Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 427: RPG or RTS is a question

The war has never changed.

The world has never been fair.

no Zuo no Die.

As the three principles closest to the truth in the universe, their importance is second only to the three propositions of philosophy.

Who am I? where am I? What to eat tonight.

Why are these three principles so important?

Because read it a few times more, it can suppress the monstrous anger.

At least at this moment near the Black Rock Mountain, the most powerful people have a sentence in their hearts that the impulse that MMP is about to be suppressed is about to spew out.

From Thaurissan's perspective, the surrenderers tried to use the power of the fire element to attack themselves. Gan! What happened to Laozi's daughter of Magni's Bronzebeard, what happened to her niece from a generational perspective, what happened to the black and white match, it was called winning glory for the country! I like Amora. What's wrong? I want to make her a queen. What's wrong with Lao Suo's family?

Thaurissan is really wronged. The royal party feels that he is too weak. Let the fire demon infiltrate the dark iron dwarves and lose power and humiliate the country. He is not a wise king. The surrenderers think he is too tough and the fire element is too much. Kun can offend him. Is it? The infinite fireball in minutes teaches how to be a human being. Only by following the footsteps of the fire element tai-kun can we create a big black stone co-prosperity circle; the Senate felt that he was not a good emperor to allow the citizens to slander the slavery of Wei Guangzheng, except for the tax booths. Nothing; the progressives of the Thorium Brotherhood try to launch a revolution all day long to establish a new order in Minzhu...Even the miners are thinking of digging a few more tons of mines to save money and buy slaves as slave owners. Minzhu your whole family!

State affairs and family affairs are not going well, public opinion and social conditions are worrying.

So the fact that humans raided the eastern barracks is considered a ball, and the army has been drawn to the forefront of the Black Dragon Army. What are the reasons for the hundreds of humans to worry about?

What is my big black iron pill, what alliance has been defeated, what is Amora’s work in Ironforge...

Thaurissan raised the hammer angrily, and smashed it when he rounded it up. The eloquent congressman was really intoxicated by the pleasure of spitting. He didn't think that the emperor would suddenly go mad and he was kicked directly.

"You want to send troops, I agree, you want to build more element temples I agree, you want more construction rights and mining rights I agree. Now, I want to give my woman an identity, you all Disagree?"

Thaurissan's outside light saw Amora hiding in the secret door, and he was angry, and he kept thinking about how to compensate Amora and how to deal with these disobedient courtiers.

As for human beings, they must first settle inside and clean up this darkforge first.

From Nefarian's perspective, the twenty-five, twenty-five, and all TMDs are twenty-five, except for my dear sister Onyxia, all of the Black Dragon Legion are twenty-five. The servants of the orcs still know to keep their due respect, but the other black dragons think he doesn't know those dirty private connections? It's just a little pretending to be sick, and so many twenty-five sons have been tested out, and it's dying! ! !

A few days ago, the Black Iron dwarves suddenly stepped up their offensive, and the fire elements were also ready to move. In the sky outside the Blackrock Tower, the red dragon and the green dragon were flaunting their strength. They pretended to be unwell, so let the Black Dragon Legion discuss a plan first...

As a result, a group of twenty-five boys did not discuss a feasible battle plan, but began to discuss the candidate for the acting army commander.

Nefarian, who had stabilized his injury, forced himself to continue lying on the bed and pretending to be disabled, silently watching the next group of two or five boys singing the big show, thinking about how to settle accounts after the fall.

But Nefarian selectively ignored and forgotten. In fact, Onyxia was his biggest rival in the Black Dragonflight.

The internal chaos greatly interfered with Nefarian's plan, and gathering power within the Black Dragon Legion became Nefarian's main task at present.

Therefore, through magic, Nefarian issued the latest order to Reid Blackman --- after gathering the clansmen, he immediately returned to the upper level of the Blackrock Tower, preparing to fight the Black Iron Dwarves.

