Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 287-The Alliance of Steel

There is a saying that it is good to say that opening up is part of online games, don't want to play if you are unhappy.

In the same way, if you travel through rebirth without farming, you should play a stand-alone player.

Be a lonely hero, save the world with love and force.

Wake up, don't the total tragedy of Dan and Medivh's hardship still dispel your ignorant delusion?

You play the world of Azeroth as an adventure action game, and Sargeras and its Burning Legion will tell you that this is actually a real-time strategy game.

So from the day Carlos became the throne, he hadn't planned to play stand-alone.

Even if there is no such authority and power to form a steel alliance, then I can always form a steel alliance.

The human mind is a very complicated matter, and relying solely on violence and interests to maintain rule will eventually be overthrown by stronger violence and greater interests. And grace, the mercy that is easily forgotten, can't stand the washing of time.

Only by erecting the banner of faith can we call on the people to follow suit.

Changing the social structure hastily and engaging in class violence can only lead to their own defeat.

So, I can always do industrial reforms with feudalism characteristics!

Oaklanders, your king wants to make steel, please give me a thumbs up for your support!

The war was ruthless, the people's livelihood was dying, and there were more guys willing to sell porn for a bite. Besides, Carlos only restricted their personal freedom.

Yamanaka, the reckless Alterac group, hides such a city made for steel.

From the day he took the throne, Carlos was planning this project.

With the help of the Eagle's Nest dwarf prospector, Carlos found a suitable location in a deep mountain forest about 140 kilometers northeast of Steinblad in a straight line.

Surrounded by steel and coal, the natural caves are underground, the original hardwood forest is well structured, the four gaps in the crater are well sealed, and the surrounding four towers have a full view.

Not building a secret base in this kind of place is simply sorry for the extraordinary craftsmanship of nature.

Praise the magic.

Because of the magical skills of the wizards, Carlos had the process of skipping the accumulation of original technology and set up the blast furnace in a short time.

The iron and steel industries of Lordaeron are actually very backward. Even if the blacksmith shop is a smelting plant, it is also a forging plant and a processing plant.

A qualified blacksmith must master the skills from beneficiation to smelting to forging, even enchanting and pharmacy.

An apprentice blacksmith started working with his master at the age of seven. By the age of twenty, he may not be able to create the first weapon with his own mark on his own, let alone armor, which is a more technically demanding thing.

Although the master's product must be a fine product, the hand-forged ironware is forced to be even higher.

But this is a waste of resources!

Even in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, whose national strength is ten times that of Alterac, how many sets of full body armor can be forged in a year?

Nine hundred sets are insufficient.

Although production capacity will increase after the transition to a state of war, manpower always has its limits.

After Carlos took power, the first big project that he really did was this steel capital hidden in Yamanaka.

Blast furnace steelmaking under the earth technology is a complicated science and technology with a door system.

But the blast furnace steelmaking in the world of Azeroth is not so troublesome.


Ask Faye if he doesn't decide.

Using magical skills, the high-temperature-resistant metal material was welded into a boiler with arcane arts, and the original equipment was solved.

Using magic spells, several Great Fireballs were fired when the temperature was not enough, and the fuel defect was made up.

With the use of magic potions, no impurities are a problem, and the quality of the molten iron is guaranteed.

Coupled with simple assembly line processing, a large number of semi-formed iron blanks can be done.

When the war is over, the rails and locomotives will be released, and Alterac will have its fist foreign trade products.

It's great to think about it.

Especially after pulling the Wildhammer dwarves into the gang, the blacksmith's problem is not a big problem.

With the magic contract binding the soul, the confidentiality and loyalty of the intermediate wizard who hired Dalaran can still be trusted during the contract period.

What? Let Master be the fireman, where is the dignity of the Master!

Seriously, the use of magic arrays and construction machinery to systematically produce is a high-level magic classification. What kind of firefighter, the young man who can't speak will be confused by the fireball...

"Your Majesty, I really didn't hear the conversation between you and my sister, you have to believe me, I am innocent!"

