Can't wait any longer.

Within half a month, the Alliance can smooth the pain, and so can the Horde.

According to the surviving soldiers, Orgrim was seriously injured by Lothar, but escaped.

Must swiftly, immediately, immediately, make every effort to launch an offensive to annihilate the tribe's vital forces.

Regarding the remarks that maybe the tribe itself would collapse after a while, Carlos smiled as a MMP in his heart.

The tribe the Alliance faced was not just the orcs in front of them. An Orgrim fell down and didn't know how many orcs appeared. Grom Hellscream, Ner'zhul, the war of unity between the orcs on Draenor has never ceased.

Carlos advanced the course of the war by nearly two years, greatly shortening the time for the orcs to suck blood from Azeroth. On the whole, the orcs' war potential has been weakened.

But after Gul'dan's death, Ner'zhul became the supreme leader of Draenor orcs again, which was an uncontrollable risk factor.

God knows what Ner'zhul will do to escape Kil'jaeden's punishment.

Expecting the orc tribe to collapse on its own, Carlos would rather pay a high price to make this result single-handedly.

Just like Russian roulette, a six-round revolver is loaded with only one bullet. Do you dare to bet against others?

After all, the Master will have no regrets in his own hands.

So a massive war kicked off in Carlos's plan.

Thirteen full army regiments lined up in a formation of three, three, four, three, and marched towards the tribe’s camp along the road to the south. With a nine-kilometer-wide attack line and a marching line of more than fifteen kilometers, Carlos used a total of 30,000 infantry to test the tribe’s reaction.

The answer from the tribe was only to send wolf cavalry to observe, observe, and observe again, without even harassing.

This reaction of the tribe gave Carlos great courage, which showed that the tribe had not unified the will, and even Orgrim had not recovered from the injury.

Ignoring the rhetoric that there must be a demon if something is abnormal, Carlos suppressed all discordant voices with his status and status.

The strength of the alliance has taken the upper hand, unless the tribe gathers all the forces south of the Burning Plain, it will not be able to stop the frontal push of the human soldiers.

In front of such a large number of legions, playing cleverness has no meaning. In a geographical landscape like the Burning Plains, there is no forest for the orcs to play with fire, and there is no big river for the tribe to play with flooding, and even mountains and valleys that can be preset to ambush. No, it is simply a rare decisive battlefield.

Thirteen manchurian regiments, an army of more than 40,000 people, traveled for 20 miles a day in such a mighty and mighty day, never taking one more step, just to mobilize the tribe to take the initiative to fight.

But Carlos didn't expect that the tribe's reaction was actually unable to shrink.

This is embarrassing...

Logistics, logistics, do TMD logistics!

Using a full 40,000 troops as bait, more than 14,000 cavalry soldiers were ready to enter the battlefield 30 miles behind, Carlos did not expect that the tribe would be horrified.

Carlos doesn't know how much he can earn every minute, but every minute it takes 47 gold coins to maintain the current alliance's strength in the Burning Legion, Carlos will never forget it in his dreams.

This is really embarrassing. More than 70,000 Union soldiers have been transferred to the Burning Plains. Danath Trollbane will soon lead an elite cavalry into the battle. By then, the Union can say that all ground forces have been invested. Forefront. The cavalry force of more than 20,000 people is such a terrifying force, and it is also the biggest basis for Carlos daring to face the Burning Plains and the tribal anal.

But the tribe was stunned and didn't mean to cooperate. What's the situation?

That big earthquake damaged not only the alliance’s war fortresses, but the orcs’ fortresses were also seriously damaged. They wanted to rely on the fortifications to block the alliance’s offensive. Bar!

The orcs did not play cards according to their routines, although it made the alliance's cautious look a little bloated and obtuse, and made logistics supplies even more stretched. But everything has its pros and cons. In this way, Carlos has taken the initiative in the entire battlefield situation.

You know, there are one thousand people, one after another, and ten thousand people, boundless. This kind of war between the two sides of a scale of 100,000 cannot be fought by Ulla with a long live charge. In fact, looking back at history, why are some place names repeatedly mentioned in war history books, and why are some places called battlegrounds for military strategists? Because only those places can be fought, there are enough places to fight, and only those places are recognized by both sides of the war and no one will suffer too much.

The contraction of the tribe handed off the entire central part of the Burning Plain, which gave Carlos and gave the Alliance too many choices.

For example, liberate Morgan Outpost.

After being blocked by the orcs for more than three years or four years, the survivors of Stormwind have seen so many human brothers for the first time, and it is not the tribe who saw the blackness coming down for the first time.

Moved, but dare not move.