As for the Alliance and the Horde, a group of low-level creatures will surrender to the great Black Dragon Legion sooner or later, so don't worry.

From Orgrim's perspective, what the Horde is most desperately lacking right now is not manpower, not weapons, or supplies, but morale. The army was defeated like a mountain, and the wall was pushed down by everyone. The biggest problem now is victory, a victory that is enough to inspire the morale of the people. Anyway, it wouldn't be too bad to fail, so Orgrim knew that Reid Blackhand was not that credible, so he still agreed to participate in this operation.

From the perspective of Anduin Lothar, all difficulties are paper tigers, and they cannot stop the alliance from victory to victory... There are a lot of orcs, and the offensive is a bit fierce!Contempt the enemy strategically and value the enemy tactically.

Anduin Lothar practiced this principle.

So when the battle officially started after dawn, Carlos' mission, more than three hundred alliance warriors, and the prediction were all left behind by the general marshal of the alliance - defeating the beast talent in front of him is the most critical thing.

The battle went into fierce heat from the beginning. The orcs with low morale seemed to succumb to their lives and forgot to fight, and their brave posture even touched Lothar, who had gone through the entire war. Could it be that it was as dark as the darkness at the beginning. The deep green tide is back?

But soon, Lothar found something unusual.

That is the front of the fortress bypassed by the orc's sharp offensive, launching an offensive along the outermost fortifications of the alliance in two arcs on the left and right, seeming to be roundabout.

"What is the orc doing? Don't break through our frontal defense, and detour to the north of the fortress...that's still a fortress!"

The officer next to Lothar also didn't understand the tribe's intentions, and confused everyone's questions.

After failing to penetrate the Burning Plain for the first time, the Alliance gave up the strategy of expanding the control area, and concentrated material and manpower to build this strong war fortress next to the main passage.

Even if the orcs succeeded in their detours, so what? In order to defend against the enemies that may appear in the Blackrock Tower, there is no difference between the back and the front of the fortress. The engineers of the alliance are not stupid, and the precise calculation concluded that even if the enemy occupied the high ground on the side of the Black Rock Mountain road, they could not use the altitude difference to bomb the outer wall of the fortress with siege weapons such as trebuchet artillery.

Because it is too far away, even the engineering tank in the hands of the Bronzebeard dwarf can't do it.

What's more, these roundabout orcs didn't carry obvious siege equipment at all, and those big guys simply couldn't hide them.

In this way, Anduin Lothar and Orgrim Doomhammer both misunderstood these orcs with a fanatical fighting spirit. These orcs are eager to express themselves to the new owner.

The aftermath of Gul'dan's death was fermenting, and Orgrim didn't understand the profound influence of the demon's blood on the spiritual level of the orcs. The penetration of the fel energy made the martial orcs become bloodthirsty and easy to kill. The fanatical mood is an extreme manifestation. This is also the reason why the orcs that invaded Azeroth became confused after their offensive was frustrated.

If Gul'dan is still there, Orgrim only needs to let his subordinates have another cup of demon blood, and the Horde army will be able to regroup and continue to fight with high spirits and the alliance led by Lothar to the death.

But, however, a pity, it is fortunate that Gul'dan is dead.

The orc's sanity is slowly returning.

Unfortunately, at this time that is not good or bad, the alliance's forces are pressing harder.

What's more troublesome is that the magic of the Black Dragon Legion is bewitching some hungry orcs.

As a result, Reid Blackhand's plan was basically successful. About 20,000 orcs hope to join the Black Dragon Legion, be sheltered by the Black Dragon, and gain brand new power to satisfy the hunger and thirst when the evil energy fades.

And Orgrim, the man beloved by Doomhammer, the rare wise man among the orcs, and the commander of force and strategy coexisting, but precisely because of his high personal strength, he ignored this.

Because Orgrim only relied on his personal willpower to resist the bloodthirsty impulse brought by the use of the devil's blood, and even his skin was not stained green by the fel energy.

