Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 325: Fighting Within Specifications (6/14)

When the chief guard finished his meeting with Ashkandi the arakkoa and prepared to return to the hiding place, the wind was even stronger.

What a misfortune!

The chief guard wailed inwardly.

The original trouble was just how to find the mark left, but now the difficulty is that the triangular piles of small stones may not be able to withstand such a strong wind... Play the egg!

Simply limited by the terrain, the head of the guard knows very well that the hiding place is located to the west, so the problem is coming.

Which side is West.

The arakkoa’s spells are quite real, and the resolution is quite high in the dim vision, but unfortunately there is no reference.

Fang Fang is a joke. The chief guard reluctantly found a place leeward, hoping that the storm would calm down sooner.

Until the evening, when the sun was obscured by the mountains and still radiant, the storm finally stopped.

The strong wind blew away the haze that enveloped the sky, and the scorching valley ushered in a rare clear sky.

Shaking off the thick dust on the windshield cloak, the chief guard moved his muscles and bones and began to return.

When traveling in the wild, the most important thing is to look back. Many guys who get lost in the wild are guys who don’t know to look back. A well-known poet from another world once said---Looking at the side as a ridge and a peak, the distance is different. When you look forward, the reference mark you wrote down in your heart looks like this. When you return, because of the different angles, it looks like a different one. So the road is still that road, but you don’t know it anymore. Therefore, rather than relying on the shape to determine the subject matter, it is better to rely on distance and quantity.

The head of the guard was lucky, and Ashkandi's BUFF was also very impressive. Before the moon reached the sky, he found the cave that sheltered from the wind.

"Stop, password!"

"Bacon sausage."

As Carlos's personal guards, these young guards have developed a deep sense of enemy agents under the whip of the Instructor and the fists of the veterans. Although knowing that most of the guy in front of him was the captain of his own bodyguard and didn't run away, the sentry still raised the crossbow.

"Boss, that female priest is interesting to you!"

After correcting the password, the style of the sentinel who appeared shrewd and tough just now turned into a dog-legged face of Eight Trigrams.

Although the face towel wrapped on the layered head only reveals two eyes and a small part of the eyebrow corners, this guy still uses heaven-defying's Yan Yi skills to show envy, jealousy, resentment, emptiness, perplexity, and flattery. , Inviting credit and indescribable [you know].


The head of the bodyguard looked dumbfounded, and the effects of the arakkoa spells had not completely faded. The image of the sentinel in his eyes was somewhat similar to the abstract painting of Ukiyo-e. Although he could understand it, he couldn't understand it. He was still experiencing this novel perspective. The chief guard focused on the sentry's Yan Yi, and didn't listen to what he said at all.

"That Natalie Celine, you have only been out for less than an hour, and you are arguing that you might be in danger and asking us to save you, but you can't say one, two, three, four, five. Chief Guard, you start Fast enough!"

As soon as the words were finished, the sentry immediately put on a defensive posture, and then, the right uppercut of the long love of the guard arrived as scheduled.

Parry, dodge, I'm shameless...

"Ah!!! Step on your toes, this trick is used only when children fight!"

"You who are subdued by this trick are worse than a kid."

The head guard who took the opportunity to pin the arm of the sentinel kicked his ass with a force that would feel pain without causing harm, and then swayed into the cave leisurely.

"Yo, boss, you're back."


The head guard glanced around and frowned.

"What about people?"

"There was movement over the melting pot, and a group of people went to observe the situation."

Hearing this, the guard's frown loosened.

It's no wonder that the Dark Iron dwarves want to dominate the Scorching Gorge and drive the orcs out. This damn terrain allows the Dark Iron dwarves to be noticed no matter what they want to do in the melting pot, without any privacy.

After talking about the business, the head of the bodyguard just grabbed a tray of food and rubbed it against Natalie.

"Yo, haven't you slept yet?"

Natalie didn't want to take the bad words from the chief guard, and asked directly: "What's the situation?"

"What's the situation?"

"What made you go out in such a heavy wind and sand for an afternoon and a half night."

"Routine investigation."

"Then what was detected?"



Natalie breathed a sigh of relief in her chest, unclearly uncomfortable.

But she also knew that she had no position to ask anything, and finally lay down on her side, making it clear that she didn't want to pay attention to the chief guard.

And the chief guard drew a few bites of cold rice, and he was fascinated.

After the smog was blown away by the gale, the night sky of the scorching valley was as black as washing, and the shining stars were like pearls dotted on black velvet. It wasn't until the latter half of the night that the arakkoa's spell effect completely faded, and it didn't take long for the soldiers who had gone to detect the dark iron dwarves to return.

The captain of the guard who was lying behind the rock looking up to the sky got up and fulfilled his responsibilities.

"Let's talk about it. What's the situation."

"Guard... Boss, you know, we can't do anything with such a strong wind, we are all sleeping in the cave. Then several brothers found out."


"There is an abnormal tremor from the ground."


"We went to the direction of the melting pot to observe from a distance."

"What do you see?"

"There is nothing to see in such a big dust."

"If you're still with you...that one, I want to draw your military baton and talk about people!"

"Because we couldn't see anything, and we were not reconciled, so we went down a bit."

The chief guard was silent for a while.

"Too dangerous."

The boss's concern is still warm, and several guys all smiled honestly.

"Then we found the big guy."


"The black dwarf took advantage of this sandstorm to transport the combat puppets, and the black dwarfs crushed a piece of combat puppets."

"Can you estimate the number?"

"The interference is too much to be estimated, but it is absolutely terrifying."

"This time the orc was guilty."

After the head guard had finished his questioning, he ordered several people to rest early and have to go on their way tomorrow.

Then, the head of the guard went back to the cave and took a turn, covering up the blankets for the guys who didn't sleep very honestly, and finally walked to Natalie's side and took a look, paused for a moment, and then left.

What is this woman hiding? The head guard understands this.

For the first time, the head of the bodyguard was puzzled whether what the woman was hiding would harm her team.

Natalie felt a little mysterious to him, but not dangerous.

But it feels that this kind of thing is the most unreliable.

The head of the bodyguard did not tell anyone that Ashkandy was buffed by himself, nor did he tell anyone that he saw a feeling similar to Ashkandy in Natalie.

"So I feel that this kind of thing is the most unreliable, it's annoying."

The Chief Guard murmured, and found a corner to lie down and prepare to rest for a while. Tomorrow afternoon, he should be approaching the Sea of ​​Ashes. Before that, there is still the troublesome thing of the Crystal Spider to deal with. Now, it deserves it.

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