The most troublesome thing in the kidnapping case is how to protect the safety of the hostages.

From the moment the kidnapping occurs, the trust between people has disappeared.

You have already used this method of kidnapping, how can I believe that the hostages will be returned safely after the ransom is paid.


"Do you treat me as a fool?"

According to the agreement, Carlos went to the location marked by the kidnappers alone-a large wooden house in the civilian area, but did not see Elucia.

Then he put all five brawny men with the appearance of thugs and a guy dressed as a mage on the ground.

"Where is my sister?"

"The master will not let you go, hand over the Book of Medivh."

Obviously the internal hemorrhage was beaten, but the mage still had a feverish expression on his face.

"Let me take a guess."

Carlos pulled a chair and sat in front of the mage, turned him over, changed from lying on his back to lying on his back, and then stepped on his chest and sat on the chair.

"You are not the mastermind, you are the consumables that came to pick up the goods. You gave me enough time, just want me to investigate clearly, this house has no tunnel, no back door, so I think this is a dead place. So, although I Will doubt, but still bring the Medivh book you want to try your luck, right?"

Carlos said with a face of disdain, viciously.

"Hahahaha, cough cough."

Although several broken ribs in his chest and Carlos's stepping made the wizard feel difficult to breathe, he still smiled triumphantly.

A thick wooden stick hit Carlos on the back of the head.


The thug who barely got up was stunned.

Then rounded the stick, it was another slam.

"I tell you to work hard."

As a strong man among ordinary people, this thug did his best.

So for the third time, Carlos took half of his body to catch the swinging stick with one hand, slid down and grabbed his wrist, twisted and pulled, and pushed in the opposite direction.


In the scream of this thug, his arm was scrapped by Carlos.

The mage slumped to the ground with a look of disbelief.

"The straight punch is weak, the uppercut is not fine, the pace is loose, the center of gravity is shaking, you still want to fight with me like this?"

"The master won't let you go!"

After saying this, Carlos stomped his foot, and the mage's chest was completely sunken, his mouth made a hissing sound, and blood foam poured out from his mouth and nose at the same time.

Taking out a special small whistle and blowing it twice, the guards and Khadgar broke through the door and swarmed in.

"Sure enough, is it a trap?"

Khadgar looked at Carlos whose chest was violently rising and falling, and sighed regretfully.

"The purpose of the other party is not just the Book of Medivh, this guy is not the guy you observed with your spells before. The trouble is big."

Carlos's heart was furious at the moment, but his expression was unusually calm.

"Before we deduced that they might use teleportation magic to complete the hostage transaction, now it seems that we were wrong."

Khadgar stroked his chin.

"Your Majesty, we found a letter."

The soldier in charge of the search handed over a letter. Carlos opened it and looked at it and handed it to Khadgar.

"At least there is nothing wrong."

"But what's the point? We know that the kidnapper is a mage, or that there is a mage among the kidnappers. But what's the point of this action?"

Khadgar exchanged the letters to Carlos, and then squatted down to observe his colleagues who hadn't completely died at Carlos' feet.

"Damn it, that guy is watching us with the eyes of this dead ghost!"

Khadgar exclaimed.

Khadgar felt the fading of magic power, and from the arcane vision, he could clearly detect that a magical structure was slowly collapsing.

"This is a temptation."

Khadgar thought for a while, and gave an answer for sure.

Then Carlos raised his foot, got up from the chair, and squatted in front of the mage who was about to embrace death.

"Either we make a good deal, or we are ready to accept my harshest revenge and stop irritating me."

Not knowing if the other party could hear him, Carlos turned and left.

Because of his unusual behavior, it has attracted the attention of many people. Carlos understood that the kidnapping of Elucia was about to be uncovered. But the rumor of the incident was not good for the rescue operation or Elucia's life, so Carlos was still trying to cover it up.

Especially with his mother as an advanced parturient, Carlos didn't want any accidents to Giannis.

"Your Majesty, my hands are secretly watching this neighborhood, and there are no people who can be found during the transaction."

Brother Bald reported.

"Well, continue to monitor and observe."

"Carlos, you don't really want to take the risk alone based on a teleport coordinate!"

Khadgar didn't speak until after Sir Luyan left.

"Kadgar, I feel very bad. I don't think the other party wants to return Elucia to me. I feel like I'm going to lose my sister."

Carlos wiped his face tiredly.

"Seek help. If we can investigate on a large scale, things will be much simpler. Speaker Antonidas will not sit back and watch. Or ask the high elves of Quel'Thalas for help. They are much better at magic than ours, maybe More clues will be found."

Khadgar made suggestions.

"Wait, wait, I want to try again."

Carlos was very tangled in his heart.

I even couldn't help thinking, if there is something like a brain halo, I will also buy one when I sell a kidney. My teammates have different thoughts, my subordinates have their own ideas, and my enemy is extremely powerful, and I have paid so much for world peace, can't even my family be protected!

"Carlos, I must remind you that this kind of teleportation coordinate without magic is difficult to locate. You know, I think I still have a say in teleportation spells. A picture, a few materials, wait Yours may be a small, heavily armed army, or it may be a bottomless abyss. You are very important to the alliance, you should not take such a risk. Our every move is under the eyes of the other party, even so. , If you don’t say that I am here, the mages under your hand may not even be able to open this portal. What does this mean? It means..."

"It means there may be spies around me."

Carlos took the stubbornly.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?"


"So you don’t know how I feel. I can’t accept the loss of Elucia, not only because she is my sister, but also because it represents my incompetence and my weakness. Even my family can’t protect me. How to protect this country and this world. Even my family can't protect it, so what's the point of my efforts so far. Khadgar, do you understand what I said?"

I don't understand. As a mage, Khadgar's rational thinking is the most basic requirement. He can't understand how his sister's kidnapping equates with the safety of a peaceful country in the world. Could it be that when Elucia was killed, Alterac would lose his country? Is there something wrong with your sister and the alliance is about to end?

No matter how miserable life is, the sun will still rise as usual and life will continue.

For example, Khadgar, I am younger than Carlos, but now with this aging body, who should I complain to!

"Yes, I understand, I understand how you feel. I will help you."

Khadgar said ambiguous words.


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