Anomaly Of Warcraft

Chapter 433: Listening to Mother Talking About the Past

"I want to save the people, but the people are not worth saving. What they need is a dictator, a ruler, and a king."

Revolutionary Sola Starbreaker, under the constant provocation of Silvermoon City Ranger Lord Alleria Windrunner, finally revealed his true thoughts.

An unsurprising story, the growth history of a gifted child.

Sora showed extraordinary magic talent and Penultimate learning ability when he was a child. So she went to Quel'Danas of course, bathed in the radiance of the sun well to learn the best magic of the high elves, and was awarded the title of the Great Magister at the age of less than 100 years. If according to the vision of others, young Sora should continue to advance on the road of magic by leaps and bounds, becoming the defender of Silvermoon City and a solid supporter of the Sunstrider Dynasty.

Sola once thought so too.

Until she fell into a philosophical dilemma-what is noble?

Why are nobles noble, why high elves are superior, and why kings are kings.

Originally it was only a philosophical question, Sola asked all the elders who could ask for advice. But the more I hear the answers from the elders, the more confused, the more I want to understand, the less I understand.

Until one day, when the great magister Bi Luohua sighed and said to Sora, "maybe only the gods can answer your puzzles", the female elf gave up her status as the great magister without hesitation and became a priest.

Sora did not regret the change of status, because in the days of temple practice, she understood the value of tolerance and redemption, and understood the charm of equality among all beings.

However, this was also the beginning of the suffering in her spiritual world.

If divided by a hundred years, her generation can be regarded as the witness of the last pioneering era of Silvermoon City.

Sora Starbreaker witnessed the decay of Silvermoon City...

Inadequate and the depravity of outsiders.

The royal family was caught in a power struggle with the parliament. The people were not enterprising and satisfied with the excellent life brought about by magical technology. Knowledge and access to ascendance were monopolized, and the racial class was gradually solidified.

What is the difference between this and the kaldorei dynasty of the night elves that have been criticized and despised?

In the days when he was a priest in the temple, the leisurely life gave Sola a lot of time to think about life. Refer to the classics.

Reflecting on history, Sola is lost in life.

So, her teacher suggested that she return to the court of the Sunstrider King and return to the power center of the high elves.

It is no use thinking more, only practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Nothing can be changed without doing it.

That year, Alleria was promoted to the Ranger Lord because of the suppression of trolls.

So the genius girl Sola Starbreaker decided to change her job again and join the Farstrider Army.

The arduous training didn't baffle Sora, but because of the persistent efforts of Alleria and their generation, when Sora gained the title of Ranger, Zuaman's troll remnant party could not even be called an opponent.

Qing and suppression trolls have become a means for the nobles' children to accumulate meritorious service and seek promotion.

Silvermoon City's army is still strong, but under such a strong, corruption and evil breed.

In another hundred years, Sora has done almost all the professions he can think of, and has gone through Quel'Thalas.

An inexplicable grief swelled in her chest.

She finally understood what Bi Luohua said back then.

The Grand Magister didn't really want her to ask the gods for advice, but sighed about her weakness.

She was not alone in Sola Starbreaker, a wise person who saw the clue, but other wise people chose to remain silent.

What you don't want to say, let me do it.

What you don't want to do, I will do it.

With this sentiment, Sora stepped into the political Uzumaki of Silvermoon City.

In the struggle between the Sunstriders and the Silvermoon City Council, countless good proposals were put on hold and countless kind people were deposed. The starting point for everything is politics, politics! politics! ! !

And what about the people of Silvermoon City?

All I care about are coins, clothes, food.

What he saw and heard tells Sora such a truth-the reason why aristocrats are aristocrats has nothing to do with nobleness, but because he and her father are aristocrats. Why are high elves superior to others, because the magical attainments of high elves are higher than that of humans.

This is not the Quel'Dorei that I am proud of, this is not the homeland I love!

Sola, who could not find a way out in confusion and indignation, was easily exploited like a fly in a glass jar and became a sharp knife in the hands of parliamentarians.

But truly smart people will never forget reflection and introspection.

After recognizing the nature of the parliamentary faction, Sora was determined to fight for the rights of all high elves.

Then she was thrown into a magic prison by the angry Sun King and Silvermoon City Councillors.

"Aren't you saying that we scorned the interests of the people? Then your crimes will be put on trial by the people."

Sora didn't understand, what did she do wrong?

It should be said that he did nothing at all, so why would he be judged?

Is it all guilty to think about it!

Fortunately, she was given the right to defend herself at the public trial meeting.

However, her impassionedness, her voice and affection, in the eyes of everyone in the audience, is nothing more than an unpleasant comedy.

Finally, Sola’s charge—conspiracy to coup d’état—has insufficient evidence and was found guilty of obstructing public order.

The penalty is imprisonment for one hundred years.

With the help of the family and the teacher, the Sun King pardoned Sola.

But hatred and anger inevitably grew wildly, especially when Sora knew that at the previous trial meeting, it only needed one gold coin and thirty-five silver coins to vote for her guilt.

Didn’t you say that the evidence is insufficient?

I'll show it to you!

Sola wandered through the countryside in the city, complaining of the nobles' inaction, and calling on the people of Quel'Thalas to unite for their own rights.

The final result was blocked by lawbreakers.

"Look at yourself, the great magister, the high-ranking priest, and the ranger. You are born on the side of the nobility, but you persuade a group of beneficiaries to start a revolution. Who will believe you."


Sora was betrayed by someone she wanted to help.

This time the punishment could not be said whether it was light or heavy. Sora was exiled and would never be able to set foot on Quel Silas.

"I'm a 300-year-old girl, how can I still be so extreme. Without the Sun King, there is no Sun Chaser King Court, how to unite Quel'Dorei."

Alleria couldn't help shook her head after hearing the remarks that the people were not worth saving.

She was obsessed with Sora, only because Sora was indeed a genius among the high elves.

But Sora had been reluctant to talk to her before, so Alleria did not expect that Sora would be so extreme after being exiled.

"Yes, the high elves do need a king, and I think I am competent."

Sora raised her head proudly.

"Do you want to be the queen of Silvermoon City?"

Alleria asked a little funny.

"No, I want to be the queen of all Quel'Dorei elves."

Sora curbed her serious answer.

"Are you sure you can do better than the Sun King?"

Alleria asked back.

"Yes, at least I can be sure that the alliance is the future of Quel Silas. Times are different. To close the country is tantamount to seeking a dead end. Magic can't save the high elves."

After Sora finished speaking, she ignored Alleria, forcibly ended the conversation, and continued her hunt.

No one else would know that in this virgin forest, two high elves once had such a conversation.

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