Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 421: Bring Your Eyes Together, I'll Show You Big Baby

"Chief, Reid can't be trusted!"

"I don't fully trust him, but the current situation requires me to show my trust in him."

"In just one day, the clan has already paid the lives of three thousand warriors just to get close to the man's outpost arrow tower?"

"This is part of the promise. I have fulfilled the promise. The rest is Reid's business."


"Nothing, Anduin Lothar, that cunning human, he ambushed at least 20,000 people in the Scorching Gorge near the gate of the Blackstone Mountain corridor, and he can reach the battlefield in half a day. Not only are we not dominant in numbers. , There is no place, and morale is not enough."

"Then let's retreat."

"Retreat? Where to retreat? Retreat to Draenor?"

"No, I don't mean that, I mean we can withdraw from this battle."

"I heard your suggestion, now warrior, obey the chief's order and get ready to fight."

"Oh, yes."

Orgrim stood on a small hill, watching the last alliance tower being pulled out by the warriors of the Horde, the road to the alliance camp had been opened, and the only one left was the one that made your scalp numb. Of the war fortress.

If the Blackstone clan does not split, I will tear down such a fortress in a day!

Orgrim gasped angrily.

For the unity of the tribe, Orgrim used to consume the vitality of the Blackrock clan too much before, but whenever he fought hard, there were always Blackrock Orcs.

However, the failure of cross-sea operations became the beginning of an inexplicable defeat.

Even if Hillbride was defeated by the Horde because of Gul'dan's betrayal, I don't know how many orc soldiers have separated from the human territory, and I don't know how many war materials are left on the continent of Lordaeron. But strategically speaking, the tribe is not a complete failure.

The environment in Northrend has deteriorated drastically, and the orcs need a new habitat. For this purpose, the tribe has no fear of sacrifice.

A failure of the Northern Expedition was completely painless. In Draenor, there were still thousands of orcs ready to go, and it was impossible for a small human alliance to stop the torrent of orcs.

It should be like this.

It should be like this.

It shouldn't be like this!

Orgrim found himself caught in the endless intrigue within the orcs.

Reid Blackhand took away some of the Blackrock Orcs, and the direct consequence was that Orgrim was unable to conquer the Blood Cave Clan and other small clans.

As long as the orcs regroup, the alliance is bound to usher in destruction.

Orgrim believed in this.

But at this moment, in addition to his hatred for Gul'dan, Orgrim had a trace of nostalgia.

Those warlocks are really good at manipulating people's hearts.

If the Blackrock Orcs garrisoned in Lakeside Town, Elwynn Forest, and Dark Portal are all mobilized to the front line and mobilized to the Burning Plains, Orgrim will be fearless. But the warchief of the tribe cannot and dare not give this order.

In order to unite the majority, the interests of a small group of people must always be sacrificed.

In order to unite the absolute majority of orcs, Orgrim must sacrifice his own interests.

Therefore, under Orgrim's sacrifice and dedication, the tribe is slowly recovering its vitality and regaining its morale.

It's just that the menacing alliance army is the strongest army since the Arathor Empire disintegrated the troll empire.

Facing such an alliance army, Orgrim had no belief in victory.

That's why there was this completely unreasonable offensive action.

Reid Blackhand proposed a plan to Orgrim, claiming that he took refuge in the black dragon only to defeat the enemy. As long as Orgrim led the attack on the alliance fortress, Blackhand would activate the mechanism to close the gate of the Blackrock Mountain corridor, and then from the rear Take advantage of the trend, and flanking Orgrim back and forth to destroy this Alliance army isolated in the Burning Plains.

And the only condition that Red Blackhand put forward is that this glory must belong to the Blackstone clan.

Very tempting plan, Orgrim thinks it is worth a try.

Therefore, the chief chief of the tribe left half of the tribe to watch the scene, and strictly ordered the remaining 100,000 orcs of other tribes in the Burning Plain to continue to reinforce the fortifications, build war equipment, and hoard food and grass. And he, led the other half of the Blackstone clan to carry out the plan of Reid Blackhand, which looked good.

"Warchief, it's getting dark, should the forwards prepare for the night battle?"

"Order to go down, let the forwards be better prepared, and at the same time prepare the second-line reserve team to counterattack. Tonight, our tribe and the opposing alliance, no one will have a good night's sleep."

While Orgrim was arranging troops, Lothar also arranged a response plan with many commanders at a distance of less than ten kilometers away from the Alliance War Fortress.

"The orc's offense is very strange this time. When something goes wrong, someone will always be a demon. I thought about it roughly, and it was nothing more than the fact that the front and back cut off our back and the possibility of defeating us to remove the fortress was the highest. "

Lothar touched the oily skin on the top of his head and began to roll the call.

"Uther, how is the defense behind the camp?"

"Marshal, because of the terrain, the defense of the tunnel leading to Heishi Mountain is very difficult, and even said that it is impossible to effectively defend. So I buried a lot of explosives directly outside the mountain pass. If the orcs dare to attack our rear from the direction of Heishi Mountain, I The explosives will be directly detonated, temporarily blocking their offensive route."

"Then what?"

Lothar continued to ask questions.

"Then I will stand by for help, waiting for the marshal's support."

"It's not a solution, it's better than no solution, so let's just sit."

Lothar nodded to indicate that Uther's plan was passed, and then asked the officers one by one to ask questions, from drinking water storage to ammunition supply, from injury placement to troop rotation. After discussion and negotiation, all the small but not negligible issues were discussed and negotiated. There was a solution that was not perfect but executable, Lothar finally asked: "Turayyan, didn't you prepare a bedtime snack for our old rival tonight?"

"Of course I am prepared to make the orcs happy until dawn."

Amidst a burst of pleasant laughter, a low and deep thunder came continuously. Listening to the direction, it was on the side of the altar of storm.

It's started...

Lothar closed his eyes, stunned, and opened it again, focusing on the battle before him.

Let's start...

Carlos...Alleria...must come back alive.

Turalyon was depressed because he could not pass.

It's started...

Uther's clenched palm exudes sacred light from the gap, and the light messenger is full of war.

"Will it rain in the Burning Plains too?"

Orgrim asked.

"Yes, there is a record of rain last winter."

"With such a loud thunder, I hope it won't be bad weather tomorrow."

The warchief of the tribe decided to go back to the camp and take a nap. I am afraid it will be a sleepless night tonight.

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