Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 43 I heard that there is a tactic called philosophical flow

What is the most magical magic in the world? A thousand mages will give you 10,000 answers.

What is the most magical material in the world? Ten thousand people will give you an answer.


After using the gold coin magic, General Odren willingly acted as Carlos's left and right hand, Lord Metz sent a powerful thug, and thousands of soldiers who had been away from home for half a year had forgotten the pain of the march. Isshin asked for battle.

"I have a word, please listen to me."

Uncle Brick and several wizards jointly cast a large-scale sound reinforcement magic, and Carlos was able to speak directly to thousands of soldiers.

"I have a dream. This dream has been deeply rooted in my heart since I am sensible. From the white snow of Alterac to the scorching sun of Arathi, people work hard in the mountains and forests and in the fields; from the town of South Blue The blue waves are surging to the towering trees in the Hinterlands. Humans, dwarves, and various civilized species use their own hands and clever wisdom to ask for a living space from nature. Whether nobles or commoners, lords or farmers, civilization is for survival. Struggle every day. The world is so vast and the taste of life is so sweet. So I dream that one day, everyone can eat and dress well; so I dream that one day, everyone can spare money after sunset Go to the pub for a couple of drinks.

Let everyone laugh, there is no dream to pursue. But it is very real and very realistic. Because if luck is good enough, I will become the king of some of you.

But why are we here, where our hometown is in the big forest thousands of miles away for more than half a year? Because our right to survive is threatened!

I know that many people have cursed Prince Jario secretly, saying that he was fine to run so far, and he deserved it.

But have you ever thought about a question, my soldiers. If the life power of a prince cannot be guaranteed, then as an ordinary person, do you feel safe in your life?

Today, a jackal attacked your neighbor, and you pretended not to see; tomorrow, a lion attacked your sheriff, and you pretended not to see; the day after tomorrow, a brown bear attacked your village chief, and you pretended I did not see it. The day after tomorrow, wolves, lions, and brown bears appear at your door together. Who do you expect to save you?

My brethren, trolls, those uncivilized trolls, they still retain the tradition of cannibalism, and they also have the tradition of digging out the hearts of captives and offering sacrifices to the evil gods.

Yes, there is also a tradition of burial with gold jewelry. "

At this point, a huge discussion sounded like a thunder, Carlos stopped speaking, and began to pace with his hands behind him.

"Is there enough discussion, my brothers. If there is enough, please listen to me."

Gradually, the scene calmed down, and there was no other sound except the horse's restlessness and nose.

"The rumors are true that Shadra Lori has a lot of gold and silver jewelry. But as soldiers, how much do you think you can get? To be honest, those treasures have little to do with you."

The whole scene exploded in an instant, and many soldiers glared at Carlos.

A Great Fireball soared into the sky, exploding in midair, and the harsh screams suppressed the hum of human voices.

"Please forgive me, brothers, I'm telling the truth. I'm angry? I'm angry? But you can't deny that I'm telling the truth, because you think so in your own heart.

But, now, at this moment, I give you this opportunity to let you, each of you, participate in this feast. "

Carlos's twists and turns of speech attracted everyone's attention. Although the noble lords who were present knew in advance that the speech was a bit out of character, they still looked a little unnatural.

"At the highest meeting of the Allied Forces, all commanders and middle-level officers witnessed and signed an agreement. The agreement stipulates that in the next two battles, we will distribute the spoils according to the heads of the trolls. Yes, you heard it right. , Count the money by beheading, the troll's head is equal to gold coins!"

"The losers of the trolls of Shadra Lori called thugs, maybe one thousand, maybe two thousand, up to three thousand. Kill them all, then break through Shadralo, loot the loot, count the heads, divide the money, go home!"

After a moment of calm, under the leadership of hundreds of pre-prepared nurseries, the atmosphere suddenly rose. The soldiers screamed and yelled frantically, mixed with inexplicable excitement, and vented inexplicable anger.

After the oath of divisions, each soldier of the entire coalition carried a five-day ration, and the whole army moved forward, preparing to defeat the troll frontally in the field battle with reinforcements from the Sinsaro Clan.

"Heni, I give you the three hundred soldiers carefully trained by Barov, two hundred dwarf warriors including the treasure house guards, and the artillery of Kul Tiras. Suppress Shadralo and the guards. The important task of Terminator Fortress is left to you." Carlos arranged follow-up matters.

