Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 310 The Eight Processes of Eight Hearts and Arrows

Ironforge is great not only because it is the jewel of the group Yamanaka, it is the civilization of the dwarves for thousands of years.

More because it is Dun Morogh.

If you think that the circular city behind the thick gate on the top of the mountain and the large forge with lava flowing are ironforge, then you are quite wrong.

That's just the tip of the iceberg in Ironforge, and it's not even an exaggeration to say that it's just a balcony on the third floor of Ironforge.

Some human historians know from ancient documents that the Ironforge of the Bronzebeard dwarves still exists in the Old City, but they don't know that the so-called Old City is only a small part of the Ironforge.

What is a railway fort?

The dwarf hollowed out a city built on a mountain?

Hmph, seemingly loyal dwarves can also play psychological warfare.

For thousands of years, the dwarves have not hollowed out a mountain, but an entire mountain range!

When Carlos followed Hemet walking in the underground passage, he couldn't help being shocked and admired by this grand project.

I also understand why the Bronzebeard dwarf has a population of at least one million and can persist for so long under the blockade of the orcs.

Because the orcs can't seal Ironforge at all.

The winding mountain road with a drop of nearly a kilometer outside the main entrance of Ironforge made it impossible for the orcs to develop superior forces and fight against the dwarves. And blocked the main entrance of Ironforge, the dwarf dug for thousands of years, like a labyrinth of underground tunnels, radiating hundreds of kilometers around Ironforge.

Through these secret passages, the Mountain Patrollers continuously transported supplies to Ironforge in bits and pieces, so that their compatriots were saved from famine. Behind the steep mountain walls and under the snow-capped cliffs, countless passages maintain the connection between Ironforge and the outside world.

"It's really spectacular, but aren't you afraid that the orcs will discover these passages and surprise Ironforge?"

Carlos couldn't help asking.

"Impossible. First of all, many of these passages are semi-finished products. The passage and the entrance are separated by a rock wall of at least one meter, which can not be found by the stupid orcs. Secondly, these underground passages have no maps, even our dwarves. I have the possibility of getting lost. Finally, we have hundreds of monitoring stations watching our underground channel network at any time, as long as we find an abnormal intrusion, make a bang, and explode, in a vain attempt to attack from the underground, from the channel built by our dwarves. Ironforge, it's simply seeking a dead end."

Hemet said proudly.

Hemet's loud voice is fine. Once he finished speaking, everyone who heard this, including Carlos, couldn't help but shiver. The passage won't collapse, right...

However, the quality of the projects built by the dwarves is really good.Obviously small in size, a height of 149 meters is considered a stalwart figure within the group, but the construction of an underground tunnel is five meters wide and three meters high. Carlos such a big and tall person walks in it, and he can't feel it. A little bit of depression.

The weak heat brought by the torch is not enough to change the dryness and coldness of the nasal cavity, but along the way, the oily smoke blacks the top wall.

Praise the dwarf's civil engineering ability again, and the good road conditions ensure the marching speed. But Carlos didn't know how many times he drank it along the way, letting the front row to suppress the speed.

The reason is simple. Even if there are four people in a line, the line of more than three thousand people has drawn a long dragon of nearly two kilometers. In the dark and depressed underground passage, people will pay special attention to the changes in the line. The people in front speed up and walk quickly, and when the people behind find that the team is out of touch, they need to run wildly to catch up. This is a devastating loss of physical fitness.

Experienced veterans know these details, but humans are not dwarves. The depression of the underground passage makes them lose their sensitivity to speed. In the end, Carlos can only go to the forefront by himself, and it is mandatory for everyone not to exceed himself.

"His Majesty Carlos, don't be too anxious. There is about an hour's journey away before we can return to the surface. The scenery there is very good."

Although Hemet didn't have much contact with humans, he also found that human soldiers were not adapted to long-term underground life. He simply strode to Carlos's side and talked to him.

"Really. Can you talk to me about your dwarves' views on the orcs. Not that kind of politically correct remarks, but your true views, your personal views."

Squeezing his steps, Carlos also tried to find something to talk about.

Hemet thought for a moment. The dwarf officer was not thinking about how to express the orc in his eyes, but about whether he should respond to Carlos's topic.

"Cruel, terrible, sane beast."

Hemet finally sighed deeply, and said so.

If calculated by age, every adult dwarf is the grandfather of a human grandfather. This makes it impossible to communicate happily. Therefore, dwarves ignore the issue of age when interacting with humans, and only look at your words and actions.

In Hemet's understanding, Carlos is a respectable and awesome human warrior.

Hemet Nesingwary didn't want to lie to Carlos.

"If it's one-on-one, I'm not afraid of the orcs. The dwarves lose weight a bit, but in terms of strength, especially the arm strength, we are no worse than the orcs. In one-on-one combat, the orcs cannot please us. But in a ten-to-ten battle, ten orcs can easily defeat ten dwarves, because the difference in size is enlarged. It is ironic that our battle with the orcs on the ground failed because of the loss of air superiority. The orcs’ throwing axes and spears This kind of small-scale group wartime poses too much threat to our backs. The situation is different in the battle of a hundred people against a hundred people. Our goats are not the opponents of the orc wolves, but the dwarves who form a battle formation do not Don’t be afraid of the orcs. The battle of a thousand people against a thousand has become a battle of cannons and trebuchets, and personal bravery has not played much. In service, my hunting skills are not unfamiliar at all."

