Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 307: You See Me Boasting

What kind of person is Hemet Nesingwary?

There have been guards in Ironforge, shots have been shot in Stranglethorn Vale, Nagrand has taken the lead, and the Borean Tundra has pong pong pong.

Carlos squatted on the ground and bent over and the dwarf in front of him maintained a level of vision.

Although this posture is awkward, Carlos thinks Hemet Nesingwary is worthy of doing it himself.

Hemet Nesingwari from another world.

Hemet Nesingwary in the history of another world line is a living legend.

Since the Second Orc War, this Ironforge veteran has participated in almost every battle he can catch. After the undead natural disaster broke out, Hemet Nesingwary was also a member of Ironforge's first northward reinforcements.

After the failure of Archimonde's tree and hatred Mount Hyjal, this strong dwarf man ended his military career and retired from active service in Ironforge.

Since the end of the war, because the whole world has entered a brand new situation, many waterways to and from the endless sea have been developed, and adventurers have left their homes to explore the secrets of the entire world.

Hemet also found his greatest interest and goal in his life: hunting and challenging all the most dangerous and powerful prey.

In just a few years, Nehmet quickly gained his popularity thanks to his superb hunting skills, and many people wanted to hire him to help them deal with some disturbing beasts or monsters, including those from Moonglade. The druids.

This group of druids is disturbed by the crazy furbolgs living nearby. One of them is particularly cunning and ferocious, and can avoid these druids every time, so they invited the famous ace hunter He Mitre came to hunt this dangerous furbolg, and Nesingwary happily agreed to the druids' request and immediately started his hunting operation.

But in the process of hunting, a group of other hunters destroyed the trap carefully set by Hemet. The furbolg who sensed the danger escaped safely. Hemet angrily reasoned with these strange hunters.

As the saying goes, if you reach out your hand and don't hit the smiley person, the hunters' heads laughed, apologized, and explained that they were following a rare and rare snow mountain fox.

Why should the hunter make it difficult for the hunter? Hemet understood how difficult the furbolg was in the previous hunt, and it was difficult to set a second trap in a short time, so he proposed to join this group of hunters for a new hunt.

After thinking for a moment, the human bald man named Corey agreed to the bald Hemet's request.

After all, as long as he is a member of the Hunter's Guild, who has never heard of Hemet? Nesingwary's name.

While searching for this so-called rare snow mountain fox, Hemet found an unusual thing. For example, the footprint of this fox is much larger than he thought. If judged according to the old common sense, then the shoulder height of this fox is at least one meter six. This is unrealistic. A fox of that size can eat at least one adult buffalo in one meal, so its hunting grounds must be amazing. However, during the tracking process, Hemet found no signs.Out of self-confidence, Hemet couldn't help but suspect that Corey had concealed some facts.

Realizing that things are not simple, Hemet decided to leave the hunting team and find out the truth behind him.

Following the footprints and paw prints, Hemet found a huge frostsaber at a place called the Frost Saber Stone.

The fierce frostsaber immediately launched a fierce attack when he discovered Hemet.

After a fight, the Frostsaber suddenly became a female druid, and accused Hemet of not wanting Bilian.

The whole thing turned so sudden that Hemet was puzzled. After knowing that the prey was not a beast, Hemet also lost interest in continuing to fight, and the two sat down and chatted.

After some explanation, Hemet knew that the night elf druid was called Tyrina, and she was protecting a litter of Frostsaber cubs who had lost their mother. Frostsabers have very unique and beautiful patterns on their fur when they are young, but when they grow up, these beautiful patterns will fade from the fur.

Therefore, poachers often come to Winterspring to poach the frostsaber cubs.

Tyrina's mount was killed by poachers after giving birth, and she is now taking care of the mount's children.

Hemet, who knew the truth, felt angry and disdainful.

Corey clearly regarded himself as a fool. The frostsaber cub has neither sharp teeth nor sharp claws. A hunter who can only bully small animals is no different from waste.

As Hemet's relationship with Tyrina improved, Corey and his party also tracked him down.

The real poaching squad intends to kill this annoying druid and the dwarf in the way.

Hemet and Tylena gave full play to the arena's 2,400 points strength, and the Liede combination broke out all the way. But when Tylena was entangled all the way to escape to the sky, Hemet found that Tylena had been shot in the abdomen.