Fighting against the tribe’s wild waves is one thing, and attacking the tribe’s fortress is another. The good men of the alliance are not afraid of death, but Carlos can’t let them go to death. Without siege equipment, it’s a matter of life. Bottomless pit.

Carlos has taken too much right and wrong, these sensitive issues must be cautious.

So on the battlefield, the tribe paid close attention, the Alliance settled down, and the smell of gun smoke from the war seemed to fade.

Turalyon is a trustworthy guy, Lothar taught him very well, in terms of details, even two Uthers better than Carlos.

The thirteen legions were handed over to Turalyon, and no one of the other generals raised objections. Carlos just grabbed the command of the cavalry firmly in his hands.

"Stabilize the current situation and get stuck in the mountain pass plain. Without that piece of land, the orcs can't even line up their troops. But definitely don't attack the fortifications of the tribe. We don't have enough supplies and orcs in theirs. The fortress is anxious underground."

Before Carlos left, he sent to Turalyon affectionately.

"Without enough preparation, you went too deep."

Turalyon chose to trust Carlos, but this does not mean that he has lost his judgment.

"The orcs won't stay in the den all the time. Look at you. There are thirteen legions, the most elite fighters in the alliance, and the strongest force in the human world. We don't know what happened to the orcs, but Under such pressure, they will make mistakes."

Carlos bewildered in a tone similar to MLM.

"Yes, the orcs will make mistakes, but so will we. Carlos, I know you have fallen out with the Ironforge gang for supplies. They dare not directly attack a king, but believe it or not, attack Your letter can fill a warship, a ship the size of Admiral Marine’s flagship."

"So our time is running out. I need to leave for a few days to coordinate and unblock. As long as the plan is completed, we can fight the orcs for three months without any scruples and crush them into bones. The Burning Plain is Their last barrier, rushed into the Redridge Mountain, and they were finished."

Carlos's words are not painful to the people of Lordaeron, but for the Alliance soldiers who have been fighting for a long time in the Burning Plains, they are very tempting, and they are even more natural to the Brotherhood of Iron Horses.

This is a truth, Carlos did not deceive.

Although the vast area of ​​Searing Gorge-Black Rock Mountain-Burning Plain is an extremely difficult road for the Alliance, it is the same for the Horde.

The noble lords of Lordaeron had the idea of ​​retreating because of the same considerations. At first, the Horde was caught off guard when they hit Ironforge. Now with the support of the Alliance, the Bronzebeard dwarves still have no problem guarding the danger, Orcs. The threat is not as great as it was at the beginning.

However, once the barriers set by the orcs in the Burning Plain were broken, the Alliance army rushed into the Redridge Mountain, and that was another new world.

The rich reserves of Redridge Mountains and Elwynn Forest can greatly relieve the pressure of material transportation in Lordaeron. Even in the restoration of Stormwind City, even if it is in ruins, the manpower and material resources accumulated in Menethil Port can be directly transported by sea. To the front line.

The most important thing is that the cost of doing so is acceptable.

The armaments spent on the road from Ironforge to the Burning Plains accounted for more than half of the military expenditures for the Alliance's Southern Expedition.

Lothar can come to Lordaeron for the support of the nations, Carlos can not come, and the future supreme commander of the alliance, whether or not Carlos, will also not come.

It is impossible for the kingdoms of Lordaeron to invest human, financial and material resources into the distance invisible to the naked eye without limitation.

Before Carlos picked up this burden, he was the King of Alterac first, he understood this truth.

Generals from noble lords also understand.

Even the soldiers understand.

The war cannot be fought indefinitely.

So Carlos wants to settle the victory when the league is the strongest.

Annihilate the main force of the Horde in the Burning Plains, and the Alliance will not lose.

There may or may not be opportunities in the future, and the immediate opportunities are the best.

Even if the materials in Ironforge's material warehouse could be transported to the front line by another third, Carlos could go to war without any hesitation.

Therefore, he must go to see Mrs. Morgan.

The special envoy had arranged the meeting between Carlos and the emissary of the Thorium Brotherhood, and now Nepharios was sent.

There is no place for orcs on the card table in this round.

"Carlos, I understand what you said, but to entrust such an important matter to diplomats, and to pin the lifeline of tens of thousands of soldiers on diplomatic mediation, I really don't care about your plan. Once the Black Stone Mountain changed, The consequences are disastrous. Marshal Lothar is already... don't you want to..."

Turalyon expressed his opinions euphemistically, looking worried.

"Actually, right now is the best opportunity. We are at war with the orcs, and the Dark Iron dwarves are at war with the Black Dragonflight. Don't do so much, my brother, do the things in front of you and avenge Marshal Lothar!"

Carlos felt that he was almost done, patted Turalyon on the shoulder, and resolutely left.

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