Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 318 Holy Light, that XX is worth OO!

War, war has never changed.

The battle for the Saldo Bridge is still going on intensely. How humans and dwarves blocked the orcs with special terrain in the first place, now the tribes are blocking the alliance.

What, why don’t you attack from the wetland?

Because I can't beat it!

The fiasco of the Wetland Expeditionary Force shocked the entire alliance military.

The 3,000-man expeditionary force departed from Menethil Harbor, and it took almost a month to make a roundabout, preparing to fight back and forth with the friendly forces north of the Saldo Bridge, exploding the chrysanthemums of the tribal defenders.

The plan is perfect.

Synergy is perfect.

The alliance has a great advantage.

The alliance rushed forward.

The alliance has wrapped up a circle.

The league played GG.

The troops to the north were still blocked north of the Saldo Bridge. The Wetland Expeditionary Army was in a bloody battle, and almost the entire army was wiped out. When the remnants of less than 100 men were defeated, they would flee back to the alliance control area. The big men only liberated Ai from three months. Irvine's blind enthusiasm awoke.

At that moment, they recalled the fear of being dominated by the orcs.

Afterwards, the spies repeatedly investigated and confirmed that there were definitely no more than 5,000 orcs in the gambling bridge. The captured orc captives were repeatedly tortured, and the information obtained confirmed that the orcs did not use any conspiracy and tricks. They completely defeated the expedition in a frontal battle. Three thousand people in the army.

Although Lothar and the big guys from all sides blocked the news by coincidence, Carlos's wetland camp was the first stop that the army passed through, and he was notified by his subordinates.

"It was a terrible loss."

Looking at the bulletin that recorded the description of the surviving soldiers, Carlos couldn't help shook his head.

The alliance was a little overwhelmed.

Hillblad’s victory gave the league a boost in morale and confidence.

High morale is a good thing, but self-confidence is not so good.

It is true that the front and rear flanking is a very practical tactic, but in the ghostly terrain of the Saldo Bridge, the front and rear flanking is useful. Use three thousand tired troops to attack the solid offensive of five thousand the mind of the guy who made this plan. Is there a Yoneda?

From a combat perspective, this was a tragic failure, a complete failure, and the orcs once again proved that their individual combat capabilities crushed humans.

From the perspective of campaign and strategy, this failure is irrelevant and insignificant.

Although this statement is very sorry for those soldiers who died for the alliance, but it is true.

The war is blind and conformed.

Think about it, dozens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of independent individuals, no matter what the name is, the ultimate goal is to kill another group of people.

This is war.

Although Orgrim lost the battle in Hillbrad Hills, the Orc Horde was still stronger than the Alliance in terms of overall strength. Even if the orcs in Draenor are not counted, the orcs who came to Azeroth through the Dark Portal are a force not to be underestimated. If the tribes reinforce the wetlands as soon as they hear of their warchief’s failure in the Northern Expedition, then the entire Eastern Kingdom, an iron curtain separating the strait, will fall, and humans will have to accept the fact that they have confronted the orcs for a long time.

However, the tribe is not monolithic.

In fact, the orcs alone, there are conflicts between clans and clans, coupled with the strange servant army and the chaotic individual interest entanglement, can maintain the shape of the "tribe" organization, but also because of the existence of a common enemy-human beings.

The resolute resistance of Elvin's Stormwind Kingdom shocked the orcs.

The soul of the ancestors, that enemy is worth fighting — for most orcs, encountering humans on the battlefield is probably such a mental activity.

The orcs who were willing to follow the Great Chief in the Northern Expedition have all gone and were sold by Erdan Yanzu Gu, so those who stayed have some ideas.

Orgrim's wandering in Lordaeron awakened all thoughtful human beings. At this moment, the alliance was unbreakable under the leadership of Anduin Lothar. Every minute and every second, the power of the alliance was increasing.

