Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 295 Six Mad Fights are Faith! ! !

This abandoned tower is said to have existed before Alterac City was built.

The top of the three-story tower has collapsed, and the starlight swayed unscrupulously on the black stone bricks, creating a hazy phantom.

"The second team also lost contact."

Although this result has been foreseen, Carlos still feels a bit painful.

A qualified spy is no easier to train than a qualified soldier.

But for this rescue operation, this is a loss that has to be endured.

The intrusion of the first team of intruders was to install magic beacons for teleportation, while the intruder of the second team was to confirm certain conjectures.

Each spy was assigned an early warning ball that was squeezed into pieces. The function of these magical devices was very simple, that is, they acted as a sirens. Once the spy had an accident and crushed the warning ball, Carlos in the distance would know.

However, none of the agents issued a distress alert, and none of them returned safely.

All the spies who went to investigate were silent.

Although some of the first group of sneakers successfully placed the beacons of the teleportation, Khadgar discovered signs that these people seemed to be manipulating their minds during the magic detection.

This makes the only remaining teleport beacon more like a trap.

However, in the dark moments of the night, Carlos still forced Khadgar to open the portal.

"You are taking risks, not what a leader should do!"

"No, no news is the best news. I'm half sure."

"Yeah, success or failure, what is not 50-50, half-sure, really high!"

"If the other side is full of confidence, the outside of the tower should have been filled with corpses in demonstrations. Isn't it."

"It is also possible that the other party has a deeper plan, and even the other party's ultimate goal is you, Carlos Barov!"

"Then they should be prepared to face the king's anger."

"Carlos, I feel very bad, you should trust the intuition of a mage."

"Kadgar, I feel very good, you should believe in the combat effectiveness of the Paladin."

In the end, Khadgar opened the portal.

After a very sudden strong flash, an unstable portal suddenly took shape.

Regardless of the angle of view, this portal is an irregular oval shape.

In just an instant, eleven heavily armed soldiers appeared at the place where the beacon was placed, but the highly nervous soldiers found that there was no one here.

After a while, before the forerunner sent a signal, Carlos had stepped out of the portal, followed by the archmage Khadgar and the four guards behind the palace.

After losing Khadgar's maintenance, the unstable portal quickly annihilated and disappeared without a trace.

"It's a really good technology. Although there are many restrictions on use, it is very easy to use."

Carlos has personally experienced the teleportation spells of many wizards, but it is the first time he has seen such a quick portal spell.

Although the duration is short, the instantaneous traffic volume is quite good.

"Damn it, this is not the place we saw before, I just said it's a trap!"

Khadgar ignored Carlos's words, but quickly scanned the surroundings and quickly discovered the anomaly.

The great gray-robed wizard Gandalf once asked such a question: How can the wizard add points? Wait online, urgent!

And the best answer to be liked is this: full life, endurance. Skills One-Handed Sword, Two-Handed Sword, Block, Crit, Charge, Whirlwind, Slash, Sunder Armor are all full points. Just a light on the spell.

Keke, get back to business.

Fearing that the soldiers lighting torches would disturb the enemy, the top of Khadgar's staff lit up with a soft and clear light, rendering the scene into daylight.


The soldiers lit torches in groups of two to investigate.

"Look, there is no ghost in this place, uh, ah, the ghost I mean."

Carlos's lame relaxation atmosphere made the atmosphere even more embarrassing.

"Carlos, I'm not a face-saving guy. From the results, my decision just now was stupid. I admit it. But, I'll tell you seriously, there is something wrong here, it's really something wrong, how I feel very bad."

Khadgar explained.

"My detection magic is reliable and effective. Not only can our enemies observe through the eyes of my men, but I can too! But you see, this place is completely different from what we saw before, which makes me feel uneasy. If it wasn't for my damn body that shackled my abilities, I would really like to summon a meteorite to smash this damn place into a big pit... pit... tunnel! Underground!"

Khadgar suddenly found inspiration, and he seemed to regain self-confidence.

"Look, my friend, you have found the problem."

It suddenly occurred to Carlos that he had been misled by Khadgar's appearance unknowingly.

It seems that the older the mage is, the older the appearance and the stronger the strength.

But the entire league, possibly including Anduin Lothar, have selectively forgotten that Khadgar's true age is actually not that big.

So Carlos was relieved. Khadgar was so nervous before that he thought he was about to face something terrifying and indescribable.

But the soldiers' search brought bad news.

"Your Majesty, there is no one inside this abandoned tower, there is only an underground storage room, and nothing. Then we lost two people."

"Don't be nervous, our enemy is a mage, just a trick of magic."

In order to stabilize the military's spirit, Carlos forcibly issued this wave of no-loss declarations, and then looked at Khadgar with a plea for help.

The real-world Faye is not a reckless man who can only use ice spears and ice arrows to hold the Great Fireball, and confronts the mages. The real trouble is the emergence of undesirable magical institutions. This is also the reason why Carlos chose to bring only a small number of elite raids.

"It should be something that was missed or overlooked. Look again, focus on searching for newer traces and things that are out of place in the surroundings. This tower shouldn't have objects. At the same time, don't make two or two groups. Keep your teammates with you. In his sight."

After Khadgar's order, the search operation started again.

Carlos followed Khadgar as a bodyguard and thug, waiting patiently for the results of the search, and then he felt someone pat his shoulder behind him.

The moment he turned around, Carlos felt that things were going badly.

Behind me is a wall, and no soldier will report the situation by tapping the boss on the shoulder.

Drawing a knife is too slow!

Carlos swinging his arm is a whip punch.

Then he was steadily caught.

"Dear Alterac King, we meet again, welcome to the realm of the Nightmare King, to my palace."

Nig Dashabi blocked Carlos's fist with just one finger, showing a gentle but undue smile.


I don't understand when the trick is in, but Carlos understands that the problem is serious.

Unknowingly, the surrounding scenes transformed into a magnificent palace. The tiny candles burned into huge flames, and the hall was empty into the hall where echoes echoed back and forth. They were facing each other.

I'm so stupid, really!

Carlos discovered his negligence at the moment.

Although N'Zoth, the nightmare demon, has been hidden behind the scenes for nearly Ten Thousand Years, its penetration into the world of Azeroth has never ceased, and his shadow is behind almost all major events.

Although the Twilight Council led by Gu'gall has not yet taken shape, this does not mean that N'Zoth has no other options, nor does it mean that it has nothing to do in the human world.

"It seems that your ultimate goal is me."

Carlos retracted his fist and tried to use language to extract information.

"No, no, my ultimate goal is to build a real heaven on earth, and you are just part of the tool and plan."

Nig Dashabi said so.

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