When most people were still skeptical of Carlos' doomsday predictions, thinking that the king of Alterac was talking nonsense from heatstroke, the mages had basically begun to operate at full capacity and were ready to save themselves.

Medivh’s dying blow was a curse and a blessing. Khadgar gained incomparable mystical wisdom while also guarding the troubles of aging symptoms.

But Carlos's magic communication made this old young man, regardless of his physical pain, resolutely a portal to the Burning Plains, to the forefront of saving the world.

What kind of fearless spirit is this, what kind of selfless dedication this is.

Except for stepping out of the portal, the gesture of a dog eating shit is a bit ugly...

"Kadgar, are you okay, I just need your wisdom and advice, not... well, ah, that... I should respect the old and love the young."

Carlos really didn't know what appropriate vocabulary should be used to describe the current situation, and after caring, he felt that he had said something wrong.

Fortunately, Khadgar didn't care.

With some difficulty recovering from the state of frustrated body bending forward, Khadgar's old face appeared increasingly pale, and he had to hold the staff with both hands at the same time to maintain a balanced posture, exposing his weakness.

"It's okay, don't care. Carlos, I am actually not as weak as I look. The development of the potion has achieved results, and my condition is basically under control. Now this state is just a side effect of the test drug. Let me rest for a while. Enough."

Khadgar explained particularly weakly, and Carlos hurriedly helped him to the camp bed. Regardless of Khadgar's protest, Carlos directly pushed him onto the bed and put a thin blanket on him intimately.

So Khadgar glared at Carlos.

"So your current state is not your true state. To put it simply, you are taking the wrong medicine?"

Facing Carlos's question, Khadgar turned off instantly.

"Yes. Potions are a subject that I want to be a profound knowledge. Even if I have made a little achievement in teleporting spells and fusion summoning, I am just getting started with potions. You know, there is an ancient proverb like this. By the way, it probably means that a smart doctor never treats himself. So..."

"You took the wrong medicine."

"Hey, I must declare that I have discovered a brand new herb. I named it Khadgar's beard!"

"You don't have a beard."

"I'm trying to heal the damage done to me by Medivh the Guardian. Do you know who Medivh is? Do you know how powerful the Guardian is, I..."

"You took the wrong medicine."

"Carlos! I'm dying, I'm trying to help you!"

Seeing Khadgar's desperation, Carlos felt relieved, it seemed that the little brother could not die.

"Okay, okay, that's the end of the joke. Do you know the general situation?"

"Well, who is that? The name is forgotten. You call him Fangzhuan. Well, it is him. He told me the general situation. To be honest, if someone else tells me that the world is about to be destroyed, I don't believe it. But you I believe it."

Khadgar rested for a while, feeling better, and a little ruddy on his face.

"Thank you for your trust, and then we must correct it a little. Our world is not that fragile. A Balrog can't destroy our world. But we humans will lose, or the alliance will fail."


Khadgar lifted his butt slightly, leaning against him a little so that he could lie down more comfortably.

"The Holy Light warned me that the Balrog King was awakened by an unexpected shock. Within five days at most, the surrounding Heishi Mountain will turn into a sea of ​​flames. It is not the kind of modifier that burns the house, but a sea of ​​flames. ."

Carlos's rhetoric is getting more and more awkward, and telling the truth and fooling people does not violate the paladin guidelines, and there is no psychological burden at all.

"Are you sure? I have done dreams. The more powerful people are, the more difficult it is to dream. Therefore, the dreams of the strong are generally closely related to the real world. But the predictive dreams that accurately know the time...this."Khadgar was worthy of being born by Banco in Dalaran.

"The Holy Light is omnipotent."

Carlos has a universal excuse.

"Well, praise the light, you go on."

Khadgar no longer struggled with this unmagical dream.

"The Balrog King is powerful, but not invincible. The only problem is time. We don't have time, at most four and a half days, and disaster is about to happen. We don't have time to prepare well."

"Have you not tried to persuade Marshal Lothar to withdraw to Ironforge or contact the guardian dragon?"