And the tribe, although in terms of overall strength, is still in an overwhelming advantage, regardless of the single combat power or the number of soldiers, even after the fiasco of Hillblad, it is still far better than the alliance.

However, it must be emphasized that war has never been a number game. Otherwise, everyone just counts, and whoever counts the more wins, is it good? How can you fight?

Now Orgrim's greatest enemy... seems to be human.

The biggest trouble for Orgrim at present is internal disputes.

Even if Carlos is not a traverser, it is not difficult to understand the mystery.

Just from the mouths of the orc captives, you can know that the tribe is a clan unity. At the earliest, in response to the threat of the draenei, the patriarchs of the various clans formed a tribe under the tandem of the shaman teacher Ner'zhul.

However, after the Shattrath massacre, some people have already raised questions, because the orcs discovered that the draenei were not prepared for the war to destroy the orcs as Ner'zhul said.

But the side effects of demon blood began to appear, and the desire to fight suppressed rational thinking.

Conquer, enslaved, the pleasure of fighting and a broader living space, the orcs have tasted the sweetness of violence.

In order to resist Kil'jaeden's control, Ner'zhul faded out of the sight of the new tribe and placed himself in a detached position, but Ner'zhul's ambitious student Gul'dan took the initiative to contact the deceiver Kil'jaeden. After gaining the taboo power and knowledge rewarded by Kil'jaeden, Gul'dan promoted the integration movement of the tribe.

The Thunder King clan was sacked, the Shadowmoon clan was divided, and all the orc clans who did not want to join the tribe were treated cruelly.

By one's own kind.

The orcs who came to Azeroth were the most powerful of the Blackrock clan.

However, Orgrim's defeat in the Northern Expedition and Reid Blackhand's secret calculations made the Blackrock clan lose its majesty to frighten other clans.

Hearing and not listening to the announcement, this is the dilemma Orgrim is facing now.

Rush offensive, maybe the alliance will become an external pressure condition that promotes the unity of the tribe, so step by step, accumulate strength little by little, and finally use the momentum of thunder to crush the orcs, which is the real way to victory.

Because when the alliance is preparing for war, the orcs still need to resolve internal conflicts of power struggle.

Looking at it this way, it is not difficult to understand why the defeat of the Wetland Expeditionary Force is irrelevant to the overall situation.

Because even if it wins, it will still take two to three months to clear the supply transportation line.

It doesn't matter if you lose, just organize another offense within three months.

As long as the wetland is stuck, Loch Modan is stuck, and Dun Morogh is stuck, the orcs won't be able to turn the sky over.

This is also the reason why Carlos filled up the soil in the marshes of the wetland to build a land repair camp.

Take the initiative first to advance and retreat as you wish.

"Your Majesty, the time agreed with Bishop Havigny has come."

The guard knocked on the door, then raised his voice through the door.

Carlos had instructed that he was not allowed to peep while handling confidential documents, and the guards faithfully fulfilled Carlos's orders.


Carlos agreed, averted his attention from the briefing, and turned to look at the two sets of clothes on the bed in a dilemma.

Havigny is the archbishop priest of the Bronzebeard dwarves in Ironforge, the light carrying handle of the dwarven world, and also a fanatical fan of Alonthos Faor.

After hearing about the birth of the profession of Paladin, Havigny was ecstatic and felt that this was simply a profession tailored for dwarves!

The selfish and xenophobic nature of the birth of mankind allowed mankind to firmly grasp the secret of the Paladin's transfer into their own hands.

In addition to the twenty places in the second batch, the Alliance only gave three places for the dwarves for Paladin training.

When I heard that Carlos Barov, the strongest paladin in the world, had come to Ironforge, Havigny didn't have any status or status. He sent an appointment to Carlos early, hoping to exchange and discuss his insights about the Holy Light.

At the same time, I would like to ask Carlos to touch the Mogu to see if he has the potential to be a Paladin.

"Should I go in the costume of a priest, or should I go in a formal suit?"

Carlos touched his chin and muttered to himself.

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