In a blink of an eye, it is already spring.

Carlos finally remembered a serious problem after a battle of thousands of people-as a lover, fiancee, and maid of the house with three thousand dog emperors (actually only a king), he has not been close to female for half a year.

This is a battle that took place in Khaz Modan.

Although the long wrangling period allowed Anduin Lothar to integrate the internal differences of the alliance, the alliance army was more fully prepared for war, but the long time also gave the tribe a breathing space.

But Carlos no longer cared.

On the other world line, Lothar and Orgrim's fateful duel in the Burning Plains was largely due to the great damage of Lordaeron's battle to the seven northern countries, and the more the alliance's forces went south, the more it was stretched. In the end, both sides could not afford to hold off, and could only fight a decisive battle.

However, look now, from Arathi to the wetlands, from Khaz Modan to Dun Morogh, the Alliance's soldiers have plunged straight into the scorching gorge and stormed the last sky trench in the Horde's fortifications.

The receivers are connected to a line, and the liberators will soon ride their faces. If you lose, you will be asked how you lose!

Making peace with the Darkforge City forces of the Dark Iron Dwarf is undoubtedly a very wise military and political decision, but it is not a merit that can be put on the surface.

It was also for this reason that Anduin Lothar very tactfully arranged Carlos's troops to rest in the rear.

Lothar's original intention may be good, to suppress some pink eyes, so he persuaded Carlos to the back of the crossfire line to maintain the integrity and consistency of the alliance as a whole.

Carlos also clearly realized that before the tribe's demise, the existence of the Alliance as an organization was necessary and necessary, so he took the initiative to retreat, not even staying in Ironforge, and prepared to return directly to the wetlands.

Unexpectedly, when passing by the boulder dam, I happened to encounter a raid from the tribe orcs, and a beautiful encounter happened.

More than 50,000 Alliance troops fought fiercely in the Searing Gorge, plus Ironforge's dwarf army and Alliance follow-up troops, at least more than 100,000 full-time soldiers need to be continuously transported from Lordaeron to feed them.

Orcs are not stupid, they understand that the balance of power has already tilted, and if they want to defeat the alliance, they must directly hit the key.

Where is the key to the alliance?

A long supply line of more than 3,000 kilometers!

The materials from the Kingdom of Lordaeron and Gilneas were transported southward from Menethil Harbor through the wetlands, while the wheat from the Arathi Basin traveled south by land from the Saldo Bridge. However, no matter which transportation line, before reaching Ironforge, at least lie down on the transportation means and walk more than 3,000 kilometers.

Although the wetlands and the orcs of Khaz Modan have been wiped out once, we have to admit that the so-called "clearing and suppressing" means the suppression, but it is a pity that they have not been cleaned up. A large number of orcs who infiltrated from the Burning Plains and further south contacted the local remnants and used various methods to sneak attacks on the alliance's transport forces, which really annoyed Anduin Lothar.

So Khadgar offered advice, let's transport intensively. Each transport squad will shoot a hundred guards, and when encountering two hundred orcs, they can only die. If we hoard the transport team and go with ten of them, then the two hundred orcs must not be the opponent of a thousand Union soldiers.

Ouch, not bad, Lothar implemented this suggestion as soon as he felt it made sense.

The life of the orc guerrillas is not easy.

So some county captains and district captains gathered together to make a mistake. Let's do the big ticket!

Okay, is it to assassinate Anduin Lothar or counterattack Hillblad?

After the mystery was silent, someone suggested: Let's blow up the dam!

The Khaz Modan area is the main food production area of ​​the dwarves, and it is also the only place where the alliance goes south. If the boulder dam is blown up, it will not only destroy the food supply of the dwarves, but also block the alliance's forces from going south for at least two months. Maybe Hundreds of thousands of people in Ironforge starved to death?

Yes, it makes sense!

As a result, the orcs connected side by side, bringing together almost all the remaining orcs in Khaz Modan.

After scouring all the inventory, the orcs marched at night with an unsuccessful and unsuccessful spirit, preparing to play the trick of flooding the Seventh Army.

You can boldly imagine what the consequences will be if they succeed...