Khadgar was curious that he could think of a solution, how could Carlos not think of it.

So Carlos briefly talked about the troubles of the dragon kings' gang fights and the internal considerations of the alliance.

"Politics, it's really dirty."

Khadgar is younger than Carlos, although his experience with Lothar has made him more or less aware of what politics is and what a politician is, but the status of a consultant allows him to speak freely, but he does not have that share. The comprehension of bearing a heavy burden to make up your mind. When faced with the lives and deaths of more than 100,000 people and the rise and fall of the alliance, Khadgar was entangled and confused.

"It's impossible for the Alliance to organize a second southern expedition. If this accident disrupts the plan, then what awaits us will only be the regrouped orc army, and it will only be a more terrifying tribe."

Carlos told the most real future in cold language.

"Yes, the unity of mankind is as funny as the ethics of a bitch. What's more terrifying is that the joke itself is not funny. The army of this alliance is the strongest army in human history, even if Thoradin defeated the giant. The demon's army can't keep up with the current alliance. If we don't defeat the Horde and the Orcs in one go, we will reach the generation of our children...I dare not imagine."

Khadgar sat up, plunged into his thoughts, and constantly deduced the terrible future, startled him in a cold sweat.

[Um, I don't think you will have offspring, so don't be so panic. 】

Carlos's malice came quickly and went quickly. When Khadgar raised his head and asked, Carlos was the perfect paladin with comprehensive development of virtue, intelligence, physicality, beauty and labor.

"Did the Holy Light tell you what to do?"

Carlos thought for a while, but still didn't know how to conceal the deal between himself and Hydrasil Water Elemental.

"How much do you know about the war between elemental lords?"

"I read a little in Karazhan's library back then. The bloody ones are like vulgar novels."

"Hope is in this vulgar novel."

Carlos slowly turned away from his illicit water element activities, and described the part of the grandeur with a spring and autumn brushwork.

"So you hooked up with a Duke of the Water Elemental? This is awesome! You don't have to fan the flames, they will all fight on their own. Carlos, you are such a genius!"

Do you want to be so sharp!

After Khadgar listened to Carlos's preliminary plan, his whole body instantly became energetic.

"But... we have found the power to contain the Balrog King, what should we do specifically?"

The solution of one problem is often the beginning of another.

"Step by step, the tiles remind me that there is a storm altar near here, enough to summon the Hydrasil Water Elemental into our world. Now you can help me solve this problem. We need to cooperate with Hydrasil Water Elemental The leaders of the country can only solve the following problems by talking."

After speaking, Carlos gave Khadgar the water element crystal.

As a result, Khadgar became busy and became sick again that night and was bedridden.

"Kadgar, my child, you should enjoy the beach wine and cod dinner to get your body healthy, instead of going to this damn stove to suffer."

Lothar touched Khadgar's forehead in contact, trying to smooth his wrinkles.

From the outside, Lothar was a strong middle-aged man, and Khadgar was a white-haired old man in his sixties, so this kind of warmth scene seemed very strange.

But it was this weirdness that made Lothar even more distressed for Khadgar.

He is just a child!

My old friend Medivh, do you know what you have done!

"Sir, I'm fine, but the magic is overdrawn."

Khadgar tried awkwardly to explain, but Lothar stopped him.

"Is what Carlos said is true?"

"I think it's true. Carlos is a very powerful paladin. It is almost natural for the Holy Light to guide him."

"You know, if he is not the king of Alterac, I will catch him and put him in a cage."

"I know, so I have to come here."

"What should I do? Do I need to command the army to retreat?"

Lothar's trust was like a heavy mountain pressing on Khadgar's body, making him feel that his breathing was no longer smooth.

It turns out that making decisions is so difficult.

"Sorry, Sir, I don't know."

"Well, take a good rest."

Lothar covered Card with a blanket and turned to leave.

Going straight to Carlos's residence, Lothar signaled all his entourage to leave. Carlos made a look, and only two of them were left in the tent after the guard retreated.

"How much time do we have."