"My lord, is it necessary to bet it all? We will win the battle steadily." Heni Marebu said with some worry.

"Heney, winter is coming, get ready in advance." Carlos ignored Heney's suggestion and patted him on the shoulder and left the fortress.

"Don't worry, General, there will be no enemy from Shadralo behind you." Henni Mareb assured Carlos.

The plan to get the approval of General Audron will naturally not be Carlos's whimsical. The change came from our King Aiden. After learning that the coalition forces had killed at least 2,000 trolls, he felt that it was enough. He refused to provide any more money and requested the coalition forces to withdraw. And it is impossible for the Barov family to bypass the king and provide supplies for the coalition forces alone. If it is entangled by Sinsalor's Evil Branch clan, even if the coalition forces break through Shadraro, there will be no time to search for the treasure and transport it back to Alterac safely. The worst result was that Shadralo could not be attacked, and the coalition forces withdrew from the Hinterlands with a heavy loss.

Therefore, the only HAPPYEND option is to defeat the enemy's aid from Sinsaro head-on, and then smash the crunchy shell of Shadralo with the momentum of thunder.

At this time, the advantages of human urbanization are revealed. A 500-man troop, relying on the Terminator fortress and a series of camps behind it, can ensure the army’s back path, even if Henni Marebu shrinks in the Terminator fortress. There is no big problem.

At the beginning of October, the Hinterlands hadn't completely cooled down. Soldiers put on blankets and baked the bonfire, and they could barely survive the night in the wild. In the daytime, the five thousand army was divided into three paths and marched at a distance of less than five miles. The mountains and plains were full of the sound of birds leaving their nests and wild beasts. The coalition forces did not expect to hide from the enemy, nor did they think of launching a surprise attack. As long as they found their opponents, they were doing it.

After two and a half days of marching, General Audron first encountered the scout sent back by Biglas. The coalition forces quickly adjusted their direction and marched. At about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, they met with the forward of the Evil Branch Troll.

"Carlos, what do you think, is it to wait until the troops are assembled for a decisive battle or just fight like this?" General Odren came down from the tree and asked Carlos.

"Add fuel tactics." Carlos said cruelly.

"Well, it's a good way." General Odren pondered for a while, and also thought that this way was good.

If one strikes down the forward of the Sinsalor troll, then the large forces will retreat, and the coalition forces need to chase the troll to fight, which is too passive. If you wait for the troops to gather, the sky is dark and there are too many variables, and the troll can be completely dragged by a fighting.

Therefore, in the forest of the Hinterland near the Northwest Mountains, a melee involving more than 7,000 humanoid creatures lasted from afternoon to late night. When the troll found that the situation was not right, it was already surrounded by three sides.

"Carlos, the team is in chaos, camp on the spot, and fight again tomorrow." The weaving of the entire coalition has long been messed up, and General Audron found Carlos in the latter half of the night.

If you take a bird's eye view of the earth from the sky, you will find the light of countless torches leaking from the gaps in the trees, and the entire area is like a bomb about to explode.

"General, this battle was lively. In fact, neither side was hurt. After daybreak, the trolls can retreat into the mountains calmly, but we don't have enough rations and those guys with long legs and teeth." Ka Loth's eyes were a little red from the smoke from the crude torch.

"Then what do you mean?" General Audron asked.

"Correct the table below." Carlos took out his pocket watch and checked the time with the general.

"Three hours later, I will lead the Alterac Knights and all the troops that can be found in the vicinity to launch an attack. Please gather as many other troops as possible and join the battlefield within half an hour." Carlos took over and handed over. The water bag that came, took a sip.

"Night battle, once it fails, it may cause panic, and the army will be defeated like a mountain, and it will be difficult to gather the troops!" General Odren was startled by Carlos' boldness.

"I don't have the courage to be desperate, why enjoy the superior life, General, you forgot how much you can get if you win?" Carlos whispered in Audron's ear.

"Done!" Audron's eyes were also full of bloodshot eyes.

PS: The so-called philosophical flow is the ultimate human tactic in StarCraft 2. This tactic can make our side the strongest melee unit SCV of the human race with a minimum of 50 population on the battlefield. The philosophy flowed out. Either the opponent GG is ours. GG, there is no other possibility.

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