More than one hundred thousand alliance soldiers were trapped in the Dun Morogh Mountains, and Khaz Modan became a forbidden place. Ironforge’s savings were quickly consumed, and the tribe led by Orgrim received at least two months. Precious time to live.From the perspective of the tribe, the orcs in this army are heroes, and they are geniuses regardless of victory or failure in this battle.

From the actual situation, Khaz Modan's climate is not suitable for long-term garrison of humans. The dwarf defense of Ironforge defends the megalithic dam, which is inferior in number compared with the assault force of orcs. And because the war ahead is going well, the ideals should be relaxed.

Therefore, the odds of success of the orcs want to be great.

If it wasn't for Carlos.

That is a tragedy.

Originally, Alterac’s retreat was nominally a normal change of defense. Carlos fought for so long in the Searing Gorge. Now Lothar is here. It’s normal for the army to retreat to the wetlands and even Arathi to recuperate. Soldiers They are also very happy.

However, the contact envoy of the Morgan Militia made Carlos very worried.

Don't forget, Sylvie Morgan supports Alterac not because she is in love with Carlos, but because she has a very practical appeal for interests --- "our" revenge.

The situation is just right now, what is the matter of your uncle Carlos leaving?

As a result, even though Carlos, who was running out of order, did not want to breathe in Khaz Modan, he could only slow down and communicate with the Morgan Militia.

It is impossible for an army with more than 10,000 troops to occupy the camp of the transport troops, so what should be done? Only near the boulder dam were there enough suitable places to camp. Anyway, Carlos now has the least prestige and respect for the dwarven forces in Ironforge, so the army left the main road and walked west for more than ten kilometers, and was temporarily stationed.

So the next night, the orcs attacked the boulder dam.

The orcs are behind!

The orcs used left and right raids!

The orcs have wrapped up the dwarven defense!

The orc's explosive pack is delivered!

The dwarves can't hold it anymore!

The Juggernaut will ask you how to lose!

Carlos heard the sound of fighting.

Carlos used F2A.

The orc played GG.

The plan of the non-orcs is not detailed, and the soldiers do not sell their lives. However, with a gap of ten times the number of veterans in the field, they are really helpless. Although the dwarf garrison paid a painful price, it successfully blocked the road leading to the dam. The explosives of the orcs detonated on the surface of the dam did not damage the foundation of the dam.

After a near-slaughter battle, Carlos became famous again inexplicably.

The whole army reported its record, and the great Alterac King once again saved the alliance!

Admirers have it, envious people have it, but Carlos, who is glorious at this moment, is cautious.

Under the protection of heavy patrols, Carlos is receiving debt collectors and debtors.

Sylvie Morgan returned to the Redridge Mountains after participating in the plunder of Thorium Watch, and never met Carlos again for six months. In the end, Carlos accepted the request of the Thorium Brotherhood, and did not burn the Thorium Post, nor attempted to attack the base under the Thorium Post, and the three parties broke up peacefully.

Now, people from the Morgan Consortium brought people from the Thorium Brotherhood to find Carlos, which is interesting.

Sylvie's emissary urged Carlos to fulfill the agreement. This was a cliché, and Carlos could only cope with it with a smile. The people of the Thorium Brotherhood brought the so-called apocalypse.

"This is!"

When Carlos opened a long wooden box brought by the Thorium Brotherhood, he was shocked.

"We are not quite clear about the specific situation. According to Archmage Victor, the arakkoa tried to ambush him. During the war, the artifact was damaged. So the craftsmen of the Brotherhood used the remains of the artifact to recast a long sword. To your majesty."

There is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes, and it is all effortless!

"What's the name of this sword?"

Carlos stroked the dark red blade and couldn't help asking.

"This is an apologize to the Brotherhood. Of course, your majesty will decide the name."

Stroking the hilt of the sword, Carlos really felt the chiseled marks.

A.L, there are these two letters on the hilt.

Sure enough, these two letters are just signatures left by the craftsman, and have no special meaning.

"Sword of the Brotherhood."

Carlos said in a slightly trembling voice.

"Ashkandi. Sword of the Brotherhood!"

Upon hearing this name, the envoy of the Thorium Brotherhood couldn't help but relax. It was a very unwise decision to offend the King of Alterac to survive among the two monsters of the Alliance and the Horde. If it is the past, the mountains are long and the rivers are far away. If you offend, you will be offended. Could you not send troops from Alterac Mountains to the Searing Canyon to beat me? But now, this really means hitting and hitting, and it doesn't make sense. Therefore, the Thorium Brotherhood was also relieved to be able to ease the relationship with Carlos.