These days, Tyrina came to fight the poachers alone. The mana was exhausted, and the weak night elves couldn’t even heal her wounds, so Hemet found a hidden cave to heal Tyrina.

So there was a small campfire in the cave that night, and Tyrina asked Hemet about hunting out of curiosity.

Taelina: "Why are you hunting? Is it because of nature?"

Hemet: "Not exactly. It has nothing to do with what you already have, but what you lack. Every hunter's heart is empty, and this emptiness can only be filled by the excitement of hunting. .Because every time you hunt, the vacancy in your heart will be filled with excitement and joy. But soon this feeling of emptiness will reappear, so you must continue on the next hunt to find that special feeling. .You don’t know what kind of hunter you are in your bones, until you look at Shinigami, who is gradually approaching and roaring. Although these big guys who weigh more than three hundred pounds want to use fangs and sharpness. The claws tear you apart, but you still only realize that you are alive at that moment. So at that moment, the color of the whole world will fade away, and everything will be left only with you, the beasts, your hunting skills, and There is a rare opportunity. Then when the hunt is over and you stand on the dead body of the prey, sweat will drip on your head, and the rumbling of the heartbeat will be heard in your ears. This feeling is like the first time for a newborn baby Open your eyes and look at the world, every hunt is like this."

Taelina: "Your race and mine may never reach a consensus on this point, but listening to your narrative, I finally know why you will participate in the hunt."

In just one night, Tyrina's physical condition deteriorated drastically. Hemet understood that the night elf could no longer see the sun rise. When it came back to light, Tyrina begged Hemet to take care of the litter of frostsaber cubs.

"Are we friends?"

Hemet asked.

"I think, yes."

Terina replied.

So, after simply burying the druid friend, Hemet was determined to fulfill his promise.

An epic battle in the style of Stallone, Hemet used his superb hunter memory and keen insight, coupled with enough patience and master trap skills, to complete a person's revenge against a poaching team.

Although Corey is not weak as the leader of the poaching group, in the battle, Hemet paid the price of eye injuries and managed to capture this guy alive.

"The rules of the Hunter Guild stipulate that humans cannot be hunted! You cannot kill me!"

Creddy, who was tied to the trunk, shouted.

Hemet's injured right eye suffered severe visual impairment, but he did not intend to kill Corey immediately.

"You are right. You gave up the dignity of a hunter, but I can't give up my promise and responsibility."

Using Corey as a bait, Hemet succeeded in eliciting the original furbolg. Before firing, Hemet let the furbolg bite Corey for several minutes.

After completing the commission of the druids of the Moonglade, Hemet left Winterspring and never returned to this place for life.

Later, Hemet formed his own Nesingwary Hunting Expedition.

[Green Hills of Stranglethorn]

[Hills of White Thunder Elephant]

[Snow in Northrend]

These three achievements are as well known as the legend of Hemet Nesingwary.

There is another point worth noting.

The so-called ace hunter is exactly the title of Hemet Nesingwary.

There is only one ace hunter, and that person is Hemet Nesingwary.

Moreover, according to unreliable reports from the Roadside Agency, Hemet Nesingwary once slammed down a certain blue dragon.

Such a legendary character was staring at himself at the moment. Carlos couldn't help showing a kind smile after recalling Hemet Nesingwary's "past".

"Have you heard of me?"

"I heard that you are a powerful warrior and a brilliant commander. Muradin also said that you are a good friend of our Bronzebeard dwarves. He also told us that you have a nickname for pulling the wind."

Even though the life span of dwarves is generally around three hundred years old, Carlos stubbornly believes that Hemet Nesingwary is a young man at this moment.

Although the top of his head is already bald.


"The white flame dancing at the enemy's grave."

Hemet Nesingwary said solemnly.


Hasn't this matter been suppressed!

Carlos felt a tangled moment. Because he didn't like the nickname of "Grave Tou Beng Di", Carlos played down this title with his influence.


"Okay, let's talk about business. Your Majesty Magni is sending you here. What are your plans?"

Carlos turned the subject off.

Hemet Nesingwary also curbed his curiosity, took out a waxed parchment roll and handed it to Carlos.

"The Captain of the 3rd Squadron of the 4th Army in Ironforge, Hemet Nesingwary and the 68 soldiers in the team will obey your orders during the next few days."

Hemet Nesingwary gave a military salute.

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