The living conditions of dwarves and gnomes living together in Ironforge are very interesting.

Dwarves belong to the simple and honest and cunning species, and the dwarves are a kind of funny race that looks very smart but lacks the roots in their heads. If the dwarves have low EQ, these little guys are also very sensitive.

For example, Sola fancyed Loli, a dwarf who looked so cute, and wanted to take it home, but was decisively rejected.

"No, your face is too big, blocking my sunlight."

Although Sora didn't understand what was meant by frustrated forward bending, even Carlos, who was a high elf face with blind cancer, could see the distortion on his face.

"No more fooling around, I'm going to push you back. Make it clear, we are here to hire scientists and technicians, not to pick..."

Carlos got to Sola's ear and whispered the word "pet".

The itchiness of her ears made Sola a little distracted, she didn't know what she thought of, stopped talking, and honestly followed Carlos as a stake.

The exchanges between nations and kings can be cautious or casual.

For example, Magni and Carlos, three or two cups of soup, casually talked about the mountains, touted each other for a while, and finalized the economic and trade cooperation and military exchanges between Alterac and Ironforge.

Behind the seemingly child's play, everyone takes it for granted.

Although in terms of strength, the Ironforge family is the top half of Lordaeron, but who would abandon many allies. The long-term blockade has made Ironforge quite nervous about living supplies, and the victory in the northern battlefield has relieved the human kingdom of Lordaeron. There is no need to fight at home, and there is always a lot less scruples. In other words, humans are now important trading partners of dwarves. The dwarves have gold coins and mines with various magical materials. On the human side of Lordaeron, the summer grains are about to be harvested. Although the wounds of the war are still there, it can be considered a breath, as long as the Saldo Bridge is opened, the transportation of supplies to the south will not be difficult.

The matter of trade, to put it bluntly, is four words and two punctuation marks --- come, let's change it.

In the case that everyone has a demand for each other, open a list and mark it with a price code.

So everyone understood that the trade between Ironforge and Alterac was very important, but everyone didn't put their energy on this.

Military exchanges, military technology exchanges, and military equipment tours are Carlos' real highlight. The dwarf's mechanical technology is the indispensable road to power in Carlos' heart.

What is the most expensive in Azeroth? Talent!

What is the biggest value-added space? Talent!

What is the most expensive training cost? Still talent!

For most humans, engineering and mechanical engineering are very unpopular gadgets. They are things that have been heard, and no one has seen them. If you want to introduce such professionals, you can only find dwarves.

What, you said there are goblins?

Please, I want to build Skyfire, not Focus Rainbow...

Although the dwarf was temporarily under the fence, Magni showed a very broad mind when dealing with his friends, and did not set up barriers for the communication between humans and the dwarf.

Therefore, the discussion between Carlos and the master craftsman Mekkatorque was very harmonious and friendly.

Time is the panacea to soothe the pain, time has passed, Mekkatorque has been able to peacefully discuss with others the painful past of Gnomeregan's fall. At the same time, the master craftsman also understands that it is extremely difficult for a dwarf to regain his homeland on his own. Gnomes have their roots for nearly a thousand years in Gnomeregan. This city of science and technology is the home, factory, and research center of gnomes, and is an invaluable treasure for gnomes. Relying on the dwarf himself, just to maintain the survival of the race, you have to fight for many years, and talk about regaining the hometown. Therefore, joining the alliance and relying on the strength of the alliance to restore vitality has become the best policy.

So when Carlos proposed to Mekkatorque that he wanted to introduce dwarf technology, the master craftsman readily agreed without hesitation or suspicion.

"I thought you would charge me a patent transfer fee."

"Mechanical engineering is a sophisticated technology. A screw or a gear deviation may stop the operation of the device. More practitioners and more application practices are the inevitable way to carry forward this discipline. Narrow technology Blockade is short-sighted prejudice."

When Carlos heard Mekkatorque's words, he almost became a fan of the great craftsman.

My big dwarf is the first in Azeroth in technology!

With the matchmaking of the great craftsman Mekkatork, Carlos's recruitment process went smoothly.

Ironforge’s craftsman area, which was divided by Magni to supply the dwarf’s living and working area. Dozens of dwarf engineers who are interested in Alterac Kingdom, or Carlos Barov, gathered here to carry out a meeting. Two-way job fairs.

After stopping Sola's nympho behavior, recruitment continued.

The female dwarf who was harassed by Sola was named Evigny, a student of Mekkatork and an expert in power engines.

For Evigny, Carlos still values ​​it, not only because the other person looks so cute, but also because as someone who has lived in modern society, Carlos understands that the engine is the heart of the machine.

However, the results are frustrating.

"What do you have in Alterac? Nothing? Sorry, I am a technical researcher and I am not interested in helping you build factories for human beings. Hey, why are you hitting my head? Ah! Oh, uh, sorry, I am not There are any prejudices against Alterac Kingdom, but you can’t meet my needs for a working environment.”

The dwarf Loli left the job fair with small steps, leaving Carlos with a melancholy expression.

I'm the protagonist, shouldn't other people just pay their respects? How to open a job fair is still being picky, this is unscientific!

Fortunately, the dwarfs are a rational and passionate race. Although Evignei’s open mouth made the atmosphere a bit awkward, most of the dwarfs did not leave, but stayed to continue communicating with Carlos.

Scientific research and development requires the support of money, resources, and manpower. The dwarf craftsmen who come here more or less have the idea of ​​finding (unjust) gold (big) master (head).

At the beginning, Carlos looked at the plans brought by the dwarfs one by one, but after watching, Carlos was already full of black lines.

Radio amplifier?

The dwarf turns into a chicken?

Tiedan trainman transportation network system?

Decepticon jet high-altitude vehicle?

TC-130 mental disturbance device?

VR embedded card fighting system?

What the hell are these plans! ! !

They all seem to be tall and unconscious, but careful analysis makes people dumbfounding.

However, Carlos must also treat every applicant with a smile.

"Enough of you, put away that little thought. His Majesty the King of Alterac needs a complete industrial system, not your toys!"

When a male dwarf with Mediterranean eyes uttered a voice, the scene suddenly fell silent.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ronald Donis."

Ronaldo Donis's tone was filled with pride and guilt, and it seemed weird.

"I just listened to your Majesty Carlos expounding your thoughts, and I very much agree with your notion that technology must serve life."

"Uh, thank you."

Carlos thinks how this male dwarf is a bit pretending to be a wolf with a big tail.

"Rona Donnis, you don't mean to..."

On the side, someone hesitated to speak but stopped.

"His Majesty Carlos, I wonder if you have heard of McNeill? Therma Prager? I am the mechanical structure designer of that traitor."

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