"The artifact is damaged, what happened to the arakkoa?"

Carlos was a little concerned and asked in particular.

"I don't know. In the end, Victor Archmage just returned the remains of the artifact, without revealing much information."

The conversation with the Thorium Brotherhood was generally very smooth. While spending money to eliminate disasters and giving gifts, there was no idea of ​​dying with the Dark Iron Dwarf. The two families were very happy, even if the previous Liangzi had been exposed.

The meeting with the Morgan consortium was not so pleasant.

Sylvie’s mental state is very problematic. It keeps changing between "I" and "We". The former asks to cut off the spiritual connection with millions of dead souls and be independent of themselves, while the latter wants to cast resentment and complete revenge regardless of the cost. And this time the emissary of the Morgan Consortium came to discuss the matter, and it was obviously "our" decision. The emissary asked Carlos to fulfill the agreement as soon as possible, lead troops to the south, and urge the alliance to overturn the orcs first, then overturn the black dragon, and finally infiltrate the ground to fight the Balrog King.

In short, it is three words: do! Dry! Dry!

After expressing the above decision, the secret agent himself was a little embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, this is an agreement between you and Mrs. Morgan. To be honest, I also know that these requirements are somewhat difficult, but you have done nothing for half a year, indifferent, and indeed some..."

"Well, I got it."

"From what I have personally seen and heard, the consortium still values ​​the alliance with Alterac very seriously."

"oh, I understand now."

"So, in fact, it is possible that Mrs. Morgan wants to see your sincerity. After all, the consortium has already paid so much for your Majesty. Should your Majesty also express it."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Dare not, just as an ally, we hope to see greater sincerity from your Majesty."

"Well, I will do it."

"In addition, Your Majesty Carlos, we have received information about your chief guard."


"It seems that someone has seen your captain in the Westfall."

"Really, please notify me in time if you have the exact information. If you are sure that it is you, don't be stingy to help."

"That's natural. We are allies."

After the conversation, Carlos sat in the tent alone, stroking the sword of the Brotherhood that he thought he had missed, remembering the past.

Under the impetus of Carlos, the big butterfly, the Southern Expedition is far more tragic and smooth than in the memory. I don't know where to go. As long as we continue to exert pressure, crushing the orc tribe seems to be a sure thing.

However, recalling that he jumped up and down since the start of the war, it seemed very funny.

It’s been a long time since I met my parents, how is my sister now, how are my two younger brothers, my mother is about to give birth, I seem to have a fiancee...

After slacking off for a while, Carlos couldn't help but start thinking about it.

The Chief Guard could not betray him, the Morgan Consortium could not really turn his face, what happened between Ashkandy and Nefarian.

Thinking about it, Carlos was so fascinated that Sora sneaked into the tent without noticing it.

"Haha, what a peculiar weapon, even a second-hand priest like me can see the grievances condensed on it, you actually hold it like this?"

"go out."

Sora pulled the clothes on her shoulders, showing a charming smile.

"Late night, your majesty, let's go to bed!"

"Go out smoothly."

"Hey, hey, why are you so boring? Is my old lady ugly or bad? Why do you keep this attitude?"

Sola's mystery broke out.

Carlos looked at Sola and looked at it from start to finish.

"good body."

"Forget, my fault, my fault, forgot that you have high elf face blindness."

Quickly switch from the hungry bitch mode back to the intimate friend mode, Sora pulled the loosened clothes and sat next to Carlos.

"You are really persevering."

Carlos couldn't help mocking.

"Nonsense, it's up to you, won't you work less for 50 years?"

Sola was not hypocritical, and gave Carlos a blank glance.

"Ask you something."


"Is there a way to trace the memory through objects."

Carlos asked.

"If you are referring to this murder weapon, then my answer is yes."

Sora was unexpectedly refreshed and gave the answer directly.

"can you?"

"I can not."

Carlos stood up decisively and left the tent.

"Go to sleep."

"Hey, you can't cross the river and demolish the bridge as quickly as you!"

Sora yelled dissatisfiedly.

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