in the performance, and called a couple of newcomers in front of him to introduce again to the noble ladies and ladies present, and the many nobles in the guest seats were always able to laugh knowingly in response to the occasion.

For a time, the scene was extremely harmonious.

However, outside the venue, it is not so harmonious.

"Damn it, didn't Alterac's city guards went to Gavin Heights three days ago to put down the rebellion, who can tell me who these guys are?"

In the original plan, Neiying would open the city gate and put the 1,300 people ambushing outside Alterac into the city.

But the gathering place, the gathering time, and the assembled rebel army did not wait for a guide, only an army that had never been seen before.

Although he was lucky in his heart, the general of the rebel army still thought that this could not be his lord's hidden ambush, because his master couldn't make up so many sophisticated armors.

"We are the 16th Corps ordered to return to defense, which part of you are you?"

The rebels tried to talk, but they were greeted with fishy blood and ruthless arrow rain.

In Alterac, saboteurs who tried to cause chaos and well-prepared suppressors fought in the streets and lanes, and the flames inevitably appeared.

Alterac Castle’s palace is located at the highest point of the mountain basin and has a good line of sight. The riots in the city inevitably caused a commotion in the banquet hall.


The firelight in the city seemed to be a signal, and countless eye contact agitated on the banquet hall for a while.

"The chief guard, send someone to see the situation and urge the city defense army to put out the fire quickly."

Alex disagrees disapprovingly.

After getting off the table, Alex never returned to his seat, but walked around the banquet hall with his son and daughter-in-law, like many old friends and upstarts introducing a pair of Bi people.

Empress Shasa's father, the high lord Ned of Gavin Heights, winked at Alia, and Miss Assassin nodded almost imperceptibly.

When Alex walked to Ned's side, the hands of the old friends were tightly held together.

"Why not sit up there? Old friends, we haven't seen each other for many years, right."

Alex said with emotion.

"Today is the wedding of two children. My bad old man won't be overwhelming. It's been a long time. It's almost 20 years. Now you and I are about the same age. At that time, you and Aiden I have to go to my castle if I have nothing to do and find a reason, hahahahaha!"

"Don't mention this."

"That's right, don't mention this."

At this moment, the sudden change suddenly occurred, and Alia drew out the hairpin that had her fixed hair bun, and accurately hit the guard behind Alex in the throat.

Amidst the sound of blood bubbles, the guard collapsed weakly.

Alex tried to withdraw his hand, only to find that the old man with the face full of old Madara was far stronger than he looked. Aging is just his disguise.

The sudden situation stunned everyone around. The guards on alert had already pulled out their knives when they found something was wrong, and some unidentified nobles who were indulging in joy continued to indulge in joy.

"The -kun killer is dead, the Barov family deserves to die!"

The leader yelled, and the scene fell silent for an instant.

Then there was panic.

"Kill kill ****!"

Ned yelled, and the scene was completely out of control.

Ignoring the panic of his son, ignoring the chaos of the scene, Alex Barov turned and turned to look at the two women who were three seats apart on the chairman, their faces were as calm as a lake in late autumn.

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