Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 374 Reminiscence of the past, painful lovesickness cannot be forgotten

The charm of magic does not lie in the art of poking people to death with one finger, it is just the refreshing sensation brought by power.

The charm of magic is that it provides imagination beyond cognition, which is unparalleled in the realization of delusions.

Carlos is not a magic idiot, and the paladin is not a brainless muscle stick. Contrary to common people’s perception, some Taoist paladins will almost start to study spells and learn from the experience of the wizards to perfect their holy light. Spells.

So when Carlos carefully observed Guy Elsas's magic laboratory, a desire to "smash the local tyrants and divide the fields" gushed out of his lungs, and the coffin board couldn't hold it down.

Extravagance, too extravagant, extravagant to low-key, so extravagant that there is no certain knowledge to reserve life experience, you can't see how extravagant it is.

Don't mention the orange seven weapons, the legendary equipment is not the young lady who is standing on the street. Every legendary-level artifact placed on the earth is a nuclear bomb-level existence, and will not be placed in the living room for people to visit.

But in Guy Elsath's magic laboratory, even a tea cup is of epic quality, even if the floor tiles are golden and rare, this is a bit intolerable.

"Actually...Look at that black lotus, how good it grows. I found it accidentally when I was passing Stratholme. There is a cuticle on the petiole and the rhizome has a red pattern. The effect is three times that of the ordinary black lotus. ."

"Oh, so amazing, so amazing."

"Actually... the purple lotus tea brewed from the snow mountain spring water in Winter Spring Valley does not taste better than the deep groundwater of your Guy Dalong Lake. In addition to producing blinding powder and glitter potions, dead leaf grass can also act as a filter. The effect, combined with the sap of ground root grass, can remove the weak toxicity of many plants."

"Well, it's not bad, it's not bad."

"There is..."

"Ah, yes, I learned it."

"I haven't said anything yet..."

"It's okay, I already know it."

Carlos opens his mouth and speaks nonsense skills to increase.

Two men with more than acquaintances who are not satisfied with friends want to chat. In Azeroth, where there is no football, there are only three options left: woman, career, and speaking ill of others.

Woman, it’s hard for Guy Elsas to talk to Carlos about the looks and builds of Elucia and Jaina?

Career, what can a real prince talk to an active king? It's terrifying to think carefully.

Speaking ill of others, this is okay, the only question is who is ill of... This is another problem.

Guy Elsas wanted to explain to Carlos that the previous troubles were not what he meant, and even more talk about the internal politics of Guy El Salas. It is a pity that these things cannot be said casually, and they will be negative in the future. Responsible, do not understand.

So there was no choice but to grieve for a while.

Carlos didn't really care about making things difficult for the people under him. However, he was dizzy and stunned by Guy Elsath's unintentionally stunned gas.

So follow a pass of nonsense.

So while Guy Elsas was preparing for the magic, the two big men didn't even know what they were talking about.

Unlike human magicians, Guy Elsas does not need to do it himself to draw the magic circle. The three attached magic wands exude the light of arcane torrents, floating in the air like a floating cannon, accurately completing the drawing of the magic circle. In order to ensure maximum effectiveness, the potions needed to cast magic are also ready-to-use, commonly known as Blue Fatty's arcane servants, which are meticulously processed. Two arcane puppets with a blue bottom and a gold-rimmed shell dedicated to magic research are using magic tools that Carlos has never seen before, scanning the sword of Ashkandi Brotherhood, which is so cool.

In this way, after one and seven-thirteen cups of tea, Guy Elsas completed the preparations, and the awkward atmosphere was finally broken.

"Honestly, if someone makes such a request to me, I will either be kicked out of the house, or a bottle of dreaming potion will be played. But Carlos, as our old friend of Querdorei, Yongge The kindness of the forest, the Sunstrider family, is in my heart, so I thought about it for a long time and prepared this magic circle."

Guy Elsas got serious when he talked about this magic commission.


This thank you, Carlos is sincere. Because in the conversation just now, Carlos understood the sincerity of Guy Elsas.

Carlos's request was actually very simple. He wanted to understand what happened that day, or what happened between the arakkoa Ashkandi and Nefarian.

This is not simply satisfying one's curiosity, but an important prerequisite for specifying the next action plan. World Line has changed its actions, and then blindly believes that the information in the memory can only invite unexpected failures, so intelligence has become very important. And recalling the plot at the time, Carlos always had a feeling of being calculated, as if a pair of black hands were manipulating everything behind the scenes. This feeling is very bad.

Indeed, a bottle of dream-returning potion can make Carlos recount the past. But the dream-returning medicine is very helpful for helping patients with Alzheimer's to recall whether they had played a friendly match with the wild boy and his mother who came to confess when he was young, but it cannot be used against the strong. Whether it is the fire element lord or the adult black dragon, unconscious magic divergence can destroy the effectiveness of the dream-returning potion.

And similar to the time-retracement spell, the movement is too much. When encountering spell masters such as the black dragon prince Nefarian, destroying spells are all pediatrics. Distorting facts and creating illusions to confuse people is simply too simple.

So after thinking about it, Carlos had to admit that magical problems, even Antonidas and his like, are not very reliable, and they still have to find high elves in trouble.

"Your sword is really a murder weapon. I can hear the reverberations of the dead souls without any magic. After the soul calming song takes effect, the restless fluctuations can be calmed down, and then the next step can be taken."

Guy Elsas' right hand drew two circles in the air with a sense of rhythm, and a light curtain covered the Ashkandy Brotherhood sword hovering in mid-air.

Through the light curtain, Carlos saw the power that could not be observed with the naked eye. I saw that the ripples of shadow that kept appearing on the wide sword as if hitting a pond were gradually suppressed, and the power of the sword of Ashkandi Brotherhood was suppressed by Guy Elsath's magic.

"Drink it, you can see it."

Karthus took a bottle of potion sent by the Olympian servant and handed it to Carlos.

Looking at the green bubbling viscous potion, Carlos was dumbfounded, and he opened his mouth and said: "What is the price?"

"It is safe and has no side effects. I also added golden clover, and the taste is not bad."

"Uh, thank you..."

Carlos took a sip and found that the taste was really not bad, and there was some sweetness, but he felt a little trance right after drinking.

"Now, stand inside the magic circle, hold your sword, enter a state of meditation, and feel it with your heart."

After Guy Elsas said this, Carlos was really grateful.

It takes such a huge amount of favor to go around such a big circle, and Carlos just doesn't know what happened at that time like everyone else.

Real thanks never existed in words, Carlos didn't talk nonsense any more, nodded and walked into the magic circle as Guy Elsas told him.

Holding the hilt with both hands, Carlos used the paladin's usual penitent posture to enter a state of meditation.

Then Guy Elsas immediately took out his wand and faced the magic circle, which was an arcane ray!

"What kind of memory is so strong that the instantaneous fluctuation almost destroyed the stability of the entire spell..."

The sudden change almost destroyed the entire magic. After stabilizing the magic circle, Guy Elsas wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeves, and for the first time he was a little curious about the memories of this sword.

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