Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 334 Snow Mountain Collection Mission: Dark Breath

"I hate this name, Secret Envoy. Anyone who claims to be a Secret Envoy has had an accident, and all the secrets they want to keep are eventually leaked. This is a cursed, magical word, forbidden, must be forbidden!"

Carlos vented his nameless anger, but no one dared to take the king's words.

For two months, whether long or short, Carlos negotiated a trade deal of millions of gold coins in Ironforge, but all parties in the alliance buckled each other in the north, which really made discerning people watch. Embarrassed.

Hillblad's battle is about the survival of the kingdoms of Lordaeron. Everyone who has the money paid for it, and the fight was like that. However, the matter of the Southern Expedition is also related to the survival of the Alliance and the tribe, but there are so many people who have forgotten the pain after the scar, and are pulling their legs behind. Sir Anduin Lothar personally sits in the town of South Blue, planning and dispatching the army's operations in a unified manner, but still can't suppress this unhealthy trend. Terenas also has a headache when he receives Lothar's letter of help. Not only a few other countries, even the Kingdom of Lordaeron, there are many different voices inside.

In the northern continent, are the orcs still harassing the village? The short-sighted nobles are already thinking about asking for credit after the war.

For a while, it seemed that only the remnants of Stormwind and the Alterac Kingdom Isshin wanted to beat the orcs.

This kind of feeling is invisible and intangible, but it can bring personal pain. When Carlos received twelve letters in a row urging him to return to South Blue Town to participate in the Alliance Convention, his temper exploded.

A hoarse scolding was of no avail to improving the situation. Finally, Carlos calmed down himself. The victory or defeat of a war lies in the balance of forces, and uniting all the forces that can be united is the only way to win. Those who obstructed the Southern Expedition, apart from a small number of speculators, were more of those who shed blood and died in the previous war. You can't accuse them of anything, because they are worthy of the alliance. But you can't just let it go. If the hearts of the people are scattered, the team won't be able to lead. Just like Aotianliu's novels, dare you to say no, don't care about it? Ha, I am afraid that the civil war broke out in the kingdoms of Lordaeron first.

Therefore, this matter can only be attacked by political methods, and force is useless.

Carlos used magic communication to discuss with his father, and finally decided not to participate in the Alliance Conference in South Blue Town.

reason? Wounded, ill, and unable to walk, the king of Alterac took the lead and fought on the front line against the tribe. This reason was not enough.

The horrible thing is left to the Alliance General Marshal Commander Antonin Lothar to deal with, and the Alterac people can play the role of their own thugs.

But politicians, such as the King of Alterac, such as Carlos Barov, must pay attention to their own personal comments. You can do it behind the scenes, don't get caught. You Carlos is injured, ill, and unable to walk. You have to heal your wounds in Ironforge. This is fine. If you heal your wounds and go to the Searing Canyon, this is a bit too much.

So in his own bodyguard, a lucky guy was drawn by lottery, and every day he lay down and pretended to be a pig with good food and drink. Carlos led a ticket to the little brother to go south secretly.

Before leaving, Carlos looked at the battle map, and the more he looked at it, the worse he got. The Saldo Bridge has not been beaten down. The Alliance garrison in Menethil Port is still only 30,000. The surface power of the orcs has begun to rebuild, and the transportation of supplies has become more and more difficult. Don't tell the Alliance troops in the wetlands to Grim Batol. The orcs caused oppression, and even lacked the ability to get out of the western wetlands. The Alterac Army with the portal has actually become the most deterrent force in the Eastern Wetlands. However, limited by the technical power and the fluctuation of the elemental tides, the transport capacity of the portal has its limit. When the troops are increased to 14,000, Carlos's power in the wetland has reached its limit. The alliance is unreliable, so it can only rely on itself, guarding the Dragonmaw clan of Grim Batol, repairing the road, and starting to infiltrate Khaz Modan while hoarding resources. There is a gap when there is contrast. For a time, Carlos has the illusion that Laozi is the only one working in a big league.

Although I know it is an illusion, this feeling is still very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Magni is a sincere person. Knowing that Carlos intends to go north and south with Ironforge to clear out the Khaz Modan area, he very graciously proposed a compensation clause and is willing to give money and materials in addition to the signed trade agreement. Compensation. After a short period of hypocrisy, Carlos readily accepted it, which was the only good news before departure.

Ymir's loyalty is trustworthy, but he is too careful to think about it. After switching him back to the wetland camp to take charge of daily affairs, Carlos ordered a budding new general as the leader of the left-behind personnel, and then the ordering point will carry a vote. Armed to the teeth and with kind eyes, the warrior went to Thorium Watch for a friendly state visit.

The dwarves are the first in earth and rock engineering on Azeroth. There is no need to question this point. The 1,147-meter-long mountain tunnel was cleared and unobstructed in just over a month.

As soon as he entered the Searing Gorge, the Alterac man wearing a big jacket was stupefied.

One thousand one hundred and forty-seven meters long tunnel, one end is icy and snowy, the other end is scorched earth purgatory, and the painting style is too deviated.

No way, take it off.

After adapting to the weather for the first two days, Haw Haw stopped and stopped until the third day when the large group of troops returned the same way.

There was a big oolong, because Carlos underestimated the geographical features of Searing Gorge.

Because there was not enough preparation, a large force of more than 1,000 people could not find enough water at all.

There was no way, seven hundred people were evacuated and returned to Khaz Modan. They found the dwarf village and bought many large wooden barrels, filled with drinks such as ale. After streamlining the team, Carlos and his party really set off.

Along the way, Carlos was quite sorry that he didn't see the Dustfire Valley One Tyrant --- the crystal spider that the guide said. However, the attack of the Dark Iron dwarves brought Carlos back some fun.

Whoever gave them the courage to end the end, and who gave them the confidence to attack late at night, the dark iron dwarves with fewer than 500 people dared to attack the camp.

Before Carlos could take action, a group of arrogant soldiers had already completed the counter raid.

The people who can be carried by Carlos are all cruel characters who dare to speak out against the orcs, and there are more than one hundred active paladins of the National Knights of the King’s Order, more than twenty mages, and A certain high elf who is fierce as a rabid dog.

Although the dark iron dwarves' skin color is naturally concealed in the dark, Sora noticed the actions of the black dwarfs from a kilometer away. The Alterac soldiers who had taken a lot of time announced their arrival with a brutal massacre, but they had forgotten that their king was actually a fighting faction.

Without fighting, Carlos was in a bad mood, and the Dark Iron Dwarf had no follow-up actions after this attack.

Along the way, Carlos finally arrived at Thorium Watch after eleven days.

The guards who were left by Carlos in the Burning Plains to escort Brian Bronzebeard looked at their king, tears streaming down their faces, and their eyes were almost glowing green.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's not good, the Chief Guard was taken away by the demon!"

Hearing the words of his subordinates, Carlos, who originally wanted to pat his shoulders and shake hands, looked dazed.

It’s not Tangshan's burial that I'm meowing. What's the matter with this inexplicable sense of sight?

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