Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 424 Who is the Chosen One

There is no simple thing for a race that can mix and nod in Azeroth.

For example, murlocs, various ooze monsters, and dwarves.

In the Battle of the Three Hammers, the dwarven empire fell apart. Although the Bronzebeard dwarves were the biggest winner on the surface and took the Ironforge, the Bronzebeard dwarves born in the Guards were not actually the largest dwarf tribe with the largest population. Although occupying the name of orthodoxy, the dwarf's dead nature and long growth period, the population controlled by the Ironforge regime actually recovered slowly for more than 300 years, which is only about the same as it was 300 years ago.

Although the Wildhammer dwarves decisively withdrew from the mud pit of the Civil War in the late period of the Civil War, and taught his brothers to be dwarves with Bronzebeard when Thaurissan was in trouble, the decline and long migration of Grim Batol continued until In recent years, Eagle's Nest has determined the political center of the Wildhammer dwarves. Compared with the slow recovery of the Bronzebeard Dwarf, the Wildhammer Dwarf is actually just a stop loss, and the population recovery is far inferior to the Bronzebeard Dwarf of Ironforge.

Only the Dark Iron Dwarf, regardless of the defeat in the Battle of the Three Hammers, was slammed by the Bronzebeard and Wildhammer. Later, he was played off by his own king and summoned the Balrog King and even the capital was bombed. But the reality is so cruel and indifferent to funny. On the contrary, the Dark Iron dwarves who fell into a semi-colonial and semi-slave society not only rebuilt the Darkforge, built the Blackrock Mountain Fortress, and even restored the population base in 300 years. It is even more at the level before the Civil War.

This has to be said to be a very ironic thing, and it fully shows that the level of productivity development has little to do with the political system. Ragnaros is cruel but not stupid. He knows how to slap a sweet date. Although the class division of Dark Iron Dwarves is extremely serious, the number is really large...

To the extent that it can compete with the Murloc for a quantitative advantage...

"To be able to go back alive, I must have a good chat with Magni and ask how they won back then? This desperate amount is terrible."

Saidan Dathrohan, even a Paladin who was transferred as a great warrior, was sweating profusely after the three-hour raid, and felt a sense of collapse.

"It's okay, after all, it's the underground world, the home ground of the Dark Iron dwarves, and we passed through their barracks. It's not surprising that there are so many people."

Alleria seemed to be playing better with Dan Dassault, and her breathing was not evenly regulated.

"If Carlos hasn't come after the break, will something go wrong? Or I'll go back and see."

Saidan Dathrohan took a short break, felt better, and prepared to return to the battlefield.

"I advise you to hurry up and rest, don't make trouble for yourself, we are not here to fight the dark iron dwarves, don't put the cart before the horse."

Alleria said unceremoniously.

Saidan Dathrohan wanted to ask Alleria what they were doing here, but in the end they just moved their lips and didn't say much.

This is a taboo topic.

Seeing the soldiers around him rushing to drink water to rest, sharpening their swords and adjusting their armor belts, Saidan Dathrohan chose to remain silent.

Everyone knew that this action was to prevent a catastrophe from happening, but only Carlos and Khadgar knew how to prevent it and what the whole plan looked like.

However, Carlos was preparing to blow up a passage behind to block the pursuit of the Dark Iron dwarves. Khadgar was not here at the Altar of the Storm. This caused the topic of [what are we going to do?], it is simply a dead end. The morale of the whole army is -3.

A tremor came from the rock mass, and it didn't take long for Carlos to chase after the broken man.

"To count the casualties, everyone will rest for another ten minutes."

Carlos took off his helmet and ordered, then he found the location of Saidan Dathrohan and Alleria and walked over.

"The situation is not right."

Carlos frowned and said.

"Why not?"

Alleria asked puzzledly.

"The number of dark iron dwarves' armies is wrong."

Carlos shook his feet, then sat down cross-legged.

"too much?"

Saidan Dathrohan recalled the previous raid, with some lingering fears.

"not enough."

Carlos gave a surprising answer.

"This operation is an operation to save the world. The success of the operation is higher than the lives of soldiers. Even I am prepared for death. So when I ordered the raid on the barracks of the Dark Iron dwarves, I had already done all the work. The team was mentally prepared for the death of two-thirds of the personnel. At the same time, I was also ready to face an entire army of the Dark Iron Dwarves. The morale of the equipment is very bad, and the combat ability is even messy. Except for a small number of gray knights and musketeers, there are neither mages nor priests. I have reason to suspect that we encountered a slave army."

Carlos took out the water sac and took a sip, setting aside time for the audience to think.

"How much do you think the army that surrounded us just now?"

Seeing that neither Saidan Dathrohan nor Alleria didn't mean to speak, Carlos continued to guide.

"More than a thousand people."

"It looks like two thousand five hundred to three thousand people."

From this answer, Carlos had to look at Alleria with admiration. From the perspective of military talent, Saidan Dathrohan was indeed far behind Alleria, who was born by the Ranger General.

"According to my estimation, the number of enemies we will face should be five times this number, and it should be a regular army with combat effectiveness far exceeding those wasteful."

Carlos was not stupid enough to comment on who was right and who was wrong, but simply skipped the topic of enemy numbers.

"Use the fastest speed to rush through the open terrain. As long as you enter the tunnel, the enemy's numerical advantage cannot be fully utilized. This is the reason why I chose to rush. But when we rushed over, I thought about it and felt dark The dwarves’ combat effectiveness is incredible. Even if our fighters are the best and strongest fighters in the Alliance, in the face of this huge number gap, it’s a little too easy."

"It's a little easier."

Saidan Dathrohan rubbed his chin and looked thoughtful as he recalled the battle just now.

"Isn't it easy? The Dark Iron Dwarf is not an orc."

Alleria was a little unclear about the brain circuits of Byakugan's first two men, and there was some irony in her tone.

"So I suspect that the Dark Iron dwarves actually had military operations and drew their own legions. We were lucky, and the impact was actually an empty camp."

"Empty camp?"

"Ha! Empty camp..."

Carlos breathed a sigh of relief when another shock came from the explosion.

"Faye is still reliable at the critical moment, take the time to rest, the next journey is to compete for speed."

Taking out the scriptures, Carlos zoomed in on the three-dimensional topographic map, raised the volume and said: "The hardest part of the road has passed, and now we only need to go all the way down."

After a short while, Fang Zhuan and Sola also rushed to the temporary rest place with the mage and soldiers in charge of blasting, and the officer in charge of counting the casualties also came to report.

"Your Majesty, there are 317 people in the team, and 22 people were slightly injured."

"...You also take the time to rest, time is running out."

It took a while for Carlos to react. It was meaningless to ask the seriously wounded soldiers. All the seriously wounded soldiers chose to discontinue instead of dragging down their comrades.

On the projection map of the Scripture, the location of Carlos and the death squad and the destination they are going to are no more than five centimeters in a straight line. However, in the unfamiliar and dark underground passage, this will be a battle full of blood and fire. road.

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