The sky in the liberated area is a clear sky, and the people in the liberated area like it...cough, coughing up words.

Because Thorium Watch is located on the high hills of the mountains in the northwestern part of the Searing Gorge, far away from the melting pot, the air and visibility in the early morning are good, and today is a rare sunny day, which can be called windy and sunny.

Once upon a time, men were intoxicated and obsessed with women’s secret gardens, so that the world-famous writer wrote "B live and die for B for a lifetime, and eat B and lose B and finally die on B." Quatrains. However, when there is no such thing, I think about it, I have experienced idiots, and I have experienced too much trouble.

Think about it, too, eat your suffering for three or five minutes, and the rest is just for the sake of face, there is no happiness, Xiaodingding still feels a little painful.

Therefore, countless anonymous writers who have left behind have spoken out again-the same sex is true love, and the opposite sex breeds offspring.

Countless people have misinterpreted it as gay love. However, the original meaning of this statement is that only like-minded temperament can create miracles that transcend race and realize true universal love without boundaries.

What inspirational words...

Early in the morning, Carlos woke up and inexplicably entered the sage time to think about the true meaning of life.

Think about it, I haven't been close to female sex for more than three months. I have squeezed too much energy for a bunch of junk things to save the world, and I don't feel the need for this at all. And Sola's almost slut pursuit purpose is too clear, so Carlos refused to refuse and refused to get used to it, and did not treat her as a woman at all.

After gaining status, ordinary vulgar fans will look down on them, but they will not meet the right ones. Over time, it becomes a situation of "I liked a person before, but now I like a person".

The arrival of Sylvie caused Carlos to rethink his life.

At the beginning, my goal in life was not to have three thousand maids and enjoy Fengyue's life? Why did you carry the burden of saving the world on your shoulders inexplicably?

Carlos began to think about it.

Oh! I'm not targeting anyone, I'm saying that everyone in the league is a hot chicken!

Carlos thought about it, but suddenly realized.

The history of Azeroth is a hymn of heroes and a weeping song of blood and tears. Numerous sacrifices and dedications outline this magnificent picture. As a prophetic person, Carlos stood on the shoulders of giants from the very beginning, and his love for the world of Azeroth allowed him to blend into this world perfectly, without too much alienation from outsiders.

"It turns out I also want to find a world where everyone is happy."

With a faint expression of emotion, Carlos seemed to have figured out something, the whole person suddenly became bright, and his mental outlook was completely renewed.

However, it does not help the reality.

Sora always appeared in the frame of the field of vision, and if there was nothing looking at Carlos posing at the door, it was very unbelievable.

"come here."

Sola hid half of his body behind the wall, only his head peeking out.

"Don't look at it, after talking about business, I left long ago."

Sora stared at the faint dark circles under her eyes, and said in a stick-reading way: "Liar, I kept it all night, no one went out at all."


Carlos really didn't want to spoil his good mood, so he left the house in plain clothes, leaving the door open to the people.

Sylvie Morgan, who has been cured, wants to leave, but still has to walk the door? Carlos didn't want to talk to Sola, whose IQ was offline.

In one night, the business that should be discussed was discussed, and the business that should be done was also taken care of, and the rest is to implement the planned things into practice.

Sylvie learned that the power struggle within the Dark Iron dwarves is fierce. It seems that some Dark Iron dwarves who are willing to be slaves to the fire element want to turn Darkforge City into a theocracy. As the king of Darkforge City, the supreme ruler of the Dark Iron dwarves, Dagran Thaurissan will certainly not sit still. Ragnaros only cares whether his orders are implemented and whether his will is implemented. As for who the highest leader of the Dark Iron Dwarves is, the Balrog Lord doesn't care. This is interesting.

If the master behind the Thorium Brotherhood is really Dagran Thaurissan, then everything makes sense.

Little Thaurissan didn't want to have a King of Fire Demon on top of his head, and he also raised a group of uncles of Fire Demon.

So how can we carry out a major purge without igniting Ragnaros' anger?

Raise the bandit to be self-respectful.

To put it bluntly, the Thorium Brotherhood is a trap set by Dagran Thaurisem. All those who are disobedient, go and die once.

If you use the above speculation as the basis and then infer another timeline of the Battle of the Burning Plains, everything is not difficult to understand. The Alliance and the Horde are fighting on the surface, and the Black Iron Dwarves are unable to interfere in the war between the orcs and the humans, whether they are defending against the Black Dragon Legion or conducting a large-scale internal cleansing.

And now, if the initial cooperation intention can be negotiated, it is not difficult to continue the in-depth exchange of interests. Carlos felt that he could not only get rich material rewards, but as long as he operated properly, the prestige within the alliance would not be less.

This sale is done!

Although the Morgan consortium has matched the bridge as a guarantee, at the moment, the largest armed force inside Thorium Watch, the dark iron dwarf, is doing very strict security and defense work, and subordinates continue to report various situations to Carlos.

"Keep the utmost restraint and don't provoke conflict."

Carlos gave the order to die.

Sylvie said that for up to two days, the Thorium Brotherhood would send someone to talk. However, Carlos waited at Thorium Watch for nine days before Sylvie and a dark iron dwarf negotiating delegation arrived together.

"This is the third special envoy. Our guess should be true. The struggle within Darkforge City has heated up. Two groups of envoys died on the road. This ambassador came in my airship."

Looking for an opportunity, Sylvie Morgan quietly told Carlos the news.

The talks were low-key and secretive.

Under the leadership of the Thorium Brotherhood, Carlos entered the main building of Thorium Watch for the first time-the fortress made of black iron.

Surprisingly, in the deepest part of the underground structure of the heavily guarded fortress, there is actually a shaft hidden by magical organs. After taking the elevator down for about two minutes, a huge lava cave appeared in front of you.

The dark red light emitted by the hot lava river illuminates the entire empty cave. On the hard black granite ground, the mysterious unknown rune shines with the colorful brilliance of enchanted thorium.

After getting out of the elevator, Carlos found that Sylvie Morgan had arrived and was talking to all the black dwarves.

"It's nice to meet you, Your Majesty Carlos, please allow me to introduce myself. I'm Roquetus Secret, the initiator of this meeting."

A well-dressed dark iron dwarf stood up and received Carlos.

"Since you know who I am, then I don't want to be ambiguous. What do you want, what do I need to do, and what can I get?"

Carlos directly asked the three questions he cared about the most.

"Not more impatient, king of mankind, before answering your question, we can look at one thing first."

Roctos Anche nodded to Carlos, then looked at Sylvie Morgan, and seeing that there was no objection to both, he signaled to his subordinates to move a certain lever.

A high-temperature cage made of special materials slowly rises from the magma river.

When the lava flowed out, the creatures in the cage cursed loudly: "Die, die! The world will eventually surrender to the King of Flames, you all go to die!"

"Your human world has such a good saying-to help me is to help yourself."

Roctus Secretly touched his beard and said.

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