Carlos is determined to become a man who lives behind the expansion, just like those glorious forerunners who pass the classics to the world.

Such as Bai Yansong.

Such as Watsky Soder.

In order to achieve this goal, Carlos has worked tirelessly, and has successively published including but not limited to "Who is the Holy Light Flicker", "On Protracted War-Alliance and Tribe", "Paladin", "Flying Self -" You can also meditate," Alterac's Snow", "Lordaeron Doesn't Believe in Tears", "Frenzy Noble Son" and other books.

Or professional, elegant, popular, or entertaining.

In the eyes of most people, Carlos Barov is an outstanding king.

However, in the eyes of literature lovers, Carlos Barov is a literary writer who was delayed by his military talent.

Even such a big-mouthed gangster has embarrassing moments that cannot be described in words.

That's now, at this moment, Carlos wants to sing about how invincible it is~~ how lonely~~~ oh oh uh!

"What about people?"

Finally someone questioned Carlos.

Yeah, what about people!

Here at the Altar of Storms, there were at least more than two thousand machos before the action started. Dalaran also sent a large number of mages over, and Carlos' Alterac guards also had hundreds of them.

People? !

Afterwards, someone had gone to ruin the cabinets, and a lot of materials were piled up there, and even some of the meat had not rotted or deteriorated.

Where did the people go! ?

In the empty camp that can accommodate more than two thousand people, the warriors who have returned from the Seventy Numbers felt a burst of inexplicable creeps.

In the end, Khadgar walked out of the portal panting and wanted to say something to praise himself, but the unusual applications of the people around him made him ask suspiciously.

"It seems... something is wrong."

The main force was transferred, and I was forgotten by the political commissar under the Japanese artillery...

It took Carlos a lot of work to get the picture-conscious delusion out of his mind and bring his sanity back online.

"There are no traces of fighting, and the walk is hurried and planned, but the wind and sand are too big, covering many traces, and it is difficult to find more details. However, the evacuation time should not exceed two days."

Alleria strolled around the camp and made a conclusion.

"Oh! Why is it two days?"

Khadgar found a blind spot in his knowledge and decisively asked the ranger boss for advice.

"There is horse dung over there, go and smell it yourself."


Faye and Daddy Hunter talked to death, leaving the actor alone to think about life.

"No, it's impossible for my guard to leave like this without getting an order. Something must have happened."

Carlos has a sense of trance.

Isn’t it just going deep underground to save the world and being a savage on the way to an unknown deep mountain and snow forest for a few days? How to return to the place where the dream started...the people are gone?

"His Majesty Carlos, something has happened!"


"Observation station, observation station!"

"What happened to the observation station?"

"Please go to the observation station."

In fact, when you reach the top of the mountain, you may not be able to see all the mountains, just like you are standing on Mount Everest, the highest in the Himalayas, and you cannot see the scenery of the southeast coast, although theoretically there is no obstacle between the two points.

The same is true for the Altar of Storms.

Although the local location is very high, the visibility is actually not good. A wind vent is covered with sand and dust all the year round.

So the Union’s craftsmen chose another location to build an observation post while Carlos’s artillery made a war plan.

About ten minutes away, Carlos took the lead in less than three minutes before rushing.

Following the simple steps and walking several zigzags, Carlos boarded the observation station, and then, the wooden railing was directly snapped off by Carlos.

The war fortress, the war fortress in the distance...


In the range of vision, if the ink dripping into the pond, the flames of the flames of gunpowder will burn the plains and be stained with the color of the lines of the wind.

Although the wind on the top of the hill was strong, the people who followed Carlos up to the observation station were surprised by the scenery in front of them, but they still took two steps back unconsciously. Only Carlos was standing on the edge of the platform, like a statue made of steel cast in rock.

"It's useless to watch more, go back."

Carlos calmed the stormy waves in his heart with a deep breath.

[Your friend Carlos Berserker has gone offline. 】

[Yours and strategist Carlos are already online. 】

Returning to the camp, Carlos waved and shouted at the noisy crowd.

"Khadgar, brick, you return to Ironforge separately, teleport spells, cross the mountains and ridges, whatever method you want, within two days, mobilize the army. If you can’t mobilize, let Alterac’s army be deployed. ."


"Nothing but, obey the order, and the safety of the alliance will be handed over to you. My life, the life of Marshal Lothar, and the lives of everyone in the fortress are handed over to you."

Without more words, the two great masters looked at each other and left everyone's sight to make preparations.

The others who stayed surrounded Carlos one after another.

"Without horses, there is not much we can do. Even if each of you can fight one to ten, what can you do on the battlefield of life and death between the Alliance and the Horde? The nearest fireworks are 100 kilometers away from us, waiting for you Don’t even ask for help when you run over. I’m afraid I don’t even have the strength to speak. Now collect supplies and take all the time to rest. Disband."

With the prestige and power of the past to temporarily suppress the commotions, Carlos decided to ask the Almighty Light for help.

Choosing a tent with the least amount of dust and instructing others not to disturb him, Carlos knelt on one knee in a standard posture and quickly entered a state of meditation.

In the fog of thought, Carlos walked hard, as sour and refreshing as trekking in the mud and quicksand. Time and space are meaningless in this world of thinking. Maybe they have traveled thousands of miles, maybe in a flash, or maybe a thousand years have passed. Finally, Carlos obeyed the heart's induction and found the ray of light he wanted. It was Turalyon, Uther, Gavinrad, the light of all the Paladins fighting for the Alliance. Reaching out to touch the light, Carlos saw countless fragments of memories.






In the end, connected together, is the fiery flames falling from the sky, the figures of two giant dragons tumbling and fighting, the desperate wailing of the orcs, and Lothar's tangled face.

At the end of the memory picture, only the flags of the Alliance and the Horde were left flying in the wind.

When Carlos opened his eyes again, the sky was already bleak.

Walking out of the tent, everyone was sitting around the campfire, staring silently at their commander.

"The officer left the job, and everyone else went to sleep and went down the mountain early tomorrow morning."

Carlos looked up at the night sky, and through the clouds, the blood moon was faintly visible.

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