Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 402: Loli, Murder and Set Fire

The synonym of love is like, but the antonym is never hate.

For example, Carlos couldn't like the King of Steel, but he couldn't hate it.

It's just an old thing that proves that poor people must be hateful.

There is no desire to conquer the world.

There is no delusion of ruling the universe.

This journey through time is just a dream worth remembering for the King of Steel.

On the other side of the singularity of twisting time, the steel king's car, the highest magical technology achievement of the Iron Alliance, the floating battleship Imperial is ready to go to another planet that is being invaded by the Burning Legion to start the salvation of imperial socialism.

All this, for the King of Steel, is nothing but leisure while dozing off on the golden horse...cough cough...on the throne.

Carlos could not find his shadow under the old face of the Iron King, but the Iron King would not forget his young and frivolous comfort.

From the very beginning, the King of Steel had no intention of killing, which was the fundamental reason why Carlos didn't use the Light Bomb to confuse his face.

"Be nice to your parents. You may understand the pain of the child's desire to support but the parent's absence, but you often forget it."


"Be nice to your friends. Helping or not helping relatives is just a slogan. Those who really do that are all betrayed by their relatives. Turning those who are worthy of help into relatives and friends is the real way to king. But helping relatives and ignoring them Don’t forget to find a lot of excuses for yourself when you’re doing it, or your subordinates won’t find a breakthrough if they want to help you clean up."

"Go away, I am a Paladin."

"Terrenas is not credible. It is not that I slander his personality, but as a mature politician, his soul comforted by gravity can no longer see the journey of the stars and the sea."

"My old father-in-law doesn't need you to comment."

"Delin Proudmoore is a good comrade, this kind of big humanist belongs to the human fifty cents party with its own dry food, as long as..."

"You are already translucent, what are you talking about?"

It is not difficult to guess that the Five-member Team of Warriors Through Time and Space should have solved the Iron Guard and destroyed the singularity of twisting time. The basic conditions of the Iron King's world have been destroyed, and the foreign objects repelled by time and space are being expelled by time and space bit by bit.

The existence of the steel king is fading.

"Yeah, the dream is about to wake up."

The King of Steel stretched out, grinned at Carlos with a kind face, and then hung himself coldly.

"So you must listen carefully to what I am going to say, and listen in."

Countless ball lightning did not know where it was released from behind the steel king, blocking the surrounding space, and the powerful electrostatic force field blocked the possibility of external peeping.

"Thinking with your ass, you can also think that this moth was made by a bronze dragon. But this is not important. At least it is not important to you, because I was underestimated. Next, I will focus on it. Remember to remember. !"


Carlos looked at the increasingly fuzzy King of Steel, and understood the joy behind his Mong Sao, but could not accept this kind of cold humor that earthly talents understand.

"Be careful of the Emerald Dream. The power of time cannot be touched by mortals and cannot be disobeyed. However, the span of Ten Thousand Years is too long for us. Azeroth has continued to collapse for many years, and it is not bad for the past few years. You have touched Encountering the power of that stage, so as an elder, I must remind you not to be blurred by the ups and downs of the bronze dragon, and you must be careful of the Emerald Dream. It is not just a blueprint, but the Emerald Dream has other things. The role, even Ysera does not understand the role, even I suspect that the existence of the Emerald Dream is the source of the difference between Azeroth and the world transformed by other Titans. Don’t be disturbed and misled by your memory, use your eyes to see Observe, use your heart to perceive, and find out the secrets I haven't been able to find out."

As he talked, the king of steel gradually annihilated and disappeared, leaving only one hand to make a classic Terminator look.

Will star people die if not being handsome?

With mixed feelings, Carlos found that the thumb extended by the King of Steel had become a tall middle finger.

Then, there is no trace of his existence in this time and space.

what is this?

A farce?

Inexplicably fight with another time-space self, and then have a mouthful?

When Carlos returned to the banquet hall thoughtfully, he realized that he was too naive.

Where are the cups for a coffee table, with pots and pans on it, OK?

"Who can tell me what's going on here? Did the Burning Legion hit the door?"

Carlos asked dumbfounded.

"That...I did it."

The druid raised his hand in embarrassment.

Looking around, the stumps of limbs all over the floor have broken arms, but because of the lock in time and space, there is no drop of blood flowing out. The shattered head, the liver and kidney organs in good shape, and the banquet guests stacked on a hill like plastic models, are indescribably weird and miserable.

"Are you an agent sent by the legion?"

"I am a druid representing love and justice."

"Then please give me an explanation."

"The four of them were too incompetent to fight, and finally I threw a bottle of volcanic potion."


"Then I couldn't beat it, and I threw another bottle of Dragon's Breath Potion."


"No, really, I just threw two bottles!"

"What the orc tribe hasn't done for so long, you have done it. Two bottles of potion destroyed one-third of the alliance's strength, it's okay."

For a moment, Carlos wanted to give up thinking.

But since the state of space confinement has not been lifted, there is still room for recovery.

Asking the Druid to find the other four guys, Carlos discussed with them and concluded that he must tie the bell to untie the bell.

"Then trouble you. The action to clear the twisted time singularity is temporarily slowed down. I'll go to Chromie's trouble."

"Trouble with Chromie?"

"You got it wrong, it was to find Chromie to solve the problem."

After arranging the work, Carlos put on his equipment and went to the stables, only to find that the situation had deteriorated. It was only the static state of time inside the castle that had spread outward, and the horses in the stables were still motionless.

There is no way, time is too tight, and Carlos can't allow Carlos to save his strength adjustment status, open the wings of the holy light, and set off with the humanoid Gundam.

As a native of Guy Erdalon County, Carlos knew the location of the tidal flat where Galiya was involved. Luffy rushed at the economic cruising speed, feeling the tension in the air. Carlos, who had consumed 30% of his stamina by running, had to stop and take a breath.

Fortunately, Jia Liya's boat was still on the lake, the hull was intact, and it seemed that there was no major problem.

The problem is the semicircular black confined space in front of you.

Different from the deepness of the night sky, it is pure black, black that absorbs all light, like black that has been swallowed up by a corner of the world, and black that exudes ominous aura.

Without much consideration, Carlos stepped into it with his head high.

Entering the eye, it is a huge form as majestic as a mountain.

"You shouldn't have come."

"I'm here anyway."

"Run away."

"Think too much."

"Run away, please."


"I can't control myself."

The bronze dragon Kromi writhed painfully like a huge body with albinism. On the head of the dragon where majesty and beauty coexist, only one eye was still golden yellow, and the other was as black as ink.

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