Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 33 The Enemy is in the Command

The outer fortifications of the Terminator fortress are basically completed, and humans are increasingly pursuing the outskirts of the Troll Witherwood clan. Farmland was trampled, villages were burned, and people were slaughtered. The troll rulers of Shaderaro finally realized that this is not a friction between two races, but a war. And he is the one being invaded.

"In just two months, we have lost at least 800 people from the tribe. We must deal a heavy blow to those humans to let them know that the Hinterlands belong to the trolls!" A priest of Shadralo yelled at the rally. .

"But where are the soldiers recruited? The chief patriarch did not approve of us walking out of the mountain to build Shadralo and offering sacrifices to the lord. Do you expect Cintharo's running dogs of Haka to help us?" a warrior wearing thick leather armor asked.

"Shadra will shelter us." Another priest replied.

"Yes, the Poisonous Lord makes our war spears and bows unstoppable, but what about the food? Would you let us boil soup with the poisonous venom? Humans have destroyed half of our farmland, and you count on hunting alone. Can you feed the entire Shadraro people with wild fruits?" asked another troll wearing a feather crest.

"Kill those human beings and make them into jerky, we can eat it until next year." The arrogant yelled.

"Isn't it said that Master Imasko wiped out twenty human beings with two hunters? What are we afraid of." The echoer clenched his fists to try to increase his persuasion.

"Then the entire patrol was wiped out." Opponents mocked.

"You coward!" Someone began to swear.

"Enough, first assemble the manpower to build a perimeter defense line outside Shadralo. I will ask the great Shadra for the oracle." Seeing that the scene was a little out of control, the high priest made the final decision. "

"High Priest, I have no intention of questioning your decision. But if the chief patriarch does not help us, it will be difficult for Shadralo to fight the invaders alone. Even if women take up arms, we can gather up to two thousand troops. But. Relying on two thousand people to attack a human fortress is murder." A priest who was leaning in the shadow came out.

"Food, high priest, if we gather all the people in the city, our food will only be enough for three months. If the remaining farmland is also destroyed by humans, how should we spend this winter." The leather armor at the beginning. The soldiers asked the most critical questions.

"I will hold a sacrificial ceremony, and Shadra will shelter us." The high priest said, closing his eyes, and didn't mean to speak any more.

While the trolls of Shadralo were quarreling endlessly, a dispute with huge differences of opinion also took place in the Terminator Fortress.

"General Audron, what gives you the confidence to divide the army in three ways?" Carlos couldn't believe his ears.

"Sir Carlos, the trolls are being defeated steadily. As long as they clean up their farms, the White Plague (Winter General) can destroy those fang monsters. This war will be over. Why do the soldiers fight a fight? Siege?" Audron asked almost confidently.

Of course it is for the gold in the grave!

"General, trolls are a race that is part farming and part hunting. The cliff that humans cannot climb is just a large mountain col in the eyes of the trolls. You want to drive these trolls out of the mountains of the Hinterlands. So where will they go? Arathi or Hillblad." The Carlos apostle convinced Audron.

"Traveling thousands of miles to attack us? The troll is crazy, right?" Audron disagreed with Carlos's judgment.

"General, don't you understand, this war has been under way, and there is no room to end it. Only one of the trolls and us, we humans, can survive." Carlos took a deep breath.

"We have killed nearly a thousand trolls. It is foreseeable that the White Plague will kill more trolls than this number. We have already avenged His Royal Highness Prince Jerio, the second heir to the throne, Your Excellency." General Audron. A little unhappy about Carlos's entanglement.

Who gave me Bonigotto and let me stab this elm head to death. Carlos could hardly understand what these self-proclaimed soldiers think. Is your external thinking circuit running out of power? This expedition costing hundreds of thousands of gold coins was to build a string of fortresses in the great forest of the Hinterlands and kill two thousand trolls?

"Listen, General, the majesty of the Alterac kingdom cannot be remedied by the civilians among the trolls. His Royal Highness Jerlio died at the sacrifice of the trolls, so we are going to attack Shadralo and destroy their altars. , Kill their priests. Only in this way can the majesty of the kingdom be maintained." Carlos maintained his tone of peace with his last reason.

General Audron thought for a while and agreed with Carlos's statement.

"I have to admit that what you said makes sense, so let us destroy their city and destroy their altar."

The coalition forces have been in the great forest of the Hinterlands for almost half a year. The soldiers endured the heat and humidity, and the nobles endured boredom. General Audron's wish to end the war as soon as possible actually represents the thinking of a large number of people.

In order to weaken the power of the tribe in future wars, Carlos persuaded his father to invest in a thorough war. But Carlos is really not sure whether the tomb gold in the game actually exists. When Alex broke his promise, his father would only smile and comfort Carlos. But if gold is used to inspire the morale of the army, and after breaking through Shadralo, it is found that the promise cannot be fulfilled, and Carlos's noble reputation will end. Carlos, whose reputation is bankrupt, will be marginalized in the future alliance Vice Admiral, which he cannot accept.

This meeting was just a small meeting of powerful figures within Alterac's army, and there were not many participants. After determining the final goal, Odren and his officers quickly worked out a new combat plan. The plan is to no longer divide the forces to sweep the troll's sphere of influence. Instead, one thousand soldiers will be deployed in the pioneering area leaving the forest to arrange a new camp to echo the Terminator fortress, and mobilize the cavalry to go to the front line and prepare to defeat the main troll in the field. , And then attacked the empty city.

"Sir Carlos, if you agree with this plan, then we will have a unified calibre in the all-hands meeting tomorrow." General Audron smiled confidently.

"No problem." Although it wasn't the most secure battle plan in Carlos's mind, it was far better than the initial three-way division.

"We will end the war before the barrels of the new wine this year." General Odren made a promise.

(We will end the war before Christmas-MacArthur)

"Haha, haha." Carlos heard such FLAG's words and didn't know how to answer.

Eighty miles away in Shaderalo, the high priest used all the prisoners in the dungeon for blood sacrifices, and half of the residents of Shaderalo were praying under the altar.

"We will win, Shadra bless the Witherbark clan!"

Raising the scarlet ceremonial dagger, the high priest uttered a roar foretelling victory.

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