Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 429 Chief Engineer, Laozi's Saint George Flag!

The world trembles because of my torture, and the sad kingdom collapses in my anger! Eventually the entire Azeroth will be destroyed. In my shadow, everything is ashes!

My name is the Wings of Death, the destroyer of destiny, the terminator of all things. Unstoppable, unbreakable, I am a catastrophe!

Keke, the word is strung, the word is strung.

Let the flame purify everything!

firewall! firewall! firewall! Ragnaros has done his best! Ragnaros has done his best! Don't give Hydrasia Water Elemental any chance! The Balrog Lord of the great Fire Elemental Legion, it has inherited the glorious tradition of the elements! Neptulon, Al'Akir, and Therazane are possessed by their souls at this moment! Ragnaros, it represents the tradition of the elements with a long history of invasion! At this moment, it is not fighting alone! It is not alone!

Carlos Barov's plan is not worth mentioning.

The blocking of Hydrasia's water element is worthless.

Even the elemental enchantment left by Sargeras could not stop the great Balrog from returning to the road of conquest.

"The whole world will burn, and taste the flames of Suffron! Bugs."

The heroic laughter of the King of Flames who squandered his mighty power echoed in the Molten Heart, and the Fire Elemental Legion cheered for the Lord's arrival.

It's just that the excited fire elements have overlooked a small problem-the echo is a bit loud.

The more Ragnaros wielded his power recklessly, the harder the outer shell of Molten Core, and even because of it, a vein of black iron with huge reserves is taking shape.

So when Ragnaros calmed down a bit, some couldn't get off the stage.

The power of the Balrog King is not only embodied in the flames of destruction, but without profound knowledge of space geometry, how can he burn through the elemental barrier left by the Titan. So without expending much effort, Ragnaros understood the current situation.

How could a mere thousands of meters of rock and soil block the Balrog King from conquering the world?

burn! burn! burn!

Ragnaros wielded a huge warhammer and set off a huge heat wave, preparing to pierce the earth's crust with a fiery torrent, preparing to remind the creatures of Azeroth of the horror dominated by flames.

Then, Nefarian's fusion blow came from the sky... the earth... the top...

Only the wrong name is not called the wrong nickname, Nesario, as the guardian of the earth, originally had great control over the earth. The Black Rock Tower of Heishi Mountain was originally created by the power of Ragnaros. It was snatched by the Black Dragon King and used it as the lair, so how could it not prevent it.

The suppression circle that the guardians of the earth left in the Blackrock Tower was fully energized under the operation of Nefarian, and the effect was not comparable to that of Aegwynn's hastily arranged rune towers.

The earth is becoming hard.

There is no victor in this battle that is not known to the vast number of creatures.

Nefarian is not Neltharion after all, without the power of its father.

Ragnaros is not fighting at home after all, and cannot get unlimited support from the Elemental Plane of Fire.

So after a strong collision, everyone stopped.

"Contact the Dark Iron Dwarf and dig a way to the outside. Exotus, the Molten Heart is temporarily handed over to you."

Ragnaros waved out the essence of the flame, and the named fire demon quickly expanded after absorbing the blessing of the Balrog King.

"Yes, my master."

In the Blackrock Tower, Onyxia sniffed the leaked magic power all the way to the secret room.

"Dear brother, why don't I know there is such a place in the Blackrock Tower?"

"Dear sister, this is a little preventive measure left by my father."



The geological structure of the Burning Plains is inherently unstable, and volcanic eruptions happen from time to time. Neither the two parties or the two parties who are fighting have taken this series of vibrations too seriously.

It seems that everything before is as accustomed as "Hello" and "Tenten is angry today".

Not even Carlos and Khadgar, who was in a coma, knew that there was a huge hole in the ground.

Those who were fighting for power continued to intrigue, and the swordsmen continued to fight and die.

Until classical mechanics roared at Schrödinger's cat, Anduin Lothar and Orgrim didn't understand how to calculate the load-bearing limit of the earth's crust.

There are basically four types of earthquakes, but to put it simply, there are two types-shaking back and forth in the horizontal direction, and shaking up and down.

As far as humans and orcs are concerned, shaking from side to side is far less dangerous than shaking up and down.

The tragic result of shaking up and down is almost dozens of times that of a social shaking of the same intensity.

The rock formations collapsed and the sky was full of dust. Numerous gaps large enough to swallow the dragon's size appeared in the middle of the Burning Plain, blocking Orgrim's retreat, and the strong shaking destroyed the fortress wall that Anduin Lothar spent months building.

Whether it is an orc or a human, even these tough fighters who are not afraid of death, look so small and helpless in the face of this terrible natural disaster.

For a time, the Burning Plains won the long-lost peace.

"Don't worry about the casualties, don't check the property! Offense, Nick offense, don't let the orcs recover! Immediately! Now! Don't worry about the establishment, don't think about any control rights! Offense! Offense! Offense! All legions attack!"

Lothar had foreseen the terrible future when the others were still blank, and issued the last order he could give.

The city wall is broken, although the southwestern and northern city walls are still intact, what's the use? The walls in other directions were riddled with holes and in a mess.

Without these fortifications, it would be a daunting challenge to rely on 30,000 soldiers to fight the 50,000 orcs led by Orgrim. God knows how many guys are hidden in the Blackrock Tower.

It must be fast. Only when you move, and only before the dust and smoke dissipate, and only before the orcs react to the full line of attack, take out the vicious appearance of the wicked first to complain, and then there is the possibility of survival from the Jedi!

Lothar walked in the camp and constantly urged the generals around him to leave, constantly shouting loudly for the stunned soldiers all over the ground.

Fortunately, Orgrim was not much better there.

The previous continuous small shocks paralyzed everyone, and when the last huge earthquake occurred, no one was mentally prepared.

The Hammer of Doom in Orgrim's hands was a bit hot, but Orgrim couldn't satisfy the hammer's desire to fight.

Because he is the commander-in-chief, the warchief of the orcs.

"Warlord! Commander! Centurion! Go gather the troops! Attack! Keep on attacking! The alliance is over! Their walls have collapsed! Victory belongs to the Horde! LOKTAR! LOKTAROGAR!!!"

Obviously the hustle and bustle in front of him, Orgrim saw only dark gray volcanic ash clouds, but the warchief of the tribe did not hesitate to bring a wave of rhythm. Attracted a frantic howling around.

Anduin Lothar and Orgrim Doomhammer made almost identical judgments without any source of intelligence.

In this battle, you can't stand firmly and retreat, and stand firm and retreat equals death!

Panic will kill everyone! ! !

Without the follow-up force, the dusty situation caused by the fracture of the bottom layer gradually improved. The particles restrained by the prime minister gradually looked back on the ground, and piled up a thick layer on the top of the tent, on the shoulder armor, and on all the platforms that could be attached.

Lothar did not fully mobilize the soldiers of the alliance, nor did Orgrim be able to throw out everyone in his hands.

They are excellent tactics. Penultimate's generals are infectious heroes, not gods.

So in Lothar's eyes, the hope gradually faded...

Those orcs who went round and round...

Those orcs are here!

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