I fully believe that Carlos nodded pertinently, watching Hemet take out the water bottle and sip.

Carlos thought for a while, motioned to the guard to hand him a bag of wine and handed it to Hemet.

"Oh, I think we are already best friends, the taste of wine, I can smell the taste of wine through the sheepskin."

Ironforge's food is tight, and wine has become a luxury. But Hemet's wine sac was like a wolf, but he just pulled out the cork and took a small sip, and then handed the wine sac to the other dwarves of the same trade.

This move made Carlos's overall evaluation of Hemet higher.

"By the way, I talked about Mountain Patrollers. Every one of our Bronzebeard Dwarves Mountain Patrollers is a brilliant hunter. But even so, in the war with the orcs, the death rate of the Mountain Patroller troops is higher than that of the regular army. The death rate on the battlefield is still high. What this means, I think you should also understand in Hillblad."

"Yes, the orcs are very powerful scouts. We humans are not opponents at all. If it were not for the help of the high elves, we would lose the shelter of the forest."

Carlos didn't evade, bluntly speaking about the shortcomings of the human army.

"That group has long ears, eh."

Hemet thought for a while, but finally did not pick up this topic because it was too easy to cause racial disputes.

"There is also a very serious problem, we dwarves paid a heavy price to understand."

"What is it?"



"I know some people in the Alliance questioned why our dwarves didn't send more troops to Hillblad to help you humans. But you overlooked a problem."

"I didn't think so."

Carlos quickly dismissed it.

"Don't be so sensitive, are we friends?"

"hehe, ok."

"My son is forty years old, but he is about the same as your 10-year-old child. He only knows to play and fight all day long, and he has to rely on the salary of me and his mother. You know, I was already there when I was 20. Hunting in the mountains of Dun Morogh, the unpleasant brat. Hey, but don't blame him, the orcs are here."

You're done talking, how can I pick it up...

"But the orcs, the orcs are different. We know from the captives that the forty-year-old orcs are already old orcs, and some of the fourteen-year-old orcs are already fathers. In the early days of the war, His Majesty Magni led us to fight some In the battle of the Legion, with the help of the dwarf, we have played some beautiful battle damage ratios. But it is useless. Considering the growth cycle between the two races, each dwarf warrior is equal to four orcs, even if the battle damage ratio reaches one ratio. Third, we are also at a disadvantage. Not to mention that we are far from reaching it."

In this way, chatting all the way, the long road of underground passage came to a bifurcation.

Hemet turned like a fork, took out a six-sided thing from his arms, and fiddled with it in a hidden socket. The stone gate not far away slowly rose under the action of the mechanism.


Carlos couldn't help but exclaimed.

Outside the stone gate, there is a mountain platform of about five square kilometers. In the distance, the majestic figure of Ironforge is faintly visible in the dark. Diagonally below, the fire of the orc camp on the plain is faint, and in front of it, duck-like snowflakes follow. The harsh mountain breeze is flying.

"Let’s stay here tonight. If we walk for another two hours, we will be able to get out of the tunnel. But after we leave the tunnel, there is no place for everyone to rest. I think you humans will stay in the tunnel all night. It will be too comfortable."

Hemet explained.


Carlos expressed his gratitude sincerely.

"You're welcome, are we friends?"

After seeing the sky again, all the human soldiers obviously felt refreshed. Because of the lack of firewood, Carlos agreed to use a small amount of kerosene to boil water, and the soldiers could only eat dry food with hot water. There is no need for Carlos to command the camp or anything. Standing on the edge of the platform, looking into the distance, a feeling of majesty fills my heart.

Suddenly, Carlos found that there seemed to be a meteor falling in the distance, but the trajectory was strange, and then a meteor shower appeared.

No, it's not a meteor, it's the trajectory of artillery fire!

It took about half a minute before the faint sound of a bomb explosion hit his ears, and Hemet came over.

"Ironforge is on the move, orcs don't want to sleep tonight, hahahaha."

The dwarf said happily.

The bombardment of this scale is almost comparable to the salvo of Dalin Proudmoore's main fleet.

Carlos, who was fortunate enough to have seen the Marine fleet volley, couldn't help but stare at the scene in front of him with his eyes wide open.

Then, after the initial panic, the orc seemed to come back to his senses. On the handle of the trebuchet, the stones lit by grease whizzed out, drawing out his own light and shadow.

It is a pity that the dwarves are condescending and have too much advantage in shelling.

Is there really only 10,000 orcs?

Carlos looked at the war in the distance and couldn't help but wonder.

In the Burning Plains, Orgrim couldn't help but smashed his fist on the table.

"If I had enough trebuchets, any alliance of human elf dwarves would be over! But did I? No. Listen, you idiots, my failure is not your capital for gloating. The alliance is coming. , They are coming, they are going to come and kill us! And you, no, what are we, and our tribe doing? We are fighting for power, and the orcs have given up some levels and concentrated people on this bird The place to shit is just to oust their warchief! No action, everything is too late! Tell Reid Blackhand, tell everyone who wants the position of the warchief, come and challenge me, win, the position of the chieftain is you of!"

Impatiently wrangling endlessly, Orgrim decided to reconsolidate his authority in the way of an orc.

The wound in Hillblad was aching, and the pain seemed to warn Orgrim that the Alliance had come.

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