So Orgrim took it for granted that all orcs should be like themselves.

"No matter what Reid is planning, it's not that important anymore, do you feel it? With this boiling warfare, the blood seems to start to burn. It seems that after returning from the strait, I was troubled by many things and rushed to unite the people. Orcs, after all, should fight, give orders, and prepare to advance forward!"

Orgrim understood that it would be difficult to break through the strong fortress built by mankind with just the little manpower in his hand.

But the desire to fight stimulated him, the long-lost pride came to his heart, and the tribe readily accepted the command of the warchief.

"Doomhammer is singing, it's a rare situation!"

Orgrim's conceit still blinded his eyes and his mind.

The pleasure of Doomhammer does not come from the perk of the orcs. As an artifact cast by the fire elemental spirit in the world of Draenor, it is naturally very sensitive to the power of the fire element. Doomhammer was excited by the approach of the elemental plane of fire in the world of Azeroth, and foretells Orgrim.

However, Orgrim would be wrong, wrongly believing Doomhammer was eager to fight.

Therefore, the fierce battle revolved around the alliance's war fortress.

The alliance's army is gradually moving closer to the fortress, and the outer fortifications are gradually being eaten away by the orcs. But Lothar was not in a hurry, and was even very satisfied with the situation.

Thirty thousand alliances and fifty thousand tribes, this is a total of eighty thousand soldiers, tightly the area around the war fortress can not be used at all. Regardless of the lively fighting now, the total number of soldiers on the two sides in the crossfire will not exceed 10,000. To advance to the outer wall of the fortress, the orcs must break through at least three lines of defense. The Union soldiers who rely on fortification defense will fight a very beautiful exchange ratio battle. It is very cost-effective to trade steel and rock and a small amount of blood for a large number of orc casualties.

Lothar was very satisfied with such a battle without being merciful.

On the first day, until the sky was completely dim, the tribe’s circuitous troops only covered two-thirds of the way, and Orgrim’s main force was still at least five kilometers away from the wall where Lothar was standing.

Neither the Alliance nor the Horde tried to carry out a night attack.

Because the battle has just begun, everyone is not in a hurry.

After a one-night rest, the fighting continued after dawn.

Reid Blackhand led the troops to emerge from the Blackrock Tower and encountered Uther's stubborn resistance, but even the Lightbringer was unable to stop so many orcs. Therefore, Uther detonated the pre-embedded explosives before the troops collapsed, temporarily blocking the path of Reid Blackhand, and allowing time for Lothar's deployment of troops.

Reid Blackhand appeared as promised, greatly boosting the morale of the orcs.

But Lothar was neither surprised nor panicked, still commanding the troops to fight calmly.

The war fortress is not a home for repairs. As long as the war fortress still stands on the ground, the orcs will not regain the same weight of flesh and blood, and they can't ask the alliance for any benefit.

So at almost the same moment, Anduin Lothar and Orgrim Doomhammer issued the same order: request reinforcements.

War is cruel, and war is beautiful. Its unique violent aesthetics stimulates the participants, from sight, hearing, smell, touch and even taste, it all vents the sense of existence.

In just a day and a half, Turalyon seemed to have returned to Hillblad Hills, back to the most difficult time, as if most of the rest of the year was just a dream.

Tired, but not painful.

As Lothar's adjutant, Turalyon did not often stay with the generals. Because he always represents Lothar's authority in the most urgent places of the battle, using superb command art and Penultimate martial arts to add a bargaining chip called the alliance to the balance of victory.

As a result, when everyone, humans, and orcs, are doing their best for this war game, a man named Carlos Barov is leading the remaining death squads in the underground tunnels thousands of meters deep. Fate ran wildly.

The end has not yet come, the end is coming.

The Haidaxia water element went straight ahead, and the giant water element named Haida Garcia was even more fanatical.

Originally, Carlos thought that the force of the water element and the fire element is nothing more than the conflict between water and fire, which creates a large amount of water vapor.

