"Cromi, we are just the guardians of time, not the masters of time, especially during the sensitive time when my father and king lost the news. If you act arbitrarily like this, something will happen."

In the distant world of time and space, Nozdormu's most trusted and beloved child, Anaclos, issued a warning to Chromie.

"Is it because the great Nozdormu is not on his throne, do we have to sit back and watch the world fall?"

Chromie asked rhetorically.

"I don't know why you are so obsessed with this world, but you should understand that the choice of my father and king is not the world you insist on."

Anaclos tried to use Nozdormu's majesty to force Chromie to change his mind.

"Talking, you're enough, don't talk to me with the same rhetoric that fools mortals."

When Chromie didn't agree, he started a dragon attack.

"I know that you are not optimistic about this world, because you can't find its end. But I am also not optimistic about the choice you insist on. The Twilight of the Dragon will finally come, the great Nozdormu knows, you Anakros knows , My Chromie knows the same."

Chromie said serious topics seriously.

"Come back, Chromie, I need your strength."

Anaclos's tone softened.

"There are more and more adult dragons supporting the queen of dragon Sori Dormy. Although I also want to find the whereabouts of my father and king, I put too much energy and strength into the search for my father and king. The bronze dragon The Legion’s control over the world is declining. Chromie, I need you to act as a bridge and medium to coordinate the differences between the scales of the quicksand and the guardian of the quicksand."

"Anaclos, your words are contradictory. Since you are unconditionally convinced by the great Nozdormu, why be afraid. The Dragon Queen will not harm her people, and the differences between you have not existed from the beginning. The great Nozdormu entrusts you with the responsibility of guarding the Caverns of Time, so you can guard your home well, so why bother to interfere with the dragon queen's affairs."

Chromie asked.

Anaclos was silent for a moment, finally let out a sigh, and then voluntarily terminated the conversation that spanned time and dimension.

"Kromi, you know that I care about you. Although you are talented, you are not a great Nozdormu after all. If you abuse the power of quicksand, you will be even weaker. The road ahead is so bumpy, the Bronze Dragonflight You need your strength, the great Nozdormu needs your strength, stop being capricious, and take good care of yourself."

It was not until Anaclos terminated the contact that Chromie took a long breath and whispered: "You still can't hide what's going on."

Although Chromie is not responsible for guarding the Caverns of Time, there is an unknown force slowly eroding the Caverns of Time, which Chromie is well aware of.

That's why she has frequently appeared in front of mortals in recent decades.

Even Nozdormu, the king of time, using the power of time is not without cost, not to mention that Chromie is not a guardian dragon. Just this time interfering with the fate of Carlos and Elucia and preventing the resurrection of the servants of the ancient gods has greatly consumed Chromie's energy and body.

Chromie is not incapable of fighting. On the contrary, even among adult bronze dragons, Chromie's fighting skills are very superb.

But if you want to do things, it is impossible not to pay the price, too much intervention time, and the great loss of Chromie's power, which makes her choose to avoid fighting as much as possible and use wisdom and language as weapons.

After Chromie finished the hyper-temporal conversation, it took a long time for Carlos to slowly come back to his senses.

Seeing his sister's flushing face and even breathing, Carlos breathed a sigh of relief.

Carrying Elucia from the top of the mountain-like corpse of the Faceless Man, Carlos asked, "What should I do next."

"The anomaly of time and space is limited to this burial ground. If you believe me, please leave first. When you leave here, everything will return to normal. Then I will send Elucia out to find you, and the matter will be resolved."

Clomily said so.

"As part of the transaction, shouldn't I help you deal with the aftermath? I'm a promise-keeping person."

Carlos doesn't like to owe others unnecessary favors.

"You will understand when you go out."

Clomily finished speaking and opened a portal.

After thinking about it for a moment, Carlos changed his position and handed Elucia into Cromily's hands.

Then, walked into this portal like quicksand.

"It's a weird sense of trust. If I knew that, I wouldn't have to choose this high elf look. It's not right. If it's a dwarf, how can I move this big girl out!"

Clomily, or Cromi, looked at Elucia, who was held in her arms like a princess, and smiled like a mockery.

When Carlos crossed the portal, there was a slight dizziness.

Then, a rusty arrow was blocked by the barrier of light guarded by ancient kings less than 30 centimeters away from Carlos' forehead.

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and the sound of killing around evoked Carlos's consciousness.

The two intersecting memories of time and space merged together, giving Carlos a slight sense of trance.

But even if his thinking is slightly disturbed by the collision of memories, Carlos is still not the object of bullying.

After the sharp blade in his hand sneaked into the bone and flesh, the sense of delay was transmitted to his hand through the handle of the axe, and Carlos suddenly came back to his senses.

Killed himself again.

"Carlos, think of a way! Damn, how many people are hiding on this island!"

Khadgar yelled from the crowd.

I remembered!

Carlos finally remembered the moment the fusion of memories was completed.

Chromie asks herself to eliminate the enemies on the island, and she will help herself solve the problem of Elucia.

Clomily wants to go to Elucia's memory dream to wake her up, and the price is to resolve the current situation.

Khadgar regained his energy and opened a portal again, and a hundred Alterac warriors in full gear came here.

A mysterious force interfered with Khadgar's spell, and the transmission could not continue.

Then, a large number of thugs who did not know where they came from launched an attack.

"Empty glove white wolf, it's all I do in the end!"

Carlos, who had figured out the joints, had a feeling of being tricked by Chromie.

As a veteran of the battlefield, Carlos quickly judged that the number of enemies was about 400 to 500.

If it is a normal confrontation with a hundred fighters under him, Carlos will not be afraid of these thugs.

But the present form is obviously wrong. These mobs with ugly weapons have no concept of death at all, which makes the war difficult.

If you have a broken leg, you have to move forward, and if you have a broken hand, you have to bite with your tooth.

These thugs are no longer humans at all.

In the face of such an enemy, the line of defense composed of a hundred soldiers became precarious.

"Kadgar, can you open another portal? I have a whole legion of soldiers to mobilize! And now we are actually surrounded!"

Carlos exclaimed a little annoyed.

"No, something is interfering with my positioning."

Khadgar was also very annoyed. It would have been good if he had known that he had called more people just now.

Since there is no good way, let's fight hard.

Carlos rushed into the enemy formation like a god descending to the world, carrying out a monster-like killing.

Because the duration of the ancient kings' guard is about to come, things will only get worse if they lose the protection of the Holy Light.

Carlos must race against time.

"Get closer to me, let's rush out!"

It is irrational to fight against a superior number of enemies in an open area. Carlos decides to find a place where the checkpoint hinders his mouth.

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