Lothar asked directly.

"It depends on the progress of the plan."

Carlos rubbed the bridge of his nose and answered.

"what's the plan?"

Lothar's expression was strange, not sure if it was serious or embarrassed.

"I've heard a word that the crisis is also a turning point. I agree. Although time is in a hurry, the initiative is still on our side."


"I was too impulsive during the day. I was taken away by the terrible prediction. After seeing Khadgar and talking to him, calm down and think about it. The situation is far from that bad."

"What's the meaning?"

"We have an absolute advantage in information. The tribe doesn't know, the two families of Blackstone Mountain don't know, and even the fire element itself doesn't know."

"Can you explain it in detail?"

Lothar became more confused as she listened.

"The Holy Light gave me guidance. Give me guidance."

After Carlos broke the sentence, Lothar understood.

"You mean that only you know this information?"

"So we can get a lot of benefits from the mismatch of information, and at the worst, it can also kill the orcs in the flames, right?"

Carlos's smiling rhetoric gave Lothar a new idea.

That's right, it is a crisis and a turning point. Even if the disaster does happen, as long as the loss of the Alliance is smaller than that of the Horde, it is a great victory.

"Sorry, Carlos, you know me..."

"Please don't apologize, Sir, you just did what you should do. If I were the commander of the league, I would be like you. If it wasn't for such a tight time..."

Lothar didn't say anything, but walked forward to hug Carlos, slapped him on the back twice, then let go, turned and left.

That night, a team of two hundred wizards endured huge distress. Accompanied by ten times the number of guards, they drove overnight, stepping through the nine orc camps, and arrived at the altar of storm before dawn.

"It's magnificent, Little Brick Brick, don't you think it is."

"Sora, I respect you as a grandmother and don't care about you, don't shame you."

"Whoever wants to be your elder, I will be your mistress sooner or later."

"Come on, don't take advantage of words, work quickly, we are running out of time."

"Ah~~~ I'm so unmotivated, what a big thing I want to do with a bunch of apprentices, it's really boring, I need to add Carlos elements."

The brick was speechless for a while, but suddenly remembered something.

"Young Master will come, and he will come with Khadgar, walk through the portal, and swish. If you find you are lazy..."

"Well, ah, that makes sense. It's work, little ones!"

The storm altar built by the orcs was built to summon the bosses of the Burning Legion into Azeroth. It would be a tragedy for humans to simply use it. However, Sora Starbreaker, as a senior bastard who had been mixed into the Royal Mage Tower of Silvermoon City, was no stranger to runestones, and it was a big trouble for her to transform the Altar of Storms.

But troublesome things are just troublesome things, not impossible.

The two hundred mages are definitely a great deal of the current alliance, including four high elf mages who belong to Quel'Thalas.

Originally, the elven mages refused to follow the instructions on the grounds that Sora Starbreaker was a political prisoner exiled from Silvermoon City.

So Sora Starbreaker used the law: Shock (Physical), reminding them that they not only have the title of Magister, but they have also been promoted to the Ranger Lord.

The words of those with big fists are always effective, even if they are reluctant, the renovation work began to bear fruit at noon the next day.

"The dust of the star realm is not enough. The powerful arcane essence is at least half the difference. Where are the magic light fragments and where are the enchanted thorium ingots? Let's mess up, you want nothing, and you want to transform this altar? You know the structure of the space. Are there four ways to elaborate?"

When Sora was losing her temper, a wave of spatial fluctuations calmed her down.

After a while, Khadgar and Carlos appeared together, and on the other side of the portal, you could see the scenery of Dalaran.

"This job can't be done, it's nothing, I can't do it anymore, I have to kiss and hug..."

Sora was stunned, Carlos really hugged her.

"Thanks, but please finish this work before sunset. You will have what you want."

Carlos finished speaking, let go of his arms, and stared at the tall stone carvings of the storm altar.

After Sola was sluggish for a moment, she suddenly got enthusiasm.

"Everyone is moving, moving, the leadership inspection work is still not performing, do you want to mix in the alliance?"

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