However, after Khadgar controlled the small living water element to reach the lava lake, he passed out before giving a warning.

"Run as far as you can."

This was the final warning before Khadgar went into a coma.

No one would ignore Khadgar's warning, so the whole team moved quickly.

But it's not fast enough.

After a brief calm, Carlos finally understood what Khadgar had foreseen.Or what did the Hydrasia water element do?

From the very beginning, the giant water element Haida Garcia never thought of having an elemental power contest with the fire element in the material world. Even if there is a storm altar as a connection node, the Hydrasia Water Elemental Legion cannot compete with the Balrog in the home field of Ragnaros. So Haida Garcia's decision to help the fire elements.


Regardless of whether it was the idea of ​​the giant water element or the higher-level plan of the water element of Hydrasia, Carlos's action was successful.

Hyda Garcia annihilated his elemental core, and the majestic power of the water element caused a fierce shock in the Molten Heart. Ragnaros is no stranger to the power of the water element of his old rival. The Balrog king mocks his opponent's insignificance and weakness while accelerating the speed of Molten Heart's invasion of the material plane.

As a result, the King of Flame Demon was placed.

The power of the water element did not choose to directly confront the power of the fire element, but immersed in the earth. The hot magma was rapidly cooled, and the magma river as a carrier of power quickly solidified into an iron river. The molten core, which had no fixed shape, was confined in the depths of the earth by a hard shell.

Quenching, the word that Carlos can think of is quenching. The Molten Heart was solidified in the depths of the earth's crust.

Ragnaros succeeded and failed.

Molten Core did successfully connect the elemental plane of fire with the material world of Azeroth.

But the solidified demiplane is still several kilometers away from the surface of Azeroth.

And along with a large amount of crustal material being consumed by the solidification effect of the water and fire, huge stratum cavities were formed and continued to expand.

The more angry Ragnaros is and the more he wields its power, the outer shell of the Molten Core will become stronger, the more rocks and soil will be consumed, the larger the underground cavity, and the faster the sinking speed of the Molten Core will be. Faster.

What an earthquake is, the turbulence of plate movement is nothing but the shaking of the earth.

The result of the combined action of the water element and the fire element is indeed the rapid settlement of the earth.

The rock and soil above the Molten Core continued to fall under the action of gravity, filling the void, and the stability of the crustal plates was greatly weakened.

Carlos sensed all this through the power of the Holy Light, so he flees lifelessly, if he and his death squad don't want to be buried in the land and become fossils.

As the burning plain on the surface, fierce battles made the two fighting parties have no time to consider the anomalies of the earth.

In the absence of the guardian of the earth, Nesario, the king of the black dragon, and the former guardian Aegwynn activated the rune tower to weaken the power of the earth, the giant water element Haida Garcia, which is about to annihilate the form, exploded with its final power. Induce the last impact of the Elemental Plane of Water, and then vanish in front of the humans watching the storm altar.

After that, there was a strong earthquake.

At the top of the Blackrock Pagoda, Nefarian felt all this, and even ignored the continued pretending to test the center of the legion, and hurried to the control center left by his father to stabilize the entire Blackrock Mountain.

The black dragon prince’s actions were fruitful, and Neltharion’s legacy of power ensured that the Blackrock Tower would not collapse due to changes in the earth. It's just this kind of action that aggravated the turbulence of the earth.

As a result, the scene that only circulated among the bard population appeared in the Burning Plains.

"I saw the earth cracking, I saw the smoke filled the sky, the sun lost its brilliance, and the birds and beasts became extinct."

In scientific terms, this is a deep-seated tectonic collapse compound earthquake.

As one of the initiators, Carlos was busy escaping underground.

Successfully prevented the death squad of Ragnaros from rushing underground in pain and joy, trying to find a way to the surface before the underground passage was destroyed by the earthquake.

The Union soldiers who fought on the surface were attacked by unknown fears.

Simply, the orcs are the same.

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