Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 399 What You Want! Something! Does not exist! Oye! ! !

Crimson power armor, bloody bright woolen cloak, a full-face helmet decorated with frosted metal skull inlays, and a power saw chain sword shining with psychic brilliance at the waist.

Just playing, it's like bringing BGM, a strong star wars style.

It's like a heifer riding a wire, hula and lightning.

The wizard swooped Jaina to the ground, and Carlos used his superhuman sixth sense to avoid the attack that could not be seen directly.

In an instant, time seemed to be stopped.

Is this still Azeroth?

Is this still the world of swords and magic?

The will of the universe, the person in front of you fouls!

This is the Seiko power armor of the Star Warrior!

Could it be that in addition to the Pantheon of Titans and the Burning Legion of the Twisting Void, there are still human expeditions of the emperor in the vast universe?

This is the fortieth millennium?

With the distortion of the singularity of time, the originally invisible object reveals its own physical characteristics.

It is a humanoid monster whose whole body is covered with steel.

Only Carlos knows that this is SM's imitation style armor, and it also has a taste of orcish style.



But there is a sense of familiarity and kindness.

"Time is frozen."

The voice of the Chinese character face drew Carlos's attention away from the source of the accident. After scanning the surroundings, the guests at the wedding remained hesitant and surprised, as if they were sculptures, they were still in place.

What they hesitate and surprised is why the wizard would knock the bride played by Jaina into flight, rather than the monster that came through the time warping singularity.

As his thinking accelerated, Carlos quickly observed and examined the situation, and finally found a blind spot.

Before, only five warriors who claimed to be from the future were able to look directly at the change with their eyes, but he felt abnormal through the weak incongruity of the power of the Holy Light.

But now, Carlos found that he could see the anomalies and distortions of time and space with his eyes.

What a wonderful ripple...

In an instant, a greedy thought arose in Carlos's heart.

Time and space are originally one, but because human beings are small, they cannot understand the grandeur of time and space, so they are forced to be described separately. Even so, mankind's discussion of time and space is still full of omissions.

At that time, Sora appeared in front of Carlos in a way that was visible to the naked eye, even if the Paladin's heart had been tempered for a long time, he was still shocked by this magnificent power and wanted to look at it more.

Never greedy, never give up, Carlos decided to be an all-need party.

However, the visitors from different time and space seemed to be irritated by Carlos's expression.


The national character face flew forward, blocking the sweeping attack of the chain-edged sword with a shield, but was hit by the giant force of the iron man, falling into the stationary group of guests, and knocking down a piece.

Carlos glanced from the corner of the light, and the deep scratches on the shield were shocking.

The soldier actually reacted immediately, but hesitated because of his anger. When the Iron Man wielded the chain-edged sword for the second time, the responsibility and mission suppressed personal grievances, and the warrior rushed forward to fight the monster.

In terms of strength, they are evenly matched.

However, the high-speed rotating sawtooth quickly cut the warrior's two-handed sword, helplessly, the warrior withdrew and leaned back, avoiding the iron man-shaped attack.

[Are you an idiot? 】

The soldier found that he had bought so much time, Carlos hadn't moved half a step, angrily wanted to scold his mother.


Protecting Jaina who was in a static state behind him, the mage cast a spell with one hand, and hurriedly created an ice shield to block the attack for Carlos.

Taking advantage of the moment when the chain-edged sword was smashed by the reaction force of the freezing ice, the thief suddenly appeared behind the iron man, making a powerful backstab.

Click, the dagger broke.

The thief missed a hit and immediately disappeared.


The soldier got up in a hurry, his posture was unstable, unable to catch the monster's next attack, so he shouted loudly.

However, Carlos remained indifferent.

The Guozi face groaned and got up, but it was at least 30 meters away from Carlos, and there was nothing to do.

The mage was in a dilemma and fell into contemplation.

"I say."

Carlos finally spoke, corresponding to the third slash of the Iron Man.

"Your kindness is accepted."

Under the strange gaze of Six Paths, Carlos caught the high-speed spinning chain-edged sword with one hand.

No, it's Holy Shield Technique!

Others don't think anything, the national character face is the same as a paladin, but they are shocked by Carlos's seemingly inconspicuous move.

It's actually a partial holy shield technique!

A fact well known to the people of Azeroth, the final result of the Divine Shield, the tonic Bilian spell, is a circle, even if it is drawn into the shape of an egg, it is also an irregular circle. After studying for decades, the Paladins have also developed a weakened version of the Holy Blessing Art, which seems to be beyond the scope of the circle, but in fact it is just a circle.

However, Carlos cast a partial Holy Shield technique with his bare hands, which almost subverted the three views of the national character face.

Although the defensive power of the Divine Shield technique is sturdy, it consumes too much, and for the warriors who have been fighting for a long time, all-round protection in order to block a fatal blow is a great waste.

So Carlos's hand is really amazing.

"But what gives you the illusion that I can't help but need protection from someone."

With a violent wave of his hand, Carlos shook his roaring blade.

"What gives you a kind of courage to spoil my wedding casually!"

Carlos stepped forward and lifted his chest with his left foot, with his toes stretched forward, and a forward kick pushed the steel figure back five steps to stabilize his figure.

"Scum, if you don't have a last word to explain, just go to death."

Carlos leaned his body 30 degrees and raised his head to look at the monsters in different time and space with contemptuous eyes.

[Your forehand is weak, the backhand is not fine, you need to pay for the waist stiffness, none of the movements are decent, really want to compare, I am the BO.SS! 】

With just three swings of his weapon, Carlos has seen through the swordsmanship of the Iron Man.

The four words are horrible.

The brave wins when the narrow road meets, and the strong wins when the brave meets.

Even after becoming a king, he still trains for at least three hours a day and swings a knife a thousand times. Carlos's strength is exchanged for his talent and sweat. The strength of the Iron Man is indeed terrifying, but at first glance it is not a serious exercise.

If it is a robot or a mechanical creation, then the brain is definitely not enough, use intelligence to win.

If it is a humanoid creature wearing armor, then there must be a lack of strength, and use strength to win.

You tell me how to Sue! How does the Paladin ride the face! ! !

The Iron Man ignored Carlos's contempt, the scarlet armor glowed with pale and infiltrating electric light, and the chain-bladed sword in his hand made a screaming sound that the mechanical transmission device should not use.

In the sound of the creaking gears, the chain edge of the chain-edged sword twisted the spiral, so that the big sword became a mace style.

When a stick came down, Carlos waved away again, shook his edge, stepped forward again, and punched the iron man's chest with a punch, and the monster took two more steps back.


The monster suddenly made a noise similar to laughter, even if it was wrapped in steel and deformed, it could still hear its joy.

"Stupid, in your eyes, strength is the courage of a man? Witness the strength of the Iron Legion!"

The steel monster actually spoke in the standard Azeroth lingua franca!

At the same time, an electric current that was so strong that it made people stand upside down was thrown at the singularity of twisting time, and the Iron Man used his own power to stabilize the unstable portal.

One, two, three, four, five!

Five fellows who also wore steel armor stepped over the twisting time singularity and came to Carlos.

"Follow the call of the steel king, long live the emperor!"

The five guys also spoke in lingua franca, and then stood at attention and saluted in the manner of the SS.

Carlos's heart is full of three letters-MMP.

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