Alia said with a bitter face, finally taking advantage of the short gap between Carlos's inspection.

"Well, I believe that your father will not turn my face against me at this time because of your daughter's life and death."

Carlos took off the water sac and took a sip, turned to look at Alia's refreshing dress and top hat, and handed the water sac over.

"Don't drink, thank you."

After Arya responded with a graceful and decent smile, her face was immediately distressed.

"Don't throw me this, okay..."

"I don't have the time to watch you at any time, and according to the information I have, you are a nimble little girl."

After taking another sip, Carlos glanced at Alia with a deep expression in his eyes.

"The previous marriage between you and Alex was itself the injury of your family to Barov. I will take you around the world again. How do you let Alex treat my brother."

"I can cover my face..."

"Little girl, don't take too much of an inch. It is your sister's greatest effort and my greatest kindness to spare you for not dying. Before the dust settles, your personal freedom belongs to me."

"Give me freedom, will I give you both my people and my body..."


Carlos was choked by the water and hurriedly waved his hand to signal that the guards didn't need to come close, that he was fine.

Fuck, this girl is so sturdy!

Three days ago, Carlos had a secret conversation with the first queen and queen Sasha at night.

Because of Shasa's secretive efforts, Ned changed the original plan, betraying the accomplices in exchange for the family's survival.

But for the royal power, threats are not far and near, and loyalty does not look at the process.

How to deal with the aftermath has become a problem.

And once again, Carlos realized that the aunt of Sasha is not a simple thing, but a political opponent that must be taken seriously.

At the beginning of the conversation, both parties were very warm and reserved. Sasha talked about his impression of Carlos as a child for an hour, while Carlos joked about the ambiguity between his father and Sasa.

However, Sasha was not angry at all, and instead shared the memories of her youth with Carlos.

This also allowed Carlos to more deeply understand the entanglement and constant friendship between Aiden, Shasa and his father Alex.

In middle age, Sasha lacked energy and was a little sleepy. She had been sitting upright, making her shoulders a little uncomfortable, so Carlos stood in the position of a junior to help her beat her back.

Then the real conspiracy began when the atmosphere was warmest and the two had physical contact.

Carlos thought he could infer her inner fluctuations from Sasha's physical reaction.

Sasha believes that the authenticity of language can be judged from Carlos's strength.

In the peace, political conspiracy is brewing.

Then Arya killed her.

Embarrassment, naked embarrassment.

Carlos's idea of ​​letting Sasha act as a face-to-face opponent and a mediator of the old forces has not yet been communicated.

Sasha is still in temptation to seek family pardon and to seek greater benefits for herself.

The game of "guess and see" for two people was playing happily, and the atmosphere was completely destroyed by a reckless girl.

Shasa's status is special, and his position is also very unique. After Carlos has secured the kingship, it is a very useful chess piece. After the Battle of Hillblad, Carlos, as the victor, no longer needed to worry about the negative effects of Aiden's assassination, and gave Sasha a decent second half of his life within his ability.

The repeated use of the family made Sasha very embarrassed, and the bait that Carlos threw out was also very tempting.

However, the timing of the conversation was interrupted by Alia.

Embarrassing, even more embarrassing than catching the traitor in bed.

Because it was not sure how much the little girl heard, and because of Sasha's plea and suggestion, Carlos could only take this girl with him and secretly take it out of Alterac City.

After thinking and thinking, this city code-named "Tangshan" is just the right place for such a special "annoying".

"I'm not interested in washboards."

Carlos said with his hands on his hips amused.

"Not too small."

Alia is worthy of being a competent assassin. She grabbed Carlos's hand and covered her chest, and Carlos did not react.

"You almost became my younger sibling."

Carlos thought for a while, maybe because Alia was not murderous, so he relaxed his vigilance and calmed down the fluctuations in his heart.

"What's this, my second brother often goes to the barn with my third sister-in-law."

Arya is not shocking and endlessly dying, and made the last effort for